Will you oppose letting in North Korean refugees?
Will you oppose letting in North Korean refugees?
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As long as we kill off the current fake refugees.
Free ride? Seriously?
I call fake
Sorry sweden, your camps are already full with sand niggers, we'll take these ones. You're welcome.
No, since you autistic virgins may get some desperate gook pussy. Alpha males like me like to look out for betas like you.
That story is adorable.
>Implying you aren't our bitch
You'll do what we tell you.
You'll do what Ahmed tells you
America is full
When you got a bitch who don't know how buses work you can't have her slowing you down. Got a timetable to keep.
You throw her off
Her story is a cute display of ignorance, but just imaging million of people like her who all have nothing, know nothing, can do nothing, and would be a huge burden on the government.
Ahmed has a bitchfit once in a while and burn cars or smash windows (his own). Other than that he'll sit like a little bitch in his suburb apartment.
Why don't they just continue going to south korea where they speak the same language, have prettymuch the same culture, and more than likely have extended family members?
And rape a few women while he's at it.
China and S.Korea will get the bulk of the refugees. If some friendly Norks wanna come here and integrate, I welcome them.
Flag checks out.
Yes they will fucking steal our jobs. Trump better nuke every last one of these gooks.
South Korea would be the least safe place for refugees if war broke out.
I don't really want to insult these people but... are they really that fucking stupid ?
And black people rape yours.
It wont be you cunts taking them in, it'll be us, AND YES I FUCKING OPPOSE IT.
Shes my nork waifu you faggots cant have her
I'd explain to her that she needs to sit on my lap and tap her butt on my dick repeatedly for a few minutes to earn the bus ride points
who cares? they're the most compatible.
Getting a 50% population increase consisting of people who don't know how the modern world works would destroy the country. This, of course, could be circumvented by nuking most of the civis.
Yes. Asia is big enough and nearer, they should take care of their own people. The West should be done with taking in foreign cultures.
vart är statyn ifrån?
Given that Norks are still genetically Korean I feel like they'll figure out how modern society works pretty fast. Unlike Arabs and Blacks who hate the West and actively want to break things.
I don't think I have to. China offered a deal with north korea that china will protect north korea IF they give up their nuclear weapons
So let's let them destroy other countries that they not only will not understand technologically, but linguistically and culturally as well?
original video I want to hear her voice, so kawhy
How ca you be this monogloid?? fucking stoneage asians
No because they won't be coming from Islamic cultures.
Fuck those slants
Will they assimilate, and will they speak English right off the bat?
S.Korea usually takes them in regardless of anything.
I've even started learning their language.
Argentina has more niggers than Mexico.
I wouldn't mind a NK waifu
I will, every day after I take one in.
They could scatter them around China's massive territory, a few 100 here, a few 1000 there, and no one would even notice.
But it would probably be a better idea to force a government change, take their weaponry and just have them catch up to the rest of the world over a decade or two.
I wont oppose immigration if they are willing to learn.
Fucking Mudslimes can GTFO tho.
they'd probably love the west, i can't imagine anyone would be more redpilled on communism than a nork stepping into the real world for the first time
Only if they're not meth addicts. Reminder that meth rations are a thing in El Norte Korea.
our women CHOOSE to be raped by black men.
It's part of our culture :)
Shit really? I mean, it makes sense. Less hunger and you can keep going for longer.
At least we deal with those. You guys just give them a nice tap on the wrist, not even a slap.
Yes, provided they've been audited to prove they aren't high ranking military officers, secret police, or party officials. Those are arrested and given over to whoever is most likely to torture and kill them.
I'd take some starving Norkies over durka rapefugees pretty much any day.
I'll only allowe it if I'm allowed to have a harem full of north korean qts
As long as they integrate, absolutely not. They're fleeing from a totalitarian hellhole, and every Vietnamese refugee I've ever met (similar situation) is extremely grateful to be here, and tend to be upstanding Americans.
Plus, on a more callous note, NK hasn't suffered much of a brain drain - whereas most anyone smart/upper class got out of Syria 20+ years ago, very few North Korean doctor/lawyer/entrepreneur types made it out. Any refugee populations would have the potential to make it big in America with a little education.
Ol' perty's been making the rounds I see :^)
If they want to integrate and become a productive member of society sure
We have enough commies here
If only they had a neighbor that was the same race as them and who spoke the same language that could take them in
Who also has members of their extended families.
No he should bomb Mecca
>Brainwashed 4'0" Asian communist cultists raised to hate Americans
South Korea is pretty full as it is and that small of a country couldn't handle that much influx of people from a different culture
I'd say atleast 10% of the refugees from there could come to America as long as they learn to be a productive member of society
No, koreans are hard working, stick to themselves, and gun down rioters with shotguns from the rooftops of their stores during city riots.
trump should let refugees in and then declare it refugee season with 1 pound of gold for every foreign scalp.
Have you seen any of the defectors? As soon as they realize America and the rest of the world are actually utopia compared to NK they immediately drop all that shit
Fuck off, schlomo. We don't need any more refugees.
Yes baby let me get my dick wet
oh look
another thread proving pol is satire and you retards enjoy multiculturalism
This, maybe the children could, but not the adults unless they are defectors or something I guess.
you must be pretty pathetic if a small dicked korean can cuck you. It's obvious the only reason you're shilling is because your so pathetic your wife didn't even need a proper black bull and instead got a korean one.
white womyn will oppose it cause they hate female east asians.
>t. spanish charity
you guys are such jews
At least we resisted that for decades, rather then just bending over.. how many muzzies have YOU lynched?
I mean, that's a given.
I wouldn't but they may be infiltrators.
>tfw no QT Nork refugee to help integrate with American society, and my dick.
I live in the UK. Guy gave me a free bus ride from the town center after he accidentally charged me incorrectly for the wrong ticket.
not if they're all cute and naive her.
I got free bus rides when I was a college kid and lost my bus card.
She's cute.
You didn't deal with them under Obama and our leftist gov is also crazy.
Prime genetic stock.
You will take the jew's dick of multiculturalism up the ass and you will like it, you are their bitch sven.
I'll take yellow over brown those are our choices,lets be honest our government will not close the borders and will not make it easier for whites so yea.
No we don't mutilate our dicks here Amerifat.
They should be hanged. Fucking commies
Nork women are probably the ugliest in east Asia.
You need a Swede to turn them into Finns though.
Germany survived absorbing 50% of their population in Soviet slave rape babies
>No one posted video link yet:
Watch if you want to hear about how North Koreans starve to death and flies start eating their anus
I'll personally adopt a couple into my home. They can clean and be my maids in exchange.
Yeah, but... did it?
Fuck the Norks. We don't need low tier uneducated defectives. They are South Korea's problem.
There is nothing attractive about Korean society and the Nork version has even less to offer the world.
No it got Merkel
All of you are niggers.
No, we're only ok with them if they assimilate and they loose their culture.