>brown eyes
>brown hair
What race is she Sup Forums?
Why are so many people attracted to someone without aryan features?
>brown eyes
>brown hair
What race is she Sup Forums?
Why are so many people attracted to someone without aryan features?
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I have brown hair with brown eyes. My older brother is dirty blonde with blue eyes. By your logic, he's an Aryan, while I'm not, despite that fact that we're siblings.
What a gay thread.
Neither of you is aryan
I have brown eyes and brown hair too. But my mother is an Italian Jew.
I'm wondering if she's mixed?
I do find her very pretty though. This is her brother btw
i have blonde hair and blue eyes, but my brother jamal is basically a nigger.
stupid thread!
>mother is an Italian Jew.
According to Jewish law that makes you Jewish as well senpai.
rhaetic, the true master race. we are the european core, we invented the modern world
>What race is she Sup Forums?
Good catch goy
Eternal Anglo definitively.
Only people with blue eyes and blonde hair are white
Otherwise mexicans are also white
Celts confirmed for not white
Beady eyed Anglo.
Pol is so bad at reading faces. You see how short her nose is (vertical)? That's not a southern european thing. She looks english and french. What a surprise.
Also, her hair is light.
Us pure bloods (96%) look at you as a subhuman and a tool.
Your only role is to serve us pure Ashkenazi.
>What race is she Sup Forums?
Analysis of genes carried by Ice Age Europeans shows, among other things, that they had dark complexions and brown eyes.
Blue Eyes Originated 10,000 Years Ago in the Black Sea Region
A team of researchers from Copenhagen Universityhave located a single mutation that causes the mysterious phenomenon of blue eyes. And all blue eyed people are genetically related to a person who lived in the Black Sea region sometime between 6 – 10,000 years ago.
The research was published in the Journal of Human Genetics. A mutation in a gene called OCA2 came into being nearly 8,000 years ago. It can be definitively traced back to an ancestor from the Black Sea.
Dr. Hans Eiberg claims that before this time, every human being had brown eyes. “A genetic mutation affecting the OCA2 gene in our chromosomes resulted in the creation of a ‘switch,’ which literally ‘turned off’ the ability to produce brown eyes,” Eiberg said.
When blue-eyed peoples from Jordan, Denmark and Turkey were examined, their genetic difference was traced back to the maternal lineage according to Eiberg’s team.
Brown haired Brown eyed folk are unironically the most attractive whites.
That looks like a white woman.
lol, good goy
Anime race
>most paid actress in the world
>her last movie made over a billion dollars
>biggest sex symbol in the world
>UN Ambassador
ticks all boxes
Fucking top kek kike. Nice try.
Her parents are english
I think I might agree with this. Pure white women who happen to have brown hair and brown eyes draw me in more than their blonde haired blue eyed counterparts if they're equally attractive. It may be because I'm in the south currently though, and redneck women tend to hair lighter hairs/eyes but are revolting
Jesus Christ pol Aryan means Indio-Iranian, not Nordic.
I found 1 article that said her dad was originally from Iran but I can't find anything else about it
>someone ugly
Fixed, I've seen her noods in the last fappening and gurls is horrible
>her dad is possibly Iranian
>without Aryan features
she is obviously not wuite lel
Pls post I missed this because it was exams at college :(
>tfw blonde hair blue eyes
>just like most people I know
>I will never look like GodQueen Kiera
>she will never notice me
why live bros?
I really want to use a genetic testing service but don't want to hand my information over.
She's a bitch.
Not rocket science.
"Emma has said that her father was born in Iran, where her paternal grandparents, who were English, spent some time."
so everyone who is not descended 100% from inbred snowniggers with (gay)blonde hair and blue eyes is not white?
a plain , dull , little woman, mediocre in every respect, without the harry potter gig you would never have heard of,her now as shes ages her drift into obscurity is assured
>Amber Heard
Fucking ell m8
Give me a med-looking girl any day of the week.
According to some people on Sup Forums yes
Blue eyes are middle eastern genetic mutation
discount Kiera, and a Joo at that, at least she actually has tits though
Think she cares? She has 80 million dollars
Whites can have any hair color and blue, green, hazel or light brown eyes.
i have dirty blonde hair and green eyes. will i be gassed like the jews when hitler 2.0 finally takes over?
Why the fuck would you need blue eyes to live in the sand.
What are you doing in Indonesia?
Just sterilized
dad started working on oil rigs here years ago. was just easier
she looks like a man with that jawline so closeted homos like her
I think you're a bit confused. What you posted is not medittreanian, it's (more north) west European.
This is what mediterranean women look like. There is a clear distinction, even when they are lighter, like in your pic (which again is not med).
Wanting to fuck emma watson makes you gay?
That's a stretch
>(gay)blonde hair
How can a natural trait be a sign of homosexuality? Let alone a trait this beautiful.
Fucking nigger in denial
worshiping her does. shes a 6 at most
Hmm. after googling her, I found other pictures. she's appearantly jewish. Still. What you posted isn't right.
NP looks med.
I didn't say KK was.
I said I prefer med looking women to Amber Heard.
The argument is for brown hair/brown eyes over sickly pale girls with demon mutations.
I have to agree with this
You can assume she is a jew if she is a hollywood actress.
Israel Carried Out The September 11th 2001 & USS Liberty Attacks Holocausting American Citizens!
Watch the video here:
Download the video from
That would be Poland.
That's fine. I'll take my sickly looking women and get out of your hair.
Why are many countries "unknown"?
East Europe I mean
Wait, nevermind, upside down.
True Facts by user
I can't actually answer that. My guess would be poor (or no) reporting/ investigation.
The truth, for once
No shit Sherlock, I'm asking the reason for that, perhaps people there don't feel comfortable talking about it for whatever reasons, a Greek or Slavic could help the conversation for once.
Saged and reported
Motherfucker, I thought that would be obvious. The lack of funds.
>the lack of funds
Yet North Africa has polls?
I am more than sure they have the cash to do polls this simple, it is something else
I have Grey-Green Eyes and Strawberry Blond here. I am 99% Welsh, 0.5% Norse though. I guess the other bit is "background noise" from the DNA test that I took.
She honestly looks like some sort of middle eastern/european mix.
Looks a bit edited
I come from your country.
Di dove sei....
Brown eyes and brown hair are the best combo. Mediterranean master race desu senpai
hate to break it to you, but your mom was likely sleeping around, and you two don't share the same father
Reporting in.
Sao Paulo ape.
Or perhaps you're from the south and we share the same ancestry, yes?
She is almost full english (and 1/32 german)
I used to think that Catherine Zeta Jones was the world's prettiest woman when I was younger
Why do half of Sup Forums doesn't seem to know how genetics works?
Looks like a brown haired celtic.
Most true Celts are Black Haired. Unless, they have a bit of Norse in them.
She is literally perfection but some people don't want perfect, user.
Only Argentina is aryan
There are subhuman semito-negroid jews with blonde blue eyes look. Purity of bloodlines matters
Pic related