Can this Queen get some love?
whore needs to fix her makeup xD
she is a 10/10 even on the battlefield
NO. She's literally a virtue signalling cunt.
She was on the frontline today.
Where were you?
has she actually done anything worth praise?
>t. permavirgin
I'd punch her chocolate starfish with my dick if you know what I mean.
Why was she crying?
>Can this Queen get some love?
fuck off with this t_d nonsense
She's an Alt-Lite version of Emily Youcis, but the livestream was pretty sweet.
She got pepper sprayed.
and she is not even American
Tears of joy watching the tide roll over Antifa in Bezerkely.
she's an attention whore trying to be part of the 'cool' side
when the fuck will Sup Forums stop idolizing faggot "altright" people?
>le t_d posting
fuck off faggot
back to your cuckhole
>the frontline
that's a funny way to describe a bunch of tryhards walking around with stupid signs trying to impress other tryhards.
>Frontline of the LARPing fair
Go away divide and conquer shill, no true Sup Forumsack is falling for your Jewish tricks here
>Can this Queen get some love?
Fucking Reddit shitting up Sup Forums, why do you goddamn niggers ruin literally everything you come in contact with?
>Coal Burner
pick one.
>sports bra showing underneath shirt
Disgusting tramp desu
Idol worshiping faggot.
fuck this coalburner
>he keeps saying it without proofs
How do you manage to look 40 at 20-something?
She cries at every rally so she can make things seem scarier than they actually are. She was at a black blocc protest march and started screaming like a lil' bitch. Then uploaded the video saying that they were all Hillary supporters and "This is what Hillary supporters do"
Did she actually burn the coal?
fuck of lauren, try attention whoring on r*ddit
To be fair, that's what women do.
she looks better in person. really smooth skin
t. was there
female detected
I find streaked eye makeup on women, like they've been crying, pretty fkn hot tbqh
Welp, our side can use the attention. Works for me. Don't be such a massive faggot.
that mascara mess is hot in rape porn
>proud boys
You mean Gavin McDildo's no fap squad?
She's so damn sexy. Would mate with
Fuck no. She's out of uniform. Why have a gas mask and not wear it?
It's probably you in the back yard, faggot.
Probably because of all the rape/sado porn I've watched
Yeah, that one didnt get the D though, she tried to eat a california reaper pepper, fucked her up proper...
>she's over 25 years old and doesn't have 4 white babies already
Double fuck, I should have looked first. Stupid cunt has a blocker over the filter on one side, and no filter in the other.
Slag pouser. Fuck the fuck off, OP.
Say what you want about them, but they held pretty well on their own.
It's now clear Berkeley is a hotbed of domestic terrorism. MOAB when?
She's a LEAF
Why the fuck are CANADIANS so fucking prominent in AMERICAN MEDIA, especially politics??
Please USA, you are so much better than this.
Gavin McInnis
Steven Crowder
Lauren Southern
WHY are foreign nationals, /yourguys/girl??
NO ONE in America is like this?? You nee LEAFS??
She's a media whore, nothing more.
Female equivalent Chernovich
she is beautiful and i'm in love with her. i want to marry her.
Killing her opponents with that traditionalism
/love from australia
get your iced up sunburned hands away from my waifu you bogan cunt
Because Canada is cucked to madness.
>Why the fuck are CANADIANS so fucking prominent in AMERICAN MEDIA, especially politics??
They are influencing the election, and therefore are russian.
It kinda is her country when she's the only one defending it.
because you like to larp as a powerbottom when youre actually just a regular mincey twink bottom, if it wasnt for us youd be bugchasing all around town with your spic boyfriend
It isn't virtue signaling if you're actually involved in the fray, and that dirty Jewish bitch was at the fight.
Technically, you're the one who is virtue signaling.
Why is she involved in this? Go back to your own country
She seems sweet but she's a woman. She doesn't like guys like myself because I am subhuman. She's not that bad though I guess.
I want to save the White race with her.
for freedom
She's just using you to sell her "book"
She's a woman. They cry at the slightest sense of stress.
Good on her for not letting it get to her though.
>ywm slide your cock deep inside her throath until she starts to cry
life is not fair
I want to use her to produce children
with a coalburner?
I can't wait until Sup Forums's heart is broken again
shes fucking disgusting, look at her shitty teeth
I don't know enough to be able to comment on whether or not she actually slept with a black guy, but even if she hypothetically did, everyone makes mistakes. Everyone deserves a second chance... right?
fuck her
>on the frontline
of fucking what exactly?
That's not what a fucking 40-year-old looks like...
He's a man, shitlord
And did he just draw a Deus Vult on his mask?
youcis is fat tho
Is she /ourgirl/?
Legally a canadian man, but she identifies as an american woman you shitlord.
Peasant Tier:
Calling her "she"
Foot Soldier herder:
Calling her "he"
Royalty Tier:
Knowing she was joking and would rather be called "she"
>Literally fucking up ancom fags and having fun
Get out
every thread about her, never any proof
>the fray
Neck yourself, homo
Is Canadian
> Bottled Blonde
Sup Forums virgins: "She's a 10/10
> I'm going to Berkeley to fight for JUSTICE!
-films herself for social media like the e-celb porn star she is.
Get her in the oven.
She is a fucking retard.
Yeah from some bbc
These things never happen in Texas.
We need a riot so I can bang that Canadian man's pussy rebel style.
Southern is a qt3.14.
Man, comments like these hurt bro, you should be careful with what you say.
I'm trying to imagine what her butthole looks like
I just want to know what it smells like.
That nigger is a faggot.
shes fucking Canadian