> 15 for the general population
> 14 for with people up to the age of 18 or 19
Would you gas me, Sup Forums, or am I right?
What is the correct Age of Consent
Other urls found in this thread:
Pedo scum detected
Women 15
Men 30
It wouldn't make sense to lower the age of consent in the world we live in.
It would however make sense after eradicating feminism, multiculturalism, commie education system, etc.
In my vision of Sup Forums world the minimum age would be 14, but all sex outside of marriage would be illegal.
You can always move to Turkey (or any other Sunni community) and fuck kids. It's a Muslim thing
I am 25. I would marry a 15 year old. That doesn't seem strange to me at all. My grandparents are 13 years apart.
What's the lowest a court is willing to try juveniles as adults?
If it's too low, then fix both issues at once. If you're willing to give them adult consequences then you must be willing to give them adult privileges. Same nonsense as sending people off to die in pointless wars but not allowing them to drink and such.
12, but you'll have to marry after you fuck
here it's 14, i think it's fine
I agree with this wholeheartedly.
> 14 in numerous European countries
> 15 in Sweden
Is Italy an Islamic state now?
Fucking this.
Inconsistent laws piss me off so much.
Shit creates so much fucking overhead and grey-areas pointlessly.
No no, in Sweden you can marry them at 7. I'm sure that you can fuck them too.
In a truly Aryan society the age of consent you be moved up to 21, so women don't get tempted into degeneracy too early, if any of them step out of line they will be sent to rehabilitation camps where they will learn to be civilize.
15 here. Seems pretty reasonable
Fuck you freak. 18 is the lowest
>14 in numerous degenerate countries
Wow great
Age of consent >= Your age / 2 + 7
You'll never outbreed browns like that
Yeah, sensible logic from Sup Forums for once.
Age of consent is still up to the individual country though and I can see the reason for having it high (predation and women's inclination to go with older people, status). I think the lowest I could morally accept is 14, but I think my country's limit of 16 years is at least a somewhat sensible one. Too bad alcohol couldn't escape 19th century christian sect movements.
This shit right here? This makes fucking sense.
Which is why it's never going to happen.
>italian flag
thought I couldn't see it? retard
this doesnt work for anyone younger than 14??
Well, even if you're 12, you wouldn't have an affair with a 8 yo.
The question of consent is irrelevant for someone under 14, though. You're under your parent's supervision.
>girls should be sluts
You're a piece of shit, OP
There should be no AoC, the State should not control sex and relationships. It's up to the girl's father to decide when and to who she is to be married. Sex outside of marriage is rape, unless its just her dad doing her.
spoilers kids are basically retarded intelligence-wise and if you want to fuck a kid just go fuck a retard its the same thing
>tfw 25 and dating an 18yr old conservative girl
>everyone calling me a cradle snatcher
Haters gonna hate I suppose
Almost everyone has sex by 16-17. 17 would be fine but any lower is too low. 16 year olds are still children.
So an adult can fuck a 15 year old? Man, that's too young
The father consents for the daughter. Customary age is puberty.
18 with a 2 year +/- Romeo and Juliet Preotection
> Moving the AoC law up somehow prevents biology from making people horny and tempted at much younger ages
> Human Laws >>> Scientific Laws now
> tfw you're not gonna marry her
> tfw she says she's conservative but the vagina jew is stronger than virtue
16 is about right
>criminalizing murder somehow prevents people from getting tempted to kill someone
>Human Laws >>> Scientific Laws now
My grandfather used to say
>If there is grass on the pitch, lets play
Sort of explains why he stopped showing up to family gatherings.
He also used to say
>You don't have to look at the mantle piece while your stoking the fire
Apparently he fucked allot of ugly bar slags.
Probably but how is that not true for any other woman?
> 5 for the general population
> 4 for with people up to the age of 18 or 19
Would you gas me, Sup Forums, or am I right?
Minimum of n/2 + 7 (where n is the older partner's age) or 18. That way fucking anyone under 14 is always illegal, fucking anyone over 18 is always legal, and cases in between depend on the age gap:
14-14 - legal
14-16 - illegal
16-20 - illegal
17-20 - legal
Women don't posses the ability to consent. It's when their father gives the guy the okay. Biologically, we're ready for it at around 12.
Emotionally? Well look at relationships these days. Something is missing culturally.
But personally? It probably wouldn't be worth the trouble to fuck a teen. They're just too stupid at that age. 10 minutes of sex in exchange for hours of yammering about god knows what nonsense.
> Sex is as bad as murder and not consensual and not a violation of someone else's right to self-property
I wouldn't gas you, but only because that would involve too little suffering. 5 year olds aren't physically or emotionally mature enough for sex - any "consent" they demonstrate is coerced.
6 for women and 17 for men
but 300 if youre white and 3 if youre nigger
I am 25 and just started dating a 19 year old. Some people said it was scummy but the people who said that were females themselves about 25ish. It's funny because they are dating older guys so I decided to point that out to them. No response.
The probability of finding a good that age that hasn't fucked anyone is difficult.
The only correct answer is "father decides"
By talking about age of consent, you imply that the girl knows when she is ready for mariage.
if you talk about sex, you should be gased one more time.
15 if she's your wife, 30 if she's a prostitute, completely illegal to have sex if either participant is nonwhite, punishable by death
>12 or 13 in Mexico
No, the whole country is 16, If I fuck a 15 yo They'll sentence me as a pedo. any source on this crap?
Medically speaking it should be 18 for women so that the uterus is fully mature and to prevent diseases.
Sounds kektastic m8
In Poland age of consent is 15.
After getting a facebook friend request from one of my sisters gf's as she calls her and looking at her cover photo Im pretty ok with 13 being the minimum aoc globally
She's the third one btw, I dont know the other ones and no my sister isnt in the pic
I'm 23 and I've always dated women older than me, between 25 and 29.
It must be really boring to be with a 18 year old. Also she will dump you more easily, looking for (((experiences))), while when you are younger than her, she will try to stay with you as long as possible.
What the fuck I was still playing with sticks when I was 13
I was with 15yo when I was 23, and she was daaamn good.
Girl's body gets ready for sex in aprox 11-13 years old, depending on genetics and hormonal level in years before.
More stressful situations and instability - earlier she'll be able to coitus.
In age of accelerated growth felony sex with 13-14 is bullshit. Why i must take responseability when she looks like 18 yo and decieved me she is?
Well it was this but the maps really vary apparently, one is saying that the AoC in Mexico is 18.
> mfw conservative Poland is just a meme
They still play with sticks of another kind :^)
Here's a non lewd, she's a fine young lady desu
In an ideal society the men will go off and get jobs and a stable living first. Then find a girl who is almost almost an adult. There should be sexless courtship rituals that is like a trial marriage. It should be public with many eligible men and women in attendance. Then the man should have to ask for permission from the father for. Then the father gives the girl away at the wedding. This is a society that values child-rearing and families. We don't need to have more children to outbreed the other races. If we shorten the time between generations it will do the same thing. The reason to have children in early adulthood is that promiscuity ruins the chance of a stable marriage, and two parent families are the best for raising children.
18 is pretty fine because you're vastly missing the point of the age of consent. It's not when a girl should have sex - it's when a girl should be protected from older men preying on her.
Changing the age of consent is missing the forest for the trees. What should matter is gearing laws so men have some fucking defense to themselves and rape is not some emotional chew toy of every woman.
Basically, if I bang a 15 year old and she wanted it, she/her parents should be able to do something about it if they have to, but if she consented, wanted it and all I shouldn't get jailed for life.
My last girlfriend was 29. best sex i ever had, but this 19 year old i got now is better. the girls prime is there 18-22
Actually in most of Europe it's 14.
And fun fact... In Vatican City it was 12, they changed it in 2013 and now it's 18 xD
Thanks, but that's out-date
>crtl+F ArtÃculo 266
15 or less, you're going to jail
3 years ago I was weorry about a 14 yo girl asking me I fuck her because she was the only virgin of her friends, I was curious about if I would do it.
I'd say 16 is good, it's the age of consent here.
Most people don't know that though. Most men will squirm when they're talking about never wanting to touch a girl under 18 and you inform them that they wouldn't suffer any consequences.
I have watched 3 men hear this and try to justify to themselves why they still wouldn't touch a woman under 18.
>16 year olds are still children.
And for women it's a lifetime.
Female 21
Male 25
>14 in Germany
There is no way to find them this young, why bother? You can get into some clubs at 16yo here but can't drink and you have to get the fuck home at 12pm.
>13 yo
You liar, Paulithaa should at least 15
This thread is full of thirsty guys talking about pumping and dumping women, not marriage. Fucking Sup Forums garbage. I get you play the hand that you're dealt but the solution is simple, we just go back to life before the welfare state and its attendant degeneracy.
You were being a kid,now girls mature alot faster than men. Followed with Kardashian miley cyrus worshiping means its getting worse, thanks jews
Pretty much this
You usually won't find that easier, prostitution is legal if you do it as a business and good luck getting that going here. The authorities would open your anus usually wide if they get wind of that. And even then, you'd have to look for that in some very shady, arab run no go areas or so.
Like 10-20 years ago there were news of people crossing over to poland to find 14-16yo prostitutes there but this also died down due to police.
I kinda agree with this.
Man some of you guys are fucking pathetic
>if theres grass on the field, play ball
>if not, flip it over and play in the mud
The world is fucked up. The world should be bright yellow.
Hoodrat trash that deserves a curb stomping
facebook com/people/Paulithaa-Ramirez/100013172103450
Might as well post the FB, you lazy fucking Mexican pedophile
Super butterface
Marriage means nothing anymore and hasn't been sacred or sincere in years.
Now it's just a way for women to get more things they don't deserve only because they have another hole in their lower body.
>no law
If there is grass on the field play ball I say.
Marriage under law or principle?
Men have this 'evil' in us, that if it's not inside the womb of the women, it's on the ground.
God damn you're fucked
So, a 2 year old can be with an 8 year old, but an 8 year old can't be with a 2 year old?
If she has tits she is a woman.
grass on the lawn
>18 for general population
>you can always fuck someone 2 years younger than you after you are 15
>2 year rule has a cap at 15(ie 15yos can't fuck 14 yos)