Just saw this. It was relatively related, definitely recommend watching some of the memorable scenes on youtube.
I was going to watch "No Country for Old Men" next, but I'm open to other suggestions.
Just saw this. It was relatively related, definitely recommend watching some of the memorable scenes on youtube.
I was going to watch "No Country for Old Men" next, but I'm open to other suggestions.
I'm 29, I grew up on this movie when I was a little kid. Seriously I was like 6 when I say it the first time.
Sorry man, I haven't seen it before.
that;s why you leafs are fucked up
here in germany violence was stricktly forbidden only titties and softcore on television
Take a look at "There Will Be Blood", redpilled as fuck. Awesome movie for reals.
The Man Who Would Be King
aka Anglo Adventures in Snackbarland
Jin-Roh is Sup Forums and Sup Forums related.
The first ten minutes is literally RWDS
Wag the Dog. A must watch
Ok, I know "Falling Down" has some good scenes, but the movie is fundamentally anti-White and anti-resistance. Don't believe me? Here's what the jew director had to say about the film...
>"That was the point of doing it, to cause trouble, and also to make fun of the disenfranchised white guy stumbling around L.A. trying to find himself in a multicultural, multinational, multiracial world that he didn't understand. It's like, "Where have you been? Wake up! Wake up and smell the jalapeƱos!"
Watch "Death Wish" instead. The director of that movie was also a jew, but he was one of those far-to-the-right heebs who didn't have a history of inserting anti-White propaganda into his work.
Also, watch this scene. It's like Sup Forums and /k/ wrote the script. FYI, there's also a segment where racial crime stats are mentioned...
Patrician Tier;
Batman Begins - Kali Yuga, Four Horsemen and very Evolian.
The Neon Demon - Anti fashion industry, pro conservative narrative.
Classic, so is the other Michael Caine work Zulu
aka Anglo Adventures in Bongo Bongo Land
Started up a movie list (some grabbed from past movie threads)
Falling Down
Eyes Wide Shut
A Clockwork Orange
1971 Straw Dogs
Room 237
Brimmer 1 & 2
Falling Down
Postal 2007
The Man Who Would Be King
Barry Lyndon
The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Silver Linings Playbook
The Wolf of Wallstreet
A Scanner Darkly
The Sunset Limited
Wise Blood
As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me
The Killing Fields
>kraut calling leaves fucked up
The Network is the most Sup Forums movie I've ever scene
Really good acting all around
Dirty harry.
Umm, what is this movie about again? Is this a sign from Kek?
some way or the other it made a different point.
Gran Torino is nupol
>Bitter autistic white man goes on an impotent rampage because he is useless at his job and women don't like him
Yup, sounds like Sup Forums.
*Network, not The Network
They Live (of course)
Way of The Gun
And while it's cheesy as fuck: Once Upon a Time in Mexico. For Dep's character mostly.