Why did Hitler lose the war?

Why did Hitler lose the war?

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Because he was an artist who created art. better to go down fighting

Turned on Russia.

he flew too close to the sun

He attacked Russia

Because Judea declared war on Germany in 1933

1) Invasion of the Soviet Union was a disaster
2) Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
3) Didnt invade Britain
4) didn't focus on developing nukes

because of the Eternal Anglo


Because he wouldn't eat beef, pajeet.

Was it autism?

Because Jews.

Thank the good goys in (((America)))

Should've just pulled back to cozy Warsaw and watched the commies starve over the winter.

fewer factories
USA could spawn faster
should made pals with russian then helped russian spawn really fast
not purging spies fast enuf
but lack of factories is really it

Russia was planning to attack Germany anyway.

The real reason is that Japan attacked the wrong country. Japan should have attacked Russia.

instead of inbreed bongs

Operation sealion literally had no chance of success.

Inernational Jewry summoned all of its might to crush them, as well as them making a few mistakes themselves

>whats that Germany? Youre building up your military in clear violation of the treaty of Versailles? Alright, we'll let it slide, just dont go starting shit

>whats that Germany? You just moved your military into the Rhineland? An even bigger violation and an act of aggression against France? Alright, I'll let this one slide, lets just get along, ok?

>whats that Germany? You just annexed Austria after assassinating their leader and almost causing a war to break out? These aggressive actions are frowned upong, but dont worry, well let this one slide to.

>whats that Germany? Youre now threatening war against Czechoslovakia because they wont just give you 1/3rd of their country? Well, we want to avoid another war at all cost, but we will call a special meeting to give this to you as long as you promise this is it. We have given you numerous passes already

>Germany, did you just move your military into Lithuania and take a chunk of the country? Did you just go back on your word and continue your aggressive actions? This is your last chance Germany

>Did you just invade Poland in a war of conquest Germany?! This is the final straw, withdraw your troops within 3 days or we will be forced to fight you.


He was a shit Artist.

Because the Indian shit was in the way.

Because he didn't consider other white european countries the enemy. We sided with the commies and attacked him.

Now we have bank bailouts and 63 genders to choose from

>lend lease
>invaded Europe
>gave a shit ton of supplies and tanks to the Soviet barbarians.
They are to blame.

He was a fucking retard who chose to spam V2 missiles and kill da jooz instead of manufacture jet fighters that the Allies had no idea how to fight against.

He also failed to learn from history and invaded Russia in the winter immediately after signing a peace treaty with them because he niggerrigged Germany's economy to depend on conquest for resources instead of trade.

He ALSO was mentally ill and refused to listen to his advisers frequently set them up to clash with each other and executed people for no reason because he was paranoid they'd try to kill him and continued doing it until they really did try to kill him.

Hitler was a charismatic idiot who lost from Day 1 because he was, at his core, a mediocre failed artist who thought getting gassed in the trenches once and then sitting the first World War out made him a military man.

you indians know all bout shit dont ya

Germans were low test beta males whose heart wasn't in it


He shouldn't have flexed on Chamberlain the way he did either, when Churchill took over he didn't forget that shit

Why couldn't have Hitler just concentrated on turning Germany in the jewel of Europe instead of throwing it all away with his land grabs?

All that work that his predecessors to united Germany, down the gutter

>ww2 wasnt god tier art

why do you people even exist stop coming to canada

Low energy

Hitler was right, and there is nothing wrong with conquest and war if it benefits the West. Your country will soon be destroyed by Russia because of your complacency and hubris. Your leaders launch Zionist wars while you sit there, playing with your pecker.

because he thought he knew better than his generals

Now that is a shitpost.

Hitler thought he could be a general and fucked everything up

Just leave out all the inconveniant parts so you can form a narrative, typical burger education.

>Czecheslovakia called for martial law in the sudetenland and started murdering and oppressing the ethnic germans, also the majority wanted to be united with germany.

>Poland was murdering east prussians and refused to give up Danzig after there germany promised for a referendum on danzig joining germany and would exchange other regions in return.

Because he was an asshole.

I noticed this too while watching Downfall.He would throw hissy fits and not listen to his generals who obviously knew better.

Yes, because a fictional movie is an accurate representation of real historical events.

>inconvenient parts
>all the shit still happened

his ego was too big for germany

well he was never actually trying to win the war just like he wasnt trying to kill jews. zyklonB was used to clean typhoid contaminated clothing back in those days

\the jews even begrudgingly admit zylkonB was used by nazis to clean typhoid contaminated clothing and who the fuck feeds people you were going to ethnically cleanse? wouldnt you just put them in holes alive not even waste bullets on them?

getting a little off topic here. you have a few things happening in a small time frame in the grand scheme of things that create the conditions for germany to whore itself out.

1) being economically fucked post WW1 . 2) being more fucked thanks to romanian illegal immigrants who drove up crime. 3) not having the east asian pacific islands they had stolen pre WW1 any more which ensured a white owned path to the orient. the japs beat germany in WW1. funny how many white people dont know that

so to get rid of the romanians , get even with japan and restore a white owned path to china which the brits demanded well germany went and became a faggot who would ultimately become the poster child for why whites have to be erased. they were promised and got economic relief in the form of brand new factories which were nicer and better made than what they had which gave them a advantage over other european countries as well as having got rid of the romanians and america owned a path to china

some might not get the relevance to the path to china. naval forces which would be needed in the event of a revolt (which now isnt even a possibility since the colonial territory was handed over to china years ago) would need to be refueled and if your stuck fighting well away from a place you cant even use bombers on them with older planes


Yep.His actual assistant was involved with the movie and she did say he gassed 6 million Jews.

He invaded Russia and got BTFO by the winter.
Stalin was scared shitless of him he should've invaded UK and Russia would've stood and watched cause they had their pact also.
The US wouldn't fight on 2 fronts and would choose to fight Japan cause it would win easier.
Basically Hitler was a stubborn moron, he should've retreated from Russia early cause the blitz was not as effective as France.

>Russia was planning to attack Germany anyway.

>Treaty of Versaille
the fact that you're pretending that it was a reasonable treaty in the first place is laughable
land taken back by its rightful owner
shouldn't have accepted land that wasn't theirs in Treaty of Versaille

hitler time and again ignored his generals advice

Holocaust was fake.

He was just an amateur painter and a soldier after all.

>Russia was planning to attack Germany anyway
I'm so sick of this fucking meme

>should made pals with russian

t.no knowledge of actual history

>Operation sealion literally had no chance of success.

this fact cannot be over emphasized. the german air force lost, and the germans had no way to land a large army in britain.

>. We sided with the commies and attacked him.

because he was killing everyone in his path, and wanted to kill you.

fucking Sup Forums is so retarded.

2017 is not 1939. goddamn people are stupid.

I'd bet they were just because Stalin was in deep with the kikes.

The US set up pearl harbor anyway, so the Japs couldn't do anything and were dragged into it anyway.

Vae Victis, motherfucker. Land has no 'rightful owner' - and if it did, Poland has more of a right to exist than Germany ever did.

>whats that Germany, are you trying to defend yourself while we plunder your country and the soviet union sets the world aflame
>what's that Germany, you just exercised your right as a sovereign nation
>what's that Germany, did those pesky Austrian goyim just exercise their right to national self determination
>what's that germany did you just threaten war with Czechoslovakia because they won't give independence to the disenfranchised and mistreated volksdeutsche that constitute 10% of their population and the majority in the Sudetenland
>what's that germany, did 87% of the population of memel just vote to join you?
I rate you dumb as a bag of rock/10

These threads always give headaches seeing how uninformed people are.

>Britain refusing peace at any price which kept the western front open, responsible for lots of resources needed to defend the western front
>USSR in the back with the biggest land military in the world, more than the other powers in the war combined (which got wrecked by 80% within 4 months)
>Britain supported by US from the beginning, later also the USSR got support from the US (huge amounts, important for both. No lend lease for Britain and they would accept peace offers and the USSR received 30-40% of all food and natural resources from the US in addition to finished planes, tanks, hundreds of thousands of trucks etc... Lend Lease was a relevant game changer)
>USSR sending huge amounts of people to the front, sacrificing everything
>Mussolini being useless and even fucking up attacking Greece
>High ranking resistance members fucking up everything left and right, giving attack plans to Britain and Russia (sometimes captures soviet officers told the wehrmacht their next targets, even the Wehrmacht soldiers didn't know yet)
>Resistance member also falsified maps, changed supply routes, stopped orders from reaching the front or stopped infos getting to Hitler
>Normandy invasion known beforehand by intelligence but info suppressed by resistance members, even sending away troops to the eastern front to weaken the western defenses

Some reads for that

>Hitlers Revolution by Tedor (chapter about the Resistance movement)
>Lend Lease article on Wiki en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lend-Lease
>Also Book about Lend Lease:“Russia’s Life-Saver: Lend-Lease Aid to the U.S.S.R. in World War II by Albert L. Weeks

’The United States is a country of machines. Without the use of these
machines through Lend-Lease, we would lose this war.’ - Josef Stalin (1943),
quoted in W. Averell Harriman and Elie Abel, Special Envoy to Churchill and
Stalin, 1941-1946, Random House, N.Y., 1975, p. 277.

Because the jews threatened to kill his mom.

Alright I'm adding some more questions since I want to get Redpilled on this whole thing.
Was his heart in the right place? With all the Aryan masterrace thing and NatSoc?
Also what is NatSoc even? I thought socialism was a meme.
I know I can google it but this seems more better.

With complete aerial superiority Operation Sealion would most certainly have succeeded. The British army was too small and ill equipped (lost most of their equipment at Dunkirk) to put up effective resistance. If they even landed Churchill would most likely be outsted and a new Prime Minister would sign an agreement with Hitler.

Because then we wouldn't have an opportunity to redeem ourselves.

Hitler thought well of Britain and was suprised when we wernt allies.

"Judea" declared war on Germany (for being anti-semetic) long before 1939 and Britain was allied with Judea - palestine was British at the time.

I knew this before Sup Forums got to me. and im not NatSoc - im libertarian if anythng

>invaded Russia in the winter
American education, everyone
if the soviets had gotten what they wanted in the winter war, they would have shared a border with Sweden, the country supplying most of Germany's iron. the red army was undergoing a massive size increase and modernization, and shared a border with (in their own words) fascist pigs. they were nearly in a position to deal a decisive blow to Germany, why wouldn't they attack if Hitler didn't?

>Why did Hitler lose the war?

The jews betrayed him.

Russia was Communist. Their ideology literally required them to overthrow every government on earth. They declared war on the entire world in 1917, and it took 72 years to put them down.

>Was his heart in the right place?

this place needs to be burnt to the ground.


Why did you let them jews subvert your country, anyway

Pretty much why I'm asking.My history curriculum in high school was garbage and i consume information better through Sup Forums threads compared to a 1000 word article.

because jews

Japan didn't attack USSR for oil instead of USA

>Hitler thought well of Britain

hitler said one thing one day and another thing the next day. he fucking lied to chamberlain and you apparently believed the lies.

check out his list of brits to be executed once he invaded your island.

goddamn i'm out of this retarded revisionist thread.

bye, idiots.

regardless of his heart being in the right place, his blunders all but killed european nationalism forever, everything happening to the west now can be traced back to his failures

Britain has always been a haven for jews. I think Henry 8th didnt like them but for centuries when every other nation was kicking them out, Britain accepted them.

Then Britain wrote the Balfour declaration (in 1917 btw) long before WW2.

It was all planned out

German industry was inefficient and its military vehicle and aircraft design programs badly managed.

Failure to focus on submarines lost the war in the West and East, because US supplies, aircraft, trucks and tanks were vital to Soviet survival.

"The only thing that ever really frightened me during the war was the U-boat peril."
Winston Churchill

he just loved his own people too much, and others' not enough, the same ideas can be adapted for even multiracial countries.

But that's wrong you goddamn idiot, Hitler was a visionary who would have brought Europe to an unprecedented golden age had the UK not jewed out and silenced every single voice of reason.
Look at what we got instead, an absolute nightmare.

Because hes retarded and made some of the worst decisions in military history.


Hitler made the only choice he had to invade Russia before they could fully arm up and mobilize, and before UK regrouped, and before US was in the War.

The alternative was what? Wait around to get DPed on two fronts by a fully prepared UK, USSR, and USA?

The only mistake was not invading Russia sooner and wasting time with the battle of Britain

>invaded your island.
He didnt invade Britain. Jersey and Gurnsey but not Britain.
Where is this list of executed Brits?

I dont claim to kniw the truth - but I know I have been lied to about everything - WW2 is just one of many things

>With complete aerial superiority Operation Sealion would most certainly have succeeded.

There was near zero sealift. Aircraft cannot occupy ground nor loiter 24/7. No sealift means no fucking invasion.

Because he won way to easily early on like Napoleon, got overconfident like Napoleon and went straight forward for Russia splitting forces like Napoleon before shamefully losing and retiring to his cuck place like Napoleon. Noth had great potential, wasted by overconfidence and lack of patience. They will both go down in history and be remembered until the last human civilization dies out much like Caesar or Alexander Magnum so all of your virgin neets can shut your whore mouth and stop shittalking any of those great men before you accomplish anything worthy of being remembered by countless generations of humans.
Also you biggest figure, Gandhim will only be remembered by history faggs in some centuries pajeet, just so you know.

Most were young kids who were forced into it, they didn't want to be frozen in Russia.

Invading Russia was actually his best decision. The Red Army leadership was still recovering from Stalin's purge in 1941, and the USSR was not really prepared for war. They had,however, began to undertake a massive rearmament programme, like Germany, and it is likely that if Hitler had attacked any later the USSR would have been completely unconquerable. He could have won in Russia had he not taken personal command of the Eastern Front at crucial moments and given his generals (Guderian, von Manstein in particular) more control of the war. His other mistakes include not taking Leningrad by force, but undertaking a prolonged siege, and his failure to capture Moscow before winter (which could have been avoided had the Japanese attacked from the east). Germans also failed to produce any good tanks that could be easily mass produced, like the Soviets did.

Because it was prophesized that the saints were to be overcome in the latter days...

>Reinhard Heydrich=/=Adolf Hitler

>Was his heart in the right place?
Mostly yes
>With all the Aryan masterrace thing
Distorted racial policy by allied post war propaganda. The German race was not seen as superior to others, just that different races have different traits which lets them excell at certain tasks. Look into the comments of the ministry of race from around 1940. The official policy given out by the government did not imply superiority to other races.

>and NatSoc
I would say it's the best system we have come up yet in human history, yet it is far from perfect

>Also what is NatSoc even? I thought socialism was a meme.
This hardly can't be answered with the small post limit on this board. Look through the NatSoc general yourself: pastebin.com/adMtb1gX

HAHA a sand nigger indian who loves Hitler, I have seen everything.

Is that ironic?

>nazi apologist website
Dropped. Don't complain, it's just like how you folks dismiss sources you don't like as "Jewish propaganda" :)

Because the world was retarded and fucked Germany

Fucking try hard fag


Germany BTFO Russia in WW1, why couldn't they do it again?

That image in the back is disturbing

Stop loving haitian cocks

>The German race was not seen as superior

because he was weak

Did you learn that from Schlomo? Draw better paintings then if you think so.

There is no justice in the world

Then read the book from suvorov who uses sources from the soviet archives opened in 1990. You know what will happen? You will do the same you claim "we" are doing, simply denying the validity of the sources used to keep your world view in check.

Hitler was retarded and didn't beware of the overextension and coalitions forming against him when was plobbing.