>tfw you got your son suspended from school because you redpilled him
Tfw you got your son suspended from school because you redpilled him
good job son
Should be proud dick wad .
Well that was stupid, should've just dropped bread crumbs and let him become redpilled on his own.
Not true. Didn't happen. Kill self. Faggot.
Don't tell your 8 years old son he should beat up all the blacks at school dumbass
what is bad with him beating up shitskins?
it works for poland
I feel bad people on here are parents, poor kids never stood a chance.
>not sending them to school with guns
Are you even trying burger bro?
>son is in fifth grade
>he came home one day and told me they started learning about the holocaust (brainwashing starts earlier and earlier, plus his teacher is jewish)
>talks about how sad it was and how mean Hitler was, typical bluepilled stuff
>my spawn will be no such thing
>told him it never happened. Simply explain the inconsistencies like gas chambers, census reports, doctored photos, etc.
>explain Hitler was a great leader, show him a speech
>told him (((they))) lie about it to maintain power
>never told him to hide his powerlevel, he must have took it upon himself to correct the record
>next time they talked about it, he basically repeated what I said
>can only imagine the teacher must have went 'oy vey!'
>he came home, suspended for 1 week and now the school wants to talk to me
Fuck me.
shoulda told him to hide
No way lol.
>never told him to hide his powerlevel
What are you going to say to the school?
As you have a child, you can't pretend to be retarded,. That's my go-to trick for most every day situations.
>Indoctrinating your kids
Don't give him political views, just teach him the proper way to look at evidence and explain that not everything is as one sided and cut and dry as he is told. Congrats on getting your son labelled as a Holocaust denier so early though.
Fucking kek
If you're not bullshitting when are you going to your son school and talk to the principal?
>cramming your fifth grader full of red pills
>expected him not to go back to school with this information
Ya fucked up
>my son
You mean your wfies son.
>teaching the truth
fuck off kike
Monday. I don't know what to say. But now that Trump is president I feel more confident, I might just pull him out and homeschool him.
Lmao. Good job though, they can't keep us down forever. If the principal tries to get you to recant, have some prepared articles ready to show how the narrative has changed over time, and that you believe in the right to free inquiry. Point out how there are no laws against doubting that Jesus was the son of God, though arguably that would be a much more significant fact than the Holocaust. Double down and make sure your kid doesn't get any shit. Good luck m8.
>Monday. I don't know what to say.
Call him a Kike user, the truth shall sets you free
Based af. You did the right thing.
This is fucking copypasta
fuck off
just repeat the things he told his son, its not like anyone there is actually going to know anything about the holocaust or WW2 beyond americans role in it and the nazi were satan.
if op does maybe 5-10 hours of solid research on events leading to the war, germany attacking poland and taking over france, what the internment camps were and how other nations had them, no proof of mass murders, capable gas chambers or ovens to handle the numbers claimed, and other things; op could go on the offense and tell them to stop teaching on subjects they know nothing about
You're a fucking idiot. What you did wasn't "redpilling", it was flat-out lying. And you're not redpilled if you think Hitler was great. He was a socialist, retard. A centrist authoritarian.
I don't believe this post. One because the story is far fetched. Also, not least of which is the misuse of memery. If OP was really redpilled and viewed himself as such, why would he use an image of a normie for himself and not pepe?
This is a shill thread meant to dishearten neo-nazi Sup Forumsacks. As a freedom loving patriot who despises these kind of tactics employed by the left I can not stand by and see my fellow Sup Forumsacks misled.
That being said Hitler was an awful leader, and evil man, the holocaust happened, and their is no vast jewish conspiracy to take over the world.... But jews do typically display a very strong in-group preference. And no it was not because of the holocaust. Because there is no way that a group could survive without assimilating into another culture for literally centuries and centuries without its own homeland unless there was a strong in-group preference.
It's not real. This is a fake post by shills.
^ very true
> never told him to hide powerlevel
You cucked yourself
This never happened because fifth graders arent smart enough to know how gas chambers or reports even work.
I have read this pasta before
You should have told him Semites are tricky and to get one over on them you have to discuss this stuff in private.
Maybe where you come from, nigger
Go take another Muslim cock Sven
Fuck off shariacuck shills
>Trump is President so I will homeschool him
That's just stupid.
Your an attention seeking faggot.
>One because the story is far fetched.
So the Holocaust didn't happen.
nobody has a kid for 10 years and doesn't realize children are fucking stupid and will say this shit out loud.
this. even if you tell him to hide his power level, he will still fuck up.
you have to ease people into it.
he has to figure it out years later.
Well the biggest point of far-fetchededness in the story is that the child was suspended from school for a week. Talk with parents to discuss 'problematic event at school'? Sure I could see that. But not suspension. Also the way the father 'redpilled' his son. Any parent that has been a parent long enough knows to hedge their bets when dealing with kids so they never go all in with the factual details and instead focus in on making sure their kid gets the emotional gist of it.
This would look more like a parent saying something along the lines of "Hitler was a bad guy, but simply reducing it down to that is over simplifying the entire situation."
Also anyone who held the beliefs of a Nazi sympathizer wouldn't wait until fifth grade to 'educate' their child on 'the truth' of Nazism.
But again the main point of contention with this fabliau is the school and teacher's reaction. There wouldn't be a suspension. Chances are the teacher especially if Jewish would relish the chance to try to disprove the child's errant beliefs. Yes depending on what the child said there could be a phone call but not much else.
This story is more lefty faggotry. This coming from the side that claims to be more empathetic and humanist. Yet surprisingly enough all their made up bullshit shows a complete misunderstanding of how human being really act in real life. For more examples look at all Hate Crimes "committed' by radical right wingers after Trump's election. Yeah asshole, I'm sure your story about just scraping together enough money to buy a slice of Pizza in NYC and then suddenly be attacked by a rock-throwing Trump supporter who sped by in his car and yelled "Faggot!" to you is 100% real.
Top kek
I do not believe you bot on the off chance that you are speaking the truth. Just talk to them, elementary school teachers are mostly subhuman trash and you can easily walk right over them when it comes to anything. You just have to stare at them intensely and they will cower like the sacks of shit they are.
Good. Your dumb "red-pill" shit should stay exclusive to this board where you can fester in your own ignorance.
Trash b8
Yeah. Not believing every number they spew out is understandable and being skeptical towards the numbers and the way it was done is good, but outright denying it is wrong
>never told him to hide his powerlevel, he must have took it upon himself to correct the record
my sides
I totally didn't see this thread a week or so ago.
if this somehow isn't a bullshit copypasta then you deserved to be ostracized for your idiotic views. hitler was nothing more than a socialist bastard
You didn't.
you're a piece of shit parent. I go on here for the memes but damn if you're not LARPING you're actually a terrible human being i'm so glad i will never be you
actually really worried about this.
Well they should not be teaching fake history in school. Fuck them. This is why home schooling is based as fuck.
Just say he learned it from watching youtube videos of some guy name Pewdiepie