Can I get a quick rundown on why everyone hates them again?
Can I get a quick rundown on why everyone hates them again?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because they are successful and pol is retarded failures.
what are you talking about everyone loves the jews
Israel/Mossad has a disproportional amount of influence in the world theater, and the financial and entertainment industry are dominated by them. They are also overrepresented in politics, and Jewish think tanks are at the root of almost every push for diversity and forced multiculturalism, except in their home countries.
Honestly they're the master people. .01% of the population but 22% of all Nobel prizes
whites are to jews as blacks are to whites.
Let's think about the black man. He kicks and screams that the white "man" is after him and keeping him down.
It's the white man's fault that they're society is fucked, that they can't be richer, it's their fault for everything. Yet you guys know that's not the case.
Sound familiar? That's what you whites sound like to us. We're obviously successful, intelligent, and tribal.
Our culture is very unique and strong and can weird out outsiders to the level that they believe that our success is somehow gained from evil sources and therefore at the cost of yours. Maybe in some cases, but in those cases that's basic human competition in play and has nothing to do with judaism itself.
I don't like/dislike/hate Judaist Euro White Semite bankers who want to take your money & run
I hate them because I'm a jealous, bitter, lonely parasite. True story.
except our society was better without you
The religion of Judaism is what is terrible. It is a religion of pride and spiritual death. There are some Jews who seem to retain that pride even if they are not religious, and that is also terrible. It is wrong, however, to discriminate against ethnic Jews for being ethnically Jews alone, because they may not be smug and prideful like the stereotype that all Jews are like that. It is like hip hop culture in the African American community: hip hop culture generally promotes things like violence, drugs, hustling, gang loyalty, etc.; however, not all black people are into the hip hop culture, and it is wrong to condemn all black people to that stereotype.
uhhh this is recent history you kike retard
you guys have never built and defended a nation without us
we can and have over and over without you
acting like this is a kangz argument is typical kike argumentative style and i hope you get gassed
yes there are good jews and good blacks
but the gene distributions unfortunately mean cleansing is the only reasonable solution so our children dont need to live with the monstrous genetic mean that their offspring will possess
>hurr durr israel wouldn't exist without our help
yea but it still exists, obviously the white man was indebted to the jew in some case, or the white man allowed himself to be coerced into helping to create a jewish state.
Not all battles are fought physically. Although I would be hard to explain the enlightened sleuthy jew mind to a goy.
cant wait to hear the jewish bants from inside the gas chamber they will probably be legitimately funny
Hating Jews is the grand-daddy of all forced memes. Nazis needed an internal enemy to justify suppressing dissent, so they invented a Vast Jewish Conspiracy of cultural bolshevists and blamed them for both everything Nazis dislike and everything Germans dislike. Debt up to your eyeballs? Could it be bankers? Nah, only the Jewish ones are at fault. Hyperinflation? If the Jews control everything they must have printed all that money. Losing WWI? Jews. Treaty of Versailles? Obviously France and Britain wouldn't want to fuck Germany over after all that trench warfare, it must have been the Jews. The fact that your dick gets hard when you see a nice Aryan man-ass? Obviously Jews made you gay. The fact that women think having 8 kids and doing your laundry until they die in childbirth is shitty? Only a Jew could have suggested that to them. Marxists want to redistribute your wealth to the peasants? Peasants are too stupid to want your wealth, the Jews must have told them to want your wealth.
Nowadays, it persists for several reasons.
- The Holocaust makes fascism look bad. Therefore, the people who want fascism push variants on 'it never happened and anyhow they deserved it'.
- Almost everyone knows it's bullshit. By getting people to spread anti-Jewish memes, the fash get an identifiable mixture of lying weasels who will serve their cause and sheeple who will fund it. Sorting the sheeple from the weasels is a bit of work from the outside, but from inside it's not - they just assign 'em sheep-jobs and weasel-jobs and let 'em self-sort.
(Out of space, so I'll explain relevance of pic in next post.)
העברתי לך 5 שקל :^)
Ask you're neighboring thread
People are inherently social. When we know we don't know something, we're happy to rely on others who DO know to explain it. This works great when you're asking a friend for advice on which turn to take to get to their house, or when you want to know the difference between a 'tall' coffee and a 'grande' coffee. This works a lot less well when you're trying to decide whether or not to take out a student loan and your only advisor is an employee of the lender, or when you're trying to decide whether or not to drink bleach and your only advisor is a UKIP member and the glowing testimonials to the joy of drinking bleach on his website.
If the Nazis can get the APPEARANCE of an anti-Jew consensus on Sup Forums or the_donald or wherever, they can get people who genuinely don't know the truth to decide 1000 Sup Forumsacks can't be wrong - even when it's really 50 guys with pasta and proxies. Worse, if it appears that the consensus disagrees with our senses, an awful lot of us will believe what everyone says over what we SEE. (Picture related.)
Probably a stormfag larking as a Jew. Sad. Most Jews are humble and willing to serve.
They're born liars and parasites.
The majority of those were Jewish.
It's as if its in their blood to deceive and spit poison on "goyims"
What they teach about non-Jews in Israel is insane and would make you want to genocide them immediately.
They're known backstabbers. Loyalty is an abstract and alien concept to them.
They're the cancer of any nation that has ever welcomed them
The Atheists try to foce communism down to people's throats and try to bind them to the material and slave them on the lie called "communism" and "equality"
They're destroyers of western civilization and will not end until every non-Jewish is their slave.
There's much more, just keep lurking. These bastards will not stop until the very last one of them dies.
nah man, full on heeb.
Why do you choose to pick on insecure nazis?
You know the story of when the crowd had to choose between releasing Jesus or Barabbas? A big layer of subtext was lost in the translation of that story over the years.
The criminal's name was Jesus Barabbas; the earliest manuscripts of the gospel have this as his name, but later bibles removed Jesus as the criminal's first name because they didn't want to disrespect Christ. Thankfully modern bibles include his first name at the very least in a footnote.
Now, "bar abba" is Aramaic for "son of the father". So when Pilate presented them both to the crowd, he asked them to choose: Do you want to release Jesus Barabbas [criminal] or Jesus Barabbas [the man who claims to be the son of the father].
Since the crowd was (of course) Jews, people have use this to erroneously claim that the Jews are responsible for Christ's death, even though this was either a) an accident due to the ambiguity or b) a malicious bait-and-switch by a politician.
Centuries of anti-semitism was caused by scribes who didn't want to print Jesus's names because of feels.
Success breeds jealousy.
Seriously though, the average Jew has an IQ of 118 while the average white man's is only 105. Jews are very insular and family-oriented and they strongly emphasize education. They quickly become a wealthy minority in developed countries which can breed resentment from the white majority. We're seeing the same thing happen now with Asian Americans.
Jews also take over academia and push anti-nationalist, anti-majoritarian ideas like diversity and white privilege, which also pisses off the right.
t. white non-Jew
There's an end to everything. It will include your people.
I don't care if you go "I'm not like the others", the subconscious of the group you belong is one of hatred and constantly at war with those who aren't like you.
That's why you use deception as the biggest war tactic to win your opponents.
It's because people are fool to treat you as friends while your group treat them as enemies.
Any time people awake to the enemy you are (as you treat them) will be the day you people will be gone.
Keep pushing for muslim immigration on western countries, and destroy everything you wish to destroy
See yourself become victim of the war you caused, and if there's any glimpse of justice in this world, you will feel the consequence of the actions of the group you belong.
KYS JIDF shill
>Jews also take over academia and push anti-nationalist, anti-majoritarian ideas like diversity and white privilege, which also pisses off the right.
This should piss off the left equally as much if their real goal is to overcome race etc...race bailing is a waste whoever is doing it.
Can someone post some of those screenshots of jews posing as whites to undermine white interests?
Tweets are fine, I know there are videos as well.
They're scum of the scum.
Because they were granted a tiny piece of biblical land in the Middle East that was occupied by the Palestinians.
Some people think they were responsible for 9/11 and the degeneracy of Western culture.
Because they want to destroy me and my family. I know they never would, but they wish it would happen, ironically or not, it's a bit fucked.
So I think it's only fair to play along with the hate theme. Obviously I don't hate whites, I consider them the tiniest bit less than I would jews, with every other race way down at the bottom.
So I'm just here to clear up some myths, to explain some things you guys don't understand about Jews, and to offer you advice on how to fight against the liberal jews that many of us hate just as much as you.
>There's an end to everything. It will include your people.
You know who else probably said that? For the last 4000 years, as well.
If we made it this far, I think we can survive a bit longer.
They've been at war with some sandniggers for way too long
So there are liberal Jews who want to destroy the entire concept of family. Don't you feel compassion even if they hate you? Maybe that's the difference between a Christian and a Jew.
They were right. 4000 years are but a drop in the ocean of time.
They might have not been the ones who brought you to your end, but like roaches your end will come.
Just know that, your only advantage is treating everything as a battle, as opposed to other races who are too much of a fool to see how your group sees the world.
The moment that ends, so will you. Given how interconnected the world is today, you can maybe survive a single group's effort against.
But you'll never hold against the whole world.
You would know more than most bong. Try asking the hundreds of British children who were raped by 'refugees' in your homeland. Try asking those who have lived in London for generation but have recently been kicked out due to gentrification by rich oil Saudis who shit up the city every summer. Try asking anyone who has taken a bank loan from your (((banks))) that lost their homes when the Libor rates were artificially inflated.
I could go on but you just seem like a troll, retard and in the most likely case a failure to Europe.
I'll tell you this OP. If you ever meet a Jew, you treat him as an enemy you need to best. Never take him for a friend, even if he acts friendly. He is not. He will never be.
In case he ended up, on a miracle, being detached from the group subconscious, you should still best him and never take chances.
In case of casual meetings, ignore him before he finds what he can snatch from you, if he finds you worthy an opponent.
Take from Mark Twains wisdom
>Trust a snake before a jew, a jew before a greek but never trust an armenian
Take from Nixon's wisdom
They're born, natural deceivers and liars. Born spies and the demise of any civilization that ever greeted them.
You realize not all Jews are the same? You ever watch MSNBC and watch (((Sally Kohn))) debate (((Ben Shapiro))), or (((Dennis Prager))) debate (((Rachel Maddow))).
>inb4 hurr durr controlled opposition
Here's the thing. My family is well off, upper class, old money NYC jews. Most of my extended family is liberal, with my grandfather working in the clinton administration and my uncle working in obama's administration, but my father, mother, and I are all conservative republicans who are disgusted by the actions of our other family members. And it may seem confusing that jews could be jew-ing jews. But it is all too common.
And here's why, and this is also the answer as to why jews are over represented in the media, government, etc.
Jews have it engrained in their mind that they need to "fix" the world. That the world needs to be perfect. This is one of the necessary conditions for the messiah to come, or to at least prove that the messiah has come. Which in Judaism is the ideal goal.
You "fix" the world by carrying out the 613 mitzvot or deeds stated in the bible. Most are pretty arbitrary but many of the ideas of social justice, equality, socialism, etc. are all ideas promoted in the bible.
Even liberal jews who have had no religious education still have this feeling engrained in their mind, not as a cause of direct teachings, but from morals passed down generations. With these morals comes a strong focus on education, family, community, and the goal of "fixing" the world.
So you end up basically with 4 types of jews.
>So you end up with liberal jews who are itching to fix the world via social justice, socialism, etc. They genuinely believe that that is the correct method for good living.
>You have the conservative jews like myself or Ben Shapiro who are also itching to fix the world but via a different route. Nevertheless, using the same methods of using the governmental and social and societal systems already in place
What do you have to gain by selling out your own kin? The liberal jew from what I have seen seems to be isolated to the more european countries. They are your Culture warriors that destroy your enemies. Many identify as zionists.
Also, The assyrians didn't have nukes last time I checked, and your entire country fits within the blast radius of a couple nukes.
Not all of the jews live in israel of course, But it would be more then the holocaust.
Nobody likes them
Fucking parasite get your own damned country.
>You realize not all Jews are the same?
That's not news to me. One thing you have in common is you all have the potential to be your own worst enemy and I see it in you.
This thread should be stickied to show how much ground jidf has gained.
You're actually a pretty good example of what I'm talking about. You simultaneously insist that Jews are obscenely loyal to their own race:
>What they teach about non-Jews in Israel is insane and would make you want to genocide them immediately.
And that they cannot have any loyalty:
>They're known backstabbers. Loyalty is an abstract and alien concept to them.
Seriously. You contradict yourself in two adjacent lines. You KNOW that you are a liar, anyone with a working brain who reads your shit knows you're a liar.
Thing is, some people actually do believe this shit. You'll notice, time and again, that Nazi propaganda presents Jews as the true rival to the Aryan, the only race that ACTUALLY has Awakened Volkisch Thought. Aryans are nooobz who need to learn how to rule from the Jews - and the 'how to rule' manual is a fanfic series that starts with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Once Nazis are in charge, everyone HAS to pretend to believe this shit is real. We know what Nazis did during the Reich; we know what Nazis did after the Reich (yep, those two serial killers? Nazis.). It's not a stretch to realize that if we give the Nazis a thirty year Reich instead of a dozen year Reich we've got a good chance of seeing them celebrating Passover with freshly roasted child. Probably Aryan child at that, since they're likely to run out of Jews pretty quickly.
Do not trust
The liberal jew vs conservative jew is a farce.
Their group thinking is as of war against non-Jews. Conservative or liberal they win as a people in the end.
If you're conservative they shill for Israel and they make themselves stronger with the remittances to Israel.
If you're liberal they push for ideas that aim at destroying and sabotaging western civilization
They fake conflicts just as much one would use deception to win their wars.
Even if they claim these conflicts, skirmishes to be truthful, they never let clear that they as a people win on whichever side of said "conflict", thus there's no conflict, only the appearance of such.
I think most people who knows the shit I'm saying (and perhaps more) are just ignoring the thread since it's obvious to be a shill/bait given the first posts and initial flow. They haven't gained ground, but it wouldn't hurt to make them show off as such.
>You have the super religious jews, the ones with the side curls and the fur hats, that are on their cellphones with the "shut it down" captions. Those guys don't work, they don't care about politics, they don't care about jews that aren't as religious as they (except chabad), they spend every waking hour that's not eating or doing chores, they spend it praying and studying torah/talmud
>And lastly you have the horrible "jews" that have no religious interest or societal interests in mind and will just do anything to get money and/or power.
Sometimes you have can have a mix, like a liberal and a money jew, like Chuck Schumer who probably thinks what he's doing is right, but is also making bank doing it, not by coincidence.
What do you have to gain by selling out your own kin?
11 or 12 million people are not my "kin". I don't feel an automatic connection to most jews, very few in fact. And not because they are jewish but because they have lived somewhat similar lives to me and it's nice to be around.
What I do have to gain from selling out liberal jews in my own self-interests. I, like you, have no interest in increased taxes, increased immigration, increased regulation, or socialist policies. And I fight as hard as most of you to disprove and prevent much of their agenda. But as I explained here many of them genuinely believe that what they're doing is "right".
>The assyrians didn't have nukes last time I checked
Correct, but israel DOES. Also only have of global Jews live in israel.
I'm a direct descendant of
My family created this country, man.
Interesting, can you elaborate?
Matrilineal. Fertility cult fake terrorists basically. Eve worshippers. Fiat monetary system. Think they can save themselves. Saw prophecy of Christ coming. Didn't expect such a figure so killed God
I believe theyve been brasened by the influx of morons from other sites due to the big man himself.
No no no you filthy snake
There is no contradiction because you know what I'm talking about exactly.
Jews, orthodox ones in Israel do have a loyalty towards their own kin and their own country, but only their own kin and country.
I haven't spoken a single word as to how Jews treat or see themselves. Nothing but a sea of Nepotism and scratch your back and I scratch mine farce. It's disgusting.
But to non-jews and nations that welcomes them? They're everything.
So I'm not reading the rest of your post kike. Your tactics of strawman (misrepresenting my argument to attack) are far beyond my reach and I know your people too well to ever strike arguments with them.
They dodge, they deceive and they pretend they never happen on the occasion they lost.
Arguing with kikes is but a waste of time. If I ever meet you IRL though, i'll treat you as competition and make sure I undermine your interests before you ever have the chance ton undermine mine.
Keep seeing me as a goyim though, think that I'm underestimating you and taking you for granted. You'll never see it coming.
You really think every liberal and conservative jewish politician, journalist, and commentator are engaging in theatrics? You're insane.
Poor argument JIDF
>Even if they claim these conflicts, skirmishes to be truthful, they never let clear that they as a people win on whichever side of said "conflict", thus there's no conflict, only the appearance of such.
kill yourself yid
why dont you broadcast to the world what are taught your schools in israel?
why don't you tell them the type of + sign you use to sum? start from the small and then you can end up on the high note of the goyims being cattle to serve your kind
>many of the ideas of social justice, equality, socialism, etc.
Why do they not apply the same in Israel? It can not be religious. It has something to do with fear of monocultural societies.
It can not be honest if it is encouraged to handle Palestinians as sub human beings and at the same time do a clown show of moral superiority because muh 6 gorillion. It's all tricks. Nothing honest or caring about it. Only the tribe matters
I'll let you figure that one out yourself
>that pic
kek'd hard
First, see: . They certainly have the financial means to do so, and the statements ITT is about their motivations.
Second, pic related. Look at who you are not allowed to criticize, and that is who is in charge of your society. I'm immediately suspicious when both sides of the political spectrum- which can hardly agree on anything- suddenly agree on something. Like hating Putin, which is a jew-related issue.
Last time I checked theres around 15-20 million jews around the world, an ironic six million live in Israel. That would be brebby bad if a certain Shia country got tired of your shit.
You've been pretty reasonable, I'll give you that.
>6 day war
Israel defeated many countries their armies in 6 days before US started to get involved in the Middle East and giving 1B dollar to Israel.
>the I'm different Jewish argument
see second line
Die yid. Your people take way too much advantage of how others not understanding how your kind sees this world.
Your time will end the moment people awake to what you are and how you see them.
Detailed Timeline:
History of the Jewish War Against the World
.2 shekels have been placed into your account
Because they started and/or promoted communism.
With equipment given to them by France and other EU countries.
And they striked first, which could be seen as unprovoked.
People just love to have someone to blame for their own failings, frustration with the World, etc.
It's pretty sad really because most Jews, like 80% are intelligent hard-working people who have a lot to contribute to society.
The jewish argument "I'm different, I dont shill for mass immigration or Israel, I renounce all Abrahamic religions and I know what is taught in Israel and I denounce that as well" is vague and meaningless.
On the off chance that you do and you are such (smaller than 1%, though exists), what do you think this shows?
It's no different than having a black who is detached from his group.race subconscious, but the subconscious still exists.
And that's the subconscious of your people. One that only answers their own, that plagues, that deceives those he sees at war with (non-jews)
From spies, to communism, to taking hold of a country's finances in order to prosper your own interests.
Your group subconscious show that, it's as if there's a gene that propels you to do these things, as if you couldn't control it. A gene to be resentful and hateful.
You may not be in the mix (on that off chance that will be hard to believe), but does your group have these features?
Yes it does. It very much does.
A fucking leaf
>a lot to contribute to society
Like all their nobel prizes in Politics and Economics, never for science or engineering. Always making money from money and never with goods.
Shlomo begone
>Why do they not apply the same in Israel?
Israel was founded as a socialist country, and still is "technically", most of the first settlements were kibbutzim which are basically pure communist societies. But thankfully the conservative movement is strong enough in Israel that they're making it more capitalist, however there are PLENTY of left wing israelis who would love to see the destruction of israel in the name of social justice.
>It can not be honest if it is encouraged to handle Palestinians as sub human beings
Once you go to Israel you'll fully understand. Palestinians are allowed all throughout Israel, israelis cannot even cross into palestinian territory without the great fear of getting killed, it's actually illegal for israelis to do so now. Israeli muslims have a better QOL than muslims anywhere else in the middle east, they have voting power, all the rights of a citizen, good jobs, and are respected. The shitty QOL of palestinians is a result of their shitty leaders. Gaza doesn't have a government. Their government is Hamas, a terrorist group. They're not suffering under israel, they're suffering under hamas, which is their palestinian citizens are human shields as they set up missile sites in hospitals and school.
alright, I'll be waiting, hopefully not another 4000 years.
We've survived worse :^) And knowing the mudslimes, they'd miss their nuke, or we'd blow it out of the sky, and then we'd rightfully retaliate, turn them into glass, and then have even more israel :))))
Just checking in and bumping. So far what I've gotten is:
1. They're the primary cause for the current subversion of traditional values in the western world (sjws, socialism, affirmative action, diversity)
2. They have a disproportionate amount of political and economic power, which they mainly use to Israel's benefit instead of the country they have power in
3. They're generally smarter and more successful, having a disproportionate amount of academics, Nobel prize winners, and 1%ers
4. Many make fortunes through economic manipulation rather than direct contribution to society
5. As evidenced by point 2 they're loyal to their own but not to outsiders
Anything else on them?
>have even more israel
Why don't you breed up your own army and then take it. We might even support that.
You rely on the blood of patriots of the US, UK, Poland, Australia, and more to fight your war.
>alright, I'll be waiting, hopefully not another 4000 years.
I'd say the end of your people is not exactly literal.
Your people will end the moment others wake up to the reality your people see the world in.
If you see the world as enemies, and your enemies are oblivious to it then obvious you're going to win.
You can't lose to an enemy who is not willing to fight.
That ends the moment they see to what you really are.
That time will come. iran, North Korea and Asia are mostly redpilled on your people.
Some of which don't advocate your death per se, but they won't hesitate in treating you like an enemy, unlike whites and other civilizations that welcomed you.
Your people's time will end the moment waking up to this picture becomes common knowledge
Hey, it happened in Germany, what makes you think it won't happen again in a larger scale? The status quo just need to change a little a bit and you'll see that picture everywhere.
They constantly manipulate the media to their advantage and as shown here
they use deception to their own advantage, they fake skirmishes they claim to be truthful, but even if they were they never disclose their group benefits from either side of the argument
the big strategy of wars is always put yourself in win win situations, and thats what they do
all the while undermining non jewish interests as shown here
Intelligence + ingroup loyalty is a wonderful combination. It works!
But in the service of what? Jewish "culture" and religion is one big me-tooing mass delusion about abuse at the hands of the goyim. You don't have to be a holocaust revisionist to notice that something is seriously fucked about how these people "remember." The Holocoaster. The soap and lampshades. The masturbation machine.
Praising them is like praising a virus for killing a Siberian tiger. Yeah, you replicated your DNA, but why? The tiger was beautiful.
also as shown here (pic)
Never trust them, never take them for granted. They're not enemies of just Aryans but any non-Jew is an inherent adversary for them, and they will not show mercy in destroying you and take everything from you.
You don't get that much representation in the 1% or getting that far by being merciful and feeling based.
When you understand this whole world is about conflicts of what you want, and what needs to be achieved and done in order to win said conflict, you understand why Jews are deceitful liars in their own way.
All wars are based on deception. If their group seem "successful" then you just need to see how they do it, and how the people they act on are those unaware of their world view as a group.
its incredible how often jews resort to this tactic of misrepresenting an argument to mock it. keep an eye out for it its truly remarkable and hilarious.
oh come on
Left criticizes Israel but loves anti-white agitprop
Right criticizes anti-white agitprop but loves Israel
Heads Jews win
Tails goyim lose
I personally think what happened with Hitler was a certain awareness of how Jews see the world.
If they see Aryans or Hitler's people as enemies they should undermine, slave and deceive then I don't blame him for chimping out.
Specially with all the roots they have with communism (an inherent lie that all people are equal or can be made such when that can never be)
Though, I disavow genocide or the killing. If possible Hitler wcould have educated Germans on Jewish tactics as such you would never be able to have such high representation on upper echelons of government.
If there was such genocide (which I do not condone) was purely a solution to what he saw an impossible fit for an ethnic state of people who trust one another and sacrifice themselves for the sake of a nation that is not Israel.
Impossible for the normal Jew, or so he came to this conclusion.
they want to enslave every non jew
look there
>look there
look there
>look there!
Because they brainwash, control, manipulate, rewrite history etc.
The jewbies are a trick.
They lay nations low.
They're the central banks of milk.
kind of spooked me desu. most people don't make it so clear. part of me already knows and is trying to prevent it. another reason why I'm here. trying to help destroy the "media jew" before they tip the rest of us over the edge.
Zey hate us cuz zey ain't us.
>They dodge, they deceive and they pretend they never happen on the occasion they lost.
Projecting much, Adolf?
You do realize that everyone can see how you dodged from
>Loyalty is an abstract and alien concept to them.
>Jews, orthodox ones in Israel do have a loyalty towards their own kin and their own country, but only their own kin and country.
It's not that you're a simple peasant who cannot defeat the mighty man of straw. It's that you're literally everything you accuse the Jews of being. Hell, you're WORSE - at least Hitler's straw Jew (yes, I recognize the Mein Kampf meme you're paraphrasing) had the decency to wait a day before pretending he didn't remember yesterday's argument. You can't manage an hour.
These quads are problematic and suggest that Kek is insufficiently sensitive to the lessons of the Holocaust. It is unfortunate that antisemitic canards have gotten a foothold on a peaceful origami board. Please delete this.
Totally sincerely,
Abe Foxman
Anti-Defamation League
Try to hear one tell a "true" story multiple times.
It will get longer.
You're probably not a jew, just an idiot who has no idea what he's talking about. But seriously, don't try to sound intelligent if you know fuck all.
Because you're arguing on the Jew level, that is, nuances.
Loyalty to a non-Jew and to a non-Jewish state is abstract concepts to them. As I have shown in several examples, including the atomic spies one throughout the thread.
The best you can come up with is your poor poor strawman. Tackling on a small piece to misrepresent the whole argument. Typical jewish tactic.
You see, it's the moment people realize the rat your kind is will be the moment your people will end.
Your people are known to be unable to win wars where the enemy is aware of what you do.
Right. You are an infection on humanity and you need to be cut out.
Kicked out of 109 countries the past 2000 years, and never your fault. Always just the jealous, envious goyim.
Btw your graphic sucks dick.
Also I'd say I did not dodge. The fact that your people are known for being backstabbers should be quite evident that what you're backstabbing are non-Jews.
I just made it evident that, that's what I'm talking about
In case you'd talk about the "liberal" jews, they just push their shit, and stay out of Israel and keep advocating for the destruction of whites and western civilization.
You're useful regardless and unlikely that they'd cross a fellow Jew the same way they would a goyim.
One is likely aware, one is likely not.