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From the faggot hiding behind his computer

What's embarrassing is getting beaten up by a fedora


Says the faggot hiding behind his computer

You sure are, basement dweller.

He's not the one talking shit, nigger.

Who would take offense to this post? They are faggots

All the reddit queers taking up shop here

Embarrassing? The guy with the snare drum and boom box is probably the coolest guy there.

Praise kEk Guys!!! The MEME Magic!! The Snowflakes Are triggered!! Did you see the top post on r/the-donald?? I Just Bought a Pepe pin it's truly epic!

That Based Black Boy is kind of cute

that negro in the middle got pepper sprayed like the good little nigger he is


Jesus Christ,if you wanna LARP at least do your research,it's not a Π there,it's an Ν.

H-He kinda is. I wonder if he's a caring lover?


I don't like how they're waving Pepe memes around, but that's just because I've always had the opinion of "Internet memes aren't meant to be used in real life".

This is what r/the_dipshits look like

>gamergate gets shut down for being "chanology 2.0"
>this is ok

Useful idiots





Agreed. I'm conflicted though. Next to Trump merch, anything pepe just instantly fills leftyfags full of rage since Hillary did her retarded speech on it and the media quickly tried to make it into something huge.

>the meme squad

>Antifa got BTFO by this

Kill them all.

jesus christ, its real. MAGA fags are the new fedoras. i don't know how to feel about this

It is kind of funny seeing people losing their shit over a cartoon frog, but at the same time, I feel that overuse of any meme can get quite annoying. like the Skyrim "Arrow in the knee" meme back in 2011, for example.

It is being quite overdone.

Trump supporters have way better costumes than Antifa.

>molon aabe
stupid dumb polish scum

>Sup Forums summed up in one picture

Its not how I envisioned things
but it will have to do for now.

i noticed that too

weaponised autism

Truly Sup Forums aint sending their best

>haha, you want to make America great again?
>w-what a f-f-fe-fe-fedora!
good one bro fuk those nationalists amirite bro fuck those fools standing up for each other fuck them fucking maga fedora ananymus tryhard who wants to make any country great again fucking hell mate such crazy talk fucking git maga GET OUT!!!!!!!!

Nobody should ever want to make their place great! EVER! FUCK OFF /r/t_donald fucking gits reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Maga more like GAYga right?? DRUMPF BTFO!

I'd watch this anime.




>reddit spacing
>actually thinking these cali fags are real nationalists/antifa and not just punks looking for fights
do you live in california user? i thought not. nice projection by the way, no one mentions the_donald and yet you're insecurity about it tells me that's where you belong.

2010s are pretty psychedelic
it's a congregation of autists who randomly were connected through cyber-waves
shits pretty trippy, we're in weird times

fuck off faggot. At least they're out doing something.

special autism squad



>haha, you want to make America great again?
>w-what a f-f-fe-fe-fedora!

That's a pretty fedora tier response friend.

>redditor commie talking about embarrasment
this is the bitch who got ko'd

>i didn't say the_donald how does he know i'ma shill?!

>you're a butthurt antifa!
>no you're a paid shill!
please lurk more before posting anything else you reddit niggers

nu-Sup Forums and /r/le_donald, fucking pathetic, is there anything we can do to redpill this kiddos?

yeah but now they have a good story about how they went to berks and beat up commies

you can't ever take this win away from them because this photo exists

kinda funny how it turns out you were the faggot this whole time, op

youre a faggot maldraw.

Nah, they are doing great work.
Good job today to the people that actually went outside to bash some skulls in.

I'd play them as characters in a videogame. They look like they have fun personalities.

hold onto that for when shes on tv crying about misogyny and how they just wanted a peaceful protest

cute. I want to get drunk with her and talk about stupid shit until five in the morning on a rooftop.

Nazis literally conquered downtown Berkeley today. I don't care what they look like, they're beautiful in my eyes. Where can I find friends like this?

Hi Mike!

They look like leftists.

You should go out there and show them how to look cool.

mmm They would be a lot cooler if it was a bit more professional

Be Dressed well.
All standing up side by side.
With an American flag behind them.

This just makes me think of some neck beard fedora wearing kids decided to larp as borderland characters.

Then you have the black kid acting like a slav

Nazis and Patriot Nationalists occupied Berkeley California today. The 3rd Battle of Berkeley resulted in a sacking of Antifa

My brother had friend who looked just like her, dreads and everything, funny she never seemed to like me, always got tense and quiet when I was around.

Kek'd, the pepsi. Mad man

You mad cuck? Our fellow Pedes STOMPOED THE FUCK out of you Antifa SJW pussies. PRAISE KEK xD

muh sides

says a hijab wearing antifag.




>charge phone
>get in car
>drive to location
post results


I come here to kek, but fuck, this shit really makes me want to go fuck people up.

It's no fun anymore.

they can't afford one since they are commies, the irony

what's more embarrassing

>being these guys


being absolutely blown the fuck out by these guys?

hey you gotta give these guys credit, you know. i don't think they're THAT cringey aside from the fedora guy though

it does get the adrenaline rushing doesn't it.

you should be numb to this sort of thing by now, but if not you're lucky, harness the energy and put it to good use so when the times comes you can go HAM

>le 56% squat

>white peoples dreads
She had more than enough to spare for all of us.


To whom? You?

Sure, but it's all about shifting that Overton window.

Wow insecurity and strawmanning, amazing.

Reporting In

Do you guys know what irony is, or is your autism so honed in on this.

Reporting in, battle for Berkeley won

thats a nigger there kek



Are you guys the second generation alt knights?


>Dressing up like autism lords just like the people you don't like playing hot potato with a trash can

>I think we all know what comes next

There was a bit of talk about this Berkeley event before it happened on Sup Forums. You should have browsed and mobilized, fag.

If not, just follow people on twitter/facebook who post useful information that would alert you to this shit for next time.

I got jumped by 12 of those faggots today, without that helmet id be in the hospital

Fucking Pepsi?

Could've been the most beautiful picture of all time

youre whats commonly referred to as a "keyboard warrior"