Pic related, thoughts?
1st Female US President in 4 years
literally obama with a wig
fool me can't get fooled again
if doobs ivaka is first female president
>not Indian
>obama is a giant pussy
>elect an actual giant pussy next time
Yeah no.
Wife material
kek wills it
xdddd witnessed le epic digits
scary thing is that she could actually win.
kys faggots
>Female Shitskin Hindu Democrat
Stop shilling this progressive. Just becuase she antiwar and anti Muslim doesn't mean the rest of her positions aren't shit
>le reddit 'kys'
Praise be to Kek!
She's great everywhere except for guns.
Nope. I will never vote for a woman. After I die in 40 years elect who you want.
There's no way. She's way too independent for the party leadership. Also, a lot of her "appeal" is her ethnicity and religion. The liberals prefer their party to look like Noah's ark instead of promoting competence.
>except for guns
So she's complete shit then and should be fucking barred from all public office?
>In politics
This is insanity
Any anti-war politician is great by default, any pro-war candidate is shit by default. She's at least the lesser evil if she runs against Trump.
First female and first jewish president...
how about never a female president
look at germany
>Any anti-war politician is great by default, any pro-war candidate is shit by default
Trump used to be anti-war, but then he got elected and decided to be pro-war...
the question is, unless trump is playing "insert #" D chess, who should replace him in 4 years?
Bernie was antiwar. Was he great by default?
moon crater material lol
Being anti gun means she's pro war as fuck. Just that she's warring against the American public.