
Why do people hate the ideology of National Socialism without knowing what it is?

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Because "socialism"

I'm Polish, I know enough about it to hate it.

What about it do you dislike?

Because it's literally the opposite of our modern world.
Most people crave for security and praise the social norms.

Because it will FOREVER be tainted with the holocaust, which did happen. Most people don't understand why the Jews deserved to be exterminated. Think of everything that any Jew after 1945 has done, whether it be in Israel, banking, hollywood, wars, oil, diversifying nations with mongrels and ruining the social order, etc. All of it could have been stopped if hitler had succeeded. National Socialism was the key to a Utopia.

answer the question leaf

apologize for death camps

It's Statist and its still Socialist. Rates highly on the authoritarian scale. If you want liberty I feel like i'd get along better with an Ancomm because at least we both agree a state is the problem.

because of the (((media))) brainwashing

Retarded lolbertarian, I bet you think leftist economics are bad too.

Redpill me on NatSoc. Isn't it just ethno socialism? I'm not big on socialism but I'm willing to listen. What's so good about it?

You realize that in our gov't especially, the entire thing is just a front for the rich?

>Rates highly on the authoritarian scale
You're not protected just because you fit in that ethnic group.
If someone points a finger at you there is no legal process, they just shoot you or put you in a death camp.
For this communists had labour camps not death camps.

Watch this.

The holohoax is a myth and even the ADL admits that 44% of youth don't buy it. Only baby boomers buy a giant lie built on widely disparate and contradicting stories (many proven false) and the idea that all physical evidence and the lack thereof should be excluded from the conversation on penalty of prison.

I still prefer to argue that internment was more than justified. I bring up the 1918 German communist revolution where 90% of the leadership was Jewish, kike Lenin and his kike NKVD murdering any halfway intelligent ethnic Russian after the civil war, Jew NKVD head Yagoda and his merry band of kikes famining 6,000,000 European Christians around the Black Sea in the 1930's, etc. etc. etc.

Check out /nsg/ and ask questions. People will answer you there where it can be read by others.

>For this communists had labour camps not death camps.

(((labour camps))) were death camps in the true meaning of the word "death camp" in USSR.

1930's America/Canada wasn't so hot either, you know great depression and all. Canada lost more than 10,000 people to starvation just in 1936.

Okay, thanks.

pick one
People will pretend to be anything for money, then blame the commies for their selling out of country and breeding with niggers. That being said there's no National Socialism, only Socialism. Every Socialism is nationalism, since you nationalize property. Nazi aka National Socialists were a political party, full name is National Socialistic Workers Party. You should ask yourself why they leave our Workers Party out all the time...i tell you, because they want to make it seem like capitalism and there workers aren't in center, bosses are in center.

Here's another feels video. Made by a leaf.

Here's the first half of Hitlers warning, Canada edition.

You can still be nationalistic and socialistic. They don't conflict

No it absolutely happened, but it was only Jews that were killed. Go ahead and refute this entire website.

because muh holocaust

Ukraine alone lost like

10 fucking million.

Okay nvm I misread your words

but nationalism is more than seizing property, it's about pride in your nation and not focusing on foreign affairs

Shut up Jew.
>muh Christians
Hitler wasn't a Christian and Soviets weren't Jews. So you telling me about holohoax, but spreading some 20 million deaths by Soviets, but then again nobody knew about it. Sure thing.
Get some medication you eternal deus vult Jew. Hitler 100% nationalized companies, there was no privatization.

A few hundred thousand died at most but I rather argue that they deserved full internment and deportation. I'll bite though. I want to believe but it's so hard.

>1) Where did the 24,000,000lbs+ of ash go?
>2) Why on all of the aerial photos of the war are there no massive coal piles at the camps, massive coal trains, or massive coal mines that are surely required to torch 3k bodies per camp per day?
>3) How did IG Farben produce hundreds of tonnes of hydrogen cyanide from what in 1942 was their remaining chemical plant and why didn't they just use a simple ammonia/bleach combo which is far more deadly than hydrogen cyanide but notably doesn't kill lice?
>4) Why did Germans use the most inefficient and costly methods available with the Jew when they had hundreds of state of the art industrial slaughterhouses and were low on fertilizer? Why didn't they make a nice Jewish paste to spread on the fields next spring?

Again I want to believe but it's so fucking hard sometimes. When you answer these i'll give you four more. I have twenty or so here that I need answering.

Yup and it was just couped by Jew President Valtzman and Jew Prime Minister Groysman.

Anyone see anything in common? What about with the three people held chiefly responsible for this?

(((Gengrikh Yagoda))), (((Lazar Kaganovich))), and Vyacheslav Molotov, yeah that molotov, which wasn't Jewish but sure enough was married to a very prominent kike. I can thank the ukes out west for making our teachers teach us this shit.

Obviously without seizing you can't control banks and media, so how are you going to restore anything if you don't control anything? Are your private businessmen restore pride? Business is about money, no money boss spends money on pride and family relations.

Jews had no right to Ukraine just as they had no right to Germany. They were refugees, guests allowed in because their situations would have been hopeless otherwise. Jews would repay Ukraine for taking them in by famining millions of its people in the 1930's and by raping it into the ground in the 1990's, turning it into a modern third world country. This Jewish rape of their former saviors continues at the rate of tens of billions of dollars every single year to this very day.

Because people know exactly what it is

A murderous ideology that resulted in the deaths of around 30,000,000 Europeans and the destruction of countless European towns, cities, and villages.

If Hitler had stopped at Austria then nobody would give a shit. Unfortunately he couldn't be reasoned with and had to destroy Europe and Fascism with it.

wow don't od on the redpills brah

>the ADL admits that 44% of youth don't buy it
Please, let this be true.

So give source, you fucking faggot.

America in the 1950's was nationalistic. And yet there was free press and free speech.

Jews held Germans collectively responsible for invented crimes, and they shall no doubt be held collectively responsible for judeo-communism, the scammed reparations, and their western subversion and destruction after we let them in with open arms and treated them as brothers. Obviously all Jewish wealth worldwide wouldn't be enough to make good on these crimes against humanity but they can work the rest off over the generations, just as tens of millions of innocent and decent Germans were forced, and are continually forced, to do.

They shoah'd the whole project once they found out it helps expose them I imagine.


nazis are their own worst enemy, just like commies


>Why do people hate the ideology of National Socialism without knowing what it is?

All of it could be stopped if Hitler attacked US jews instead of rounding up some schlomos from Eastern Europe.

hey remember that one time Hitler offered disarmarment but nobody listened?

You are mentally ill. USA won WW1 and they created Second Polish Republic Hitler attacked. Soviets had absolutely nothing to do with German inflation or business, since they literally had no power there. Power was on side of WW1 victors like USA, UK and France. You are seriously retarded Christian.

Archive? Screenshots?

You're not wrong and I don't hear this often. The bund should have been supported far more heavily as should have the growing christian factions that were anti-jewish as well. If I could go back in time i'd do everything possible to put henry fords publications on the 1930's doorstep of every patriotic american.

Banner in pic related.

What the fuck is it with you guys here? You make my job so fucking hard all the god damn time everyone seems to have some weird fuckign second hand trick to this shit. They're watching my posts but it doesn't matter theres a better job than this

if you love your country,

you will always name the jew!

Next you're probably going to tell me it was just a cohen-cidence Churchill was on the floor of the NYC stock exchange the morning of the great rout/depression.

I'm not religious not that it matters.

Rothschild are British, as well as Soros and every international bank was monarchy owned and that's your Zion. Soviet had no international banks. UK ruled the world, then came USA.

Well, Holodomor did happen (as did campaign against kulaks), but

a) Large part of the fault for that was on peasants themselves (Let's eat all the meat so ruskies wouldn't get it and steal and stash grain -> WTF I HAVE NOTHING TO EAT STALIN HALP)

b) The government officials like Kosior, Eihe, and other dozens of (((russian))) intelligentsiya and party officials got sent to camps or killed themselves during the Purges. (Main reason why liberals in Russia bitch about USSR is because many of them are... ahem, descendants of that "elite")

>I'm Polish, I know enough about it to hate it.

First you don't know shit.
Second you have some knoledge of German NatSoc...Nothing else

Wow, the feel is real. I just want my people to survive desu.


We've dealt with JIDF and kike apologists for years.

I could point out how 90% of the 1918 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't.

Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.

because the ideology of national socialism is zero-sum with anything other than itself. its hard to get along with an ideology that posits anything other than itself should go to the gas chamber.

when your sales pitch is 'die, subhumans', you may have trouble finding sympathy.

Pretty much this. Most confuse it with cultural marxism.

Too bad you got no evidence. You are discussing stuff that has 1% of evidence holocaust had, even if we agree it's fake evidence. Literally making shit numbers up from 5 million to 60 million.

When looking at this and society in general we must remember they are 1-2% of the population. Only when looking at the sheer odds can we understand the level of subversion and nepotism.

>One Jew is.. 1:50
>Two Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:781,250,000,000

When you see it..

>Why do people hate the ideology of National Socialism without knowing what it is?
I just don't like the socialism part of it. I really don't need the state to raise my children. Hitler did a lot of good things, but the socialist policy was a failure and one of the reasons he lost the war, imo.

It's just communism light fuck Nazism. (note: i've read into it) The differences between Nazism and Communism is like the differences in Catholicism and Protestants. There are differences but by and large it's the same shit.

You point out bullshit, but have no evidence. Judaism isn't a race, not even by any stretch of imagination. Judaism is a religion. Also Islam is a religion, not race.

It's widely associated with genocide and ethnic cleansing not to mention totalitarianism and excessive restrictions on personal liberty as well as militarism.

That pic. It's so true.

How can you be so stupid to think that Jew isn't also a race? It's both a race and a religon

>It's just communism light fuck Nazism

"I absolutely insist on protecting private property... we must encourage private initiative"

"Privatized were the Deutsche Reichsbahn (German Railways), at the time the largest single public enterprise in the world, the Vereinigte Stahlwerke A.G. (United Steelworks), the second largest joint-stock company in Germany (the largest was IG Farben) and Vereinigte Oberschlesische Hüttenwerke AG, a company controlling all of the metal production in the Upper Silesian coal and steel industry. The government also sold a number of shipbuilding companies, and enhanced private utilities at the expense of municipally owned utilities companies."

National Socialism during the six years of peace taxed the working man, from the farmer to the lawyer, far less than the most libertarian county, in the most libertarian state, in the most libertarian developed country on earth.

They nationalized all major lending, banned usury, heavily restricted unearned (passive) income and land speculation though, the Jews sure don't like that.

The thing is that Stalin already was doing great job by removing the "old revolutionaries" (especially regional leaders).

Not to say his crusade against Trotsky and putting down of Komintern.

"World revolution" crap was effectively killed along with campaign against Trotsky.
At maximum, Soviet military doctrine was expecting fight with Poland since, pretty much, Tukhachevsky plans.

By attacking USSR, Hitler quite blindly played (((their))) game (Destroy both Third Reich and USSR by weakening them mutually through war), not to mention providing Jewish elites with millions of schlomo martyrs to monetize.

The rest you know.

Spend less time pretending to be a goy flying goy flags and start calling out this shit if you want to prevent assbooting #110.


Because kikes filled society with muh holohoax movies, Anne Frank books, le evil nazi man, while nobody fucking likes jews.
It was systematic brainwashing and normalization of smudge campaigns.
And that's because NatSocs were the ones who named the jew.

When you see it..

Because the are mindless drones who think everything they are told by a teacher or a tv screen.
There is though a second red/black pill the Nazies kept to themselves: Whites are not supermen. As said at least 85% of white people are mindless drones, if not as much as 99.999.
You do believe a lot of Jewish lies for being a Hitler fan, since the whole reason Jews say there is such a thing as white/black/jewish race is to mix people and conquer land in Israel.

>Judaism is a religion
Jews are a race "ethnicity", they have very recognizable features.

Because Reactionary Monarchism is better

You've been conditioned well goy.

>implying it's better to have 45 years of back breaking work in siberia than being shot in the back of the head

We didn't re brand it National Progress

Not if you chop the big ugly fucker off!

we know what it is
Stop being an apologist like the comunist do and get used to the truth

Or maybe there are distinct differences between whites, blacks, asians, aborigines, native americans, arabs etc.?

Holy retarded Christ this is the dumbest post I've seen all day.

how can one country fuck itself so hard

Ethnicity isn't race in capitalism. White/black isn't race, that's just skin color. Go back to school.

Hitler never measured genes of Jews and never claimed they are genetically a race and never mentioned Marxists in any Nazi law.

39% votes in 1/4 french canada for the son of a former french pm? or 4% of the worlds land 6% of the world population in the greatest depression in history vs. the american, soviet, french and british empires at the same time?

No, I was referring to Germany not to Canada.

>That pic. It's so true.
So I agree with that. But having the state "educate" children always leads to some retarded behaviour. In Hitler's Germany, he raised a bunch of boys to be warriors from they were children(same as Japan), this lead to some pretty fucking retarded military decisions that the people obeyed, because they had been raised that way. Today, we see people welcome migrants and celebrate the destruction of their own race. It's not just the capitalist media brainwashing, it starts in the socialist kindergarden and continues all the way to universities and state owned media
Hitler did a lot of good things, but ultimately, he wanted complete war.

Which is cool and all, but maybe not the most wise thing to want.

What is white? That's no race, go back to kindergarten. African is nationality, isn't a race either. Black is skin color. Those are terms used by race mixers.

Well, there are reports of NKVD describing the mass "bloating" (oпyхaниe) in the Ukraine.

Though there is theory based on that, since Ukrainian famine had less reports on dystrophy (comparing to the famine in 1946-1947) and more reports on "bloating", that there was mass infection/poisoning. Which might be true, considering that Ukrainians loved to store stolen grain in the... less suitable conditions.

Hitler warned us hundreds of times not only about the International Jew but also of Judaeo-Marxism.

Sure. They all look like ideal German soldiers

It's precisely what i tell you. Two intermarried families controls all media in the nordic countries. the shocker is that even state media is toing their line.

Hitler spoke of this every chance he got. He knew there would be another Jewish revolution in Germany and that the Soviet waves would come with it.

oh boy, I'm just going to assume you're pretending to be as dumb as a seizing syrian boy with down syndrome to bait people

Litteraly nazis, every time you type national socialism into google it directs you to nazi wikipedia.

>National Socialism during the six years of peace taxed the working man, from the farmer to the lawyer, far less than the most libertarian county, in the most libertarian state, in the most libertarian developed country on earth.
And that was great, it really was. Here is where I think he failed.

Hitler was aggressive in the way that, when threatened he was like the guy who rips off his shirt, exposing his conditioned muscles and yelled "IF YOURE GOING TO COME AT ME, COME AT ME HARD"
He offered disarmament before the war, he was avoiding it

You know he was featured on just one page, once, in a liberal berlin newspaper, right?

If i'm not mistaken it was written before the nuremburg laws and by someone not even affiliated with the NSDAP. It was a 'here is the new uniform' iirc.