When will Sup Forums admit that women are smater than men


So smart that they don't go for STEM degrees


>honors feminism and jewish nigger studies

Women have smaller brains, but more extensive connections between the two hemispheres of the brain. (corpus callosum)

Men were earning 100% of degrees at one point in history. Does that mean men are smarter than women? No, I'm sorry, that would be sexist.

>more bachelors and masters degrees
>not doctorates


Also, for the Ivy league thing, it is a known fact that colleges make sure they accept more women in the same way they gotta make sure there are a lot of niggers on campus

>muh diversity

Two words: affirmative action.

it's called "affirmitive action" and "women's studies / communications / media studies."
they're easy degrees.
what matters more is the type of degree being pursued

a degree in gender studies doesn't make you smart.


When they prove it not fucking every country or continent they rule.

Fucking AA

But this bias has always been around... i remember back when i was in high school i had a 98 in a class and i lost out on highest honors to a girl with a 92.

Wonder why we say women live their lives on easy mode? it's true - get born with a pussy, you'll never have to suffer in life unless you WANT to.

>doesn't list WHAT degrees
Almonds activating neurons and all that.

I admit that women are smarter than men. Now it's time for society to start creating programs and benefits for men to help them compete. We need to combat female privilege and even the playing field.

and yet they make less money.

ability to obtain the thing that everyone wants is a better metric of intelligence than being tricked into spending a bunch of money and time on a piece of paper.

>Literally pay for women's degrees but make men earn theirs.
>Wonder why women are getting more of them.

Women are social, men are constructive.

Sitting around in a room talking is not conducive to success for men. As it stands, the education system will always favour women.

What are they getting degrees in?

Women are definitely better at studying, at least from my own experience.

I know a lot of guys who haven't got their degree, but make $200,000 a year. They take internships, take them seriously, and get hired on full time. They realize it's fine if they don't finish their degree.

Except they aren't.

>tfw so smart you try to fight a manlet who is still physically stronger than you and get KO'd.

>Women choose easy majors.
>Women's daddies pay for ivy league school


Just admit that you aren't the smartest group out there Sup Forums

>going to (((college)))
Pick 1

It's not difficult to excel in piss easy fields.
And that's precisely where most women go.

t. a guy who excelled in a piss easy field

so does that mean that the other 80% of blacks are dumber than 1/2 whites

occupy democrats = dumbfucks

Where's your

any anecdotes?
Fuck off, nigger.

Go home Jew


>more women in college then ever and out number men
>society is filled with degenerates and false flagging is about to cause WWIII

Lecturer here.

In my experience women tend to work harder on average and put more effort in, but the OUSTANDING work is almost always male.

20% smarter than 50%. I believe that.

Never mind there is no source for this, but are the niggers seriously gloating over their top 1/5 being smarter than the AVERAGE white man? LOL

There's a lot of men who don't go to college. They work as mechanics like on airplanes, or are car/boat mechanics. They are very smart individuals and usually white males. Women who go to study about child caring or about hospitality and tourism is not smarter than these men. Women are also chosen over men because of affirmative action in colleges especially in Ivy League schools.

In my experience women don't work as hard and don't do any outstanding work. You, as a professor, should know exactly what, "In my experience," means anecdotally.

>not understanding statistics
Burger education


What the fuck are you talking about?
Maybe I confused it with something?
Stereotypical nog problems.
Making mountains out of molehills.
Perhaps I meant """studies?"""
Or maybe my use was relevant, and what I requested was a graph or infograph of black and white IQs and scores on a standardized test, or some such.

>tf when you're barely even on that graph


Also by OP logic then whites are smarter than blacks

STEM degrees are overrated. Unless you study engineering or medicine, your job prospects aren't actually all that much greater than those you'd get from any old humanities or social science degree.

to intelligent to get a useful degree

Yeah but what does having a degree have to do with being smarter? More women go to university than men. I know plenty or morons with degrees and many brilliant people without.

I'm sure her honors English courses are as tough as a mechanical enginserting schedule.

In fact it is.
HOWEVER, women usually can't work under pressure.

Sounds like men need some kinda affirmative action program to counter this underrepresentation. This type of sexism is outdated now.