Why are Latinas so crazy? I see a lot of Latinas marrying white guys rather than Latinos, and they always want big families.
Why are Latinas so crazy? I see a lot of Latinas marrying white guys rather than Latinos...
I have heard they age pretty fast, I don't think there is a reason to betray your race just to get your cock some action. I mean, you could always just masturbate, why get physically involved and betray your race just because "you felt the urge"?
I married a Cubana. Every time I met with her mother anywhere it was always "I want some grandchildren" this or "when are you getting Mrs. user pregnant?" that. We've got 2 and a 3rd on the way but I don't think she was kidding when she said she wanted at least5 kids.
>tfw no Latina gf to have 5+ kids with.
Here's another
amerindian admixture.
>Why are Latinas so crazy?
Because they're all racemixed. Race-mixing breeds insanity.
She looks like a gypsy.
There have been hundreds of posts trying to convince white guys on Sup Forums to date/fuck/marry Latina women.
I wonder (((who))) is posting these
the only right answer
who is this and why is she posted here all the time?
Anyway latinas are cool and all, but most of them age pretty badly. If you meet a latina take a good look at their mothers, because that's how they turn out.
no u
Find yourself a white latina. All the benefits of Latina females with much less downsides (bad aging, racemixing etc.). Try Cubans, Argentinians and Uruguayan which are most likely to be 100% European.
>they're already starting to age like shit in this one, compared to the older pic that gets spammed
>Latina genetics
Daily reminder that WM/LF is the God-tier combination and will save the White race from extinction.
Probably some white boy. Don't be surprise when she cucks you and goes looking for cock on Craigslist.
*colonization intensifies*
C-cannt resist
lmao, this is true.
>Nasty Amerindian pig noses
>God tier
Neck yourself shill
They get fat once the start squeezing out babies.
They have make up on. You're and idiot.
See them in the morning and you're fucked.
I had a real life tsundere experience.
Round Mexican cunt, would be a massive bitch just to get my attention.
She wanted it but I wasn't having any of it.
Still hate that bitch
desu those probably look pretty without makeup
be weary of the ones that take pictures and have a white face but a brown neck
It's in their very culture to be communal. The more people and noise around them the more safe and happy they feel. This goes deep down into their psychology. Be careful.
My latina gf has 11 brothers/sisters. Big families are always there for each other.
upturned noses are Aryan af pleb.
>100% European
Listen to yourself, you little shit.
>Find a latina
>Family oriented
>Smart enough
>Kinky enough
>T H I C C
>All meaningful conversations get shut down and any attempt to communicate has a chance of her unleashing hell on you because of some backward sophism she's ready to pull on you just for the hell of having an argument and drama
Don't do it anons
Would fuck them all. Damn their hot
t. virgins
This. My wife,my mil, and 2 sils look almost like clones.
Latinas are fucking insane though
They would start fight out of fucking nowhere
I would agree with this order
t. donkey fucker
Yeah it was pretty fukn weird meeting all of them. Some were as old as my parents.
Any creature with a vagina is either hotter or similar to the goblins we have here. They should also be easier to get.
just need to find yourself a qt mexican intellectual, user.
Trust this belgian. Same applies to italian women. I type this laying in bed next to one.
All girls love white cock. It's just nature.
t. beheader
they're probably not really any more crazy than average, they just tend to unleash the crazy more often rather than keep it inside
also 3 > 4 >> 2 >> 1
I've gone through 2 pregnancies with my wife and have yet to see the sophisms come out.
Are there any though?
If she was white I'd be supremely jealous.
Latinas are huuuuge sluts for white cock
Heres a hint. If your gf is arguing with you over seemingly nothing, she doesn't respect you.
>Are there any though?
yes but not in the US. Any latina qt with half a brain here succumbs to feminism.
You have to go down south to find them.
No wonder your ancestors raped and pillaged them
>be me
>grow up in Miami
>surrounded by latins
>don't hate them
>don't love them
>see their strengths and flaws
>girls look REAL good until 30
>animals in bed
>coochies a lil smellier than white girls
>30 hits
>train flies off the tracks
>hips grow wider every second of the day
>mustache starts to grow
>stomach and ass start growing
tl;dr they are fun girlfriends while young. DO NOT marry. You will regret it when you roll over one morning and find Conchita in your bed asking if you bought more Lemon Pledge.
I always, always thought this was a myth. Like I refused to believe that every latinas were like that.
But the more I got into it, the more time you spent with them, the more you see that even the more reasonable ones have that strange culture of "being passionate" - which is an easy way to say "being fucking crazy".
There's no communicating on important matters either, or asking them to be sceptical about their ways. They will try to corner you at every arguments to make you say something you clearly didn't.
You could say this is a woman thing in general but boy is it certainly a latina thing. No European woman I've met - except maybe Parisians, Spanish and Italian women, do that as hard as latinas do.
Stay strong, man
How old was she when you got her, user ?
>Implying latinas have respect for anything other than themselves
All jokes aside, I don't think it's that easy to say
>Why are Latinas so crazy?
As in loud and violent? It's cultural of course. On American (((TV))) it's portrayed as cute when she starts cursing in Spanish and waving a spatula around.
They're all 140cm too, so your offpsring would be 160-165
Their culture is family-oriented.
> tfw I only bowl with the size 14 ball and these are all 10s
Her whole family looks pale as an Irishman except for one sister who lives in Panama, but that just her getting a tan.
My 2 sils both married white guys as well, so I can see that. I just hope I raise my daughters right and see them married to fine white men. 2 boys and a girl on the way.
They just stop caring I guess. My wife and I still go to the gym 3 times a week. She's 28 and I'm 27.
She was 19 when I met her and 20 when we started dating. Married her at 24 and had our first child at 25.
>tfw chilean gf
if your children arent white (non-brown eyes and/or non-brown hair) then its meaningless
Would you?
Doesn't Chile has the biggest infidelity rate of Latin America, which is saying a lot ?
>First child at 25
Surprised she didn't ask you sooner.
Or popped your rubber sooner.
no wonder they can't keep their cartels at bay
According to who? There is no way that we are on top of Brazil
One son is sandy blond hair and blue eyed, and the other is light brown and green eyed.
No. Absolutely not.
She did ask me the night we got married, but I told her we'd better not until I had a personal situation handled. We used every contraption available until I got it resolved and then it was just like a switch got flipped and she turned into an absolute freak
Like I said, she's a very light skinned cubana.
nobody in the DR looks like that
The savage Aztec blood doesn't end at the cartels, it is in every brown Latina girl. They are high in trait neuroticism and are highly mentally ill
get rekt
Have latina gf. Horny as fuck. Never lets me use condoms. Dat feel when doggy style with those huge butts. Brrrap.
If being white means non-brown eyes and non-brown hair, then fuck the white race I want my pale skin black hair brown eyed waifu
Don't remember mate. Can't find any article about it. Might be wrong then
Cubanas seem more reasonable than their mainland latina counterparts.
The fact that in all those years you aren't screaming because of her backward logic and strawman arguments make me think that you either struck gold or that maybe Cuba has more easy-going lasses.
Hoping the best for you user
you won't be saying that with a knife between your ribs
It's fun for awhile, but the longer you let it go on the more it will drain you. Except if you get lucky
Yeah. She is berko nuts. Runs off pure emotion and not logic. Also possesive as fuck. Cant take a dump without her checking up on me via txt.
>fake blonde, brown eyes
so by your logic this guy is whiter than
this guy?
I feel bad about it, but I hooked up with a married Brazilian chick. She was too sexy to resist, I tried but failed. She told me at work that she got wet when she talked to me, and her husband quit having sex with her.
Moral of the story, if you have a hot latina wife, make sure you give her regular dicking or she will get it somewhere else, and fast.
Yes user stay ayas from latinas. They are not for you, stick with your skinny white woman
Mine only let me use contraceptives because I told her we outdoor have kids immediately after I finished setting up our financial future. Oh man, the night I told her we were in the clear was our best night together. She was so happy we could start our family.
From what I've seen with the cubano community, they seem less...aggressive I guess than say Mexicans or Brasilians.
Thanks user.
it is alwaysamerican who says this, don't you realize that the majority of native europeans have brown hair/eyes?
>Latinas are crazy!
only if you are white beta. They are submissive with Latino men. You come at them.with Western Anglo male feminism and equality they are going to step all over you. In my family women know their place, don't sit down to eat until all males have been served and ask permission from their husband each time they do anything. My mom still asks permission to my dad to even go to Wal-Mart. oppressive maybe but Latinas will step all over you if you come at them with that equality bullshit. when they act out it's because they want to see how you will handle it. not because they are insane
Too late user
They do now
White bois, dare I say it, BTFO?
My wife still asks me if she can go out with friends or go shopping and stuff. It feels weird at times but I got used to it a long time ago.
spics are disgusting
Not too late, Don't marry them and have kids with them. Remember, they get old and fat after 25, listen to the anons on this tread
>She's 28 and I'm 27.
Tick tock tick tock...
Talk to me in 2 years famalamadingdong.
Who is bullying that poor young man
They are white.
>Why are Latinas so crazy?
If by crazy you mean super emotional, I dunno.
>I see a lot of Latinas marrying white guys rather than Latinos, and they always want big families.
Some household teach that marrying white people is "improving the race". Race mixing is not much of an issue in Latin America as it is for whites as well.
>I have heard they age pretty fast, I don't think there is a reason to betray your race just to get your cock some action. I mean, you could always just masturbate, why get physically involved and betray your race just because "you felt the urge"?
Almost no one thinks on terms of "betraying your race" in Latin America, mate
A "have a lot of kids" gene hasn't been discovered yet as far as I know.
she has a penis doesn't she
>Tfw both your parents are under 180cm
>Tfw grandpa was a tall blue eyed european
>Tfw didn't get blue eyes but I ain't no manlet
Read my posts and try again.
Will do sir. We've been doing our thing for almost 6 years, and she didn't stutter even after 2 kids.