I'm a centrist through and through.
I'm a centrist through and through
Why is your IP not Canadian?
If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Why haven't you killed yourself yet? The current state of the world has no place for centrists, you are either for Israel and the destruction of Europe or you are not.
If you are with Israel, kindly kill yourself. If you are not, then flee the U.S because it is nothing but the puppet of Israel.
I'm an American
My IP is 42.2756.2474.45
How is that patreon going
>What are complex situations?
This is why I love Sup Forums. There's so many opportunities to educate my fellowman.
I'm unfamiliar with this meme
fuck off with that boring cunt
Lurk moar fag
Complex situation? Yes it is. A complex situation that is currently dominating the world via unbridled imperialism and intends to enslave the gentiles and breed out anyone who could possibly resist it.
We have a word for people like you: Fence-sitter.
Maybe if we lived in some ideal society where everyone's opinions can be valued, you would have a place. Otherwise you are a cancer
If white people are allowed to work towards their own goals for their own benefit, why are Jews not allowed to? Nature is competition, and given the racist nature of this board, you of all should realize when you're being outplayed.
Precisely. Which is why we need to work against it.
And they will fall, as they have every time throughout history, thanks to their near-sightedness, their only weakness. Except this time their fall will be spectacular, true to the saying: "the bigger they are"
Also racism is a social construct, the term was created by a Jewish communist in Russia in the early 1900's. Racism does not exist. There are races which are inferior to others, from a biological perspective. It's only natural.
I've never been one to argue science. But don't you find it odd that the Jews gave humanity so many gifts, yet you think they're plotting against you?
No, really I am.
And who EXACTLY will "bring them down" ? Is it trump, with his Jewish daughter and son-in-law? I'm not trying to be a "Shareblue shill" here but I don't see a grand rebellion taking place.
Gifts? Yes, they want you to believe they're "gifts" that we need so they can sell it to you.
How do you think our ancestors managed without those "gifts"? They did just fine.
i see what yoy did there.
He used skepticism to debate our beliefs.
They will bring themselves down. What most people don't know about Yahweh's chosen is that they live entirely in the moment. They do things that they think will be harmful to Europeans, but there's no real goal other than to be as harmful to Europeans as possible.
You ask a Jew what his plans are in marketing next year and he'll have no answer for you. This lack of coherence is an unstable system and eventually collapses in on itself.
So they will fall. The question is when. Hopefully sooner rather than later, because the longer this goes on, the more damage is done to the Earth.
Why do you use that famous guys pic
He's so.. famous .. but he doesn't have any time to like....drink it in
>Being a starving European country is fine
Not a baiter here, but you CAN'T deny that we have made advances in agriculture, craftsmanship, and even finance because of Jewish endeavors.
Marketing? Huh? I understand you concerns but I think taking over the globe as you say qualifies them as more intelligent than being ditzy and lost in the moment. The events you claim they perpetuated took months or years of constant planning.
Post sh0e
Degenerate pls
All those advances were beneficial solely because of the population boom. We don't NEED any of those inventions to survive, they're merely conveniences.
If anything, we should be weaning ourselves off those inventions, because paradoxically, they are detrimental to us. They domesticate us and make us weak, and reliant on the system.
It goes without saying that if a global collapse of civilization were to occur at some time, most would be dead within a week. Cities would be turned into vast graveyards.
It would appear as if they have planned ahead, but they make quick, smart decisions in the moment that later build up to to appear as a well-thought out plan for the future.
Sort of like evolution. Many changes occur over a period of time and after enough time it appears like everything was carefully planned.
Aaaaand the crux of the issue. Paranoia. You see, there is not a shred of proof that a sect of desert dwellers (peaceful) are out to end the world as we know it, because if the First World countries fall, the rest will inevitably follow suit. And that will carry to all nations of the globe
Please, just one example
I remember being like you. It seems that you are new here, judging from your syntax.
Hang around a little while. I guarantee that your stance on this will change, and you will look back on this supposed baseless "paranoia" as someone who is very much awoken to the true nature of this world.
Just a warning though, you might regret it. The truth hurts.
does it feel good knowing your GF was sucking bbc before she met you?
i dont get the pic op posted
Did you use your skepticism to refute having a political ideology and stay on the fence?
Actually, I do. I take pride in being able to help each side see how alike we truly all are
prove u arent larping fag
Again, there's nothing wrong with taking the critical thinking approach
When did I say I was him?
What are 3 right-wing positions you have? What are 3 left-wing positions you have?
"I hold beliefs because they're associated with a Team, rather than through careful consideration!"
-the hugbox mentality that made Sup Forums as impotent and whiny as the SJWs
Centrism isn't a prerequisite for critical thinking
how do you maintain a center position?
do you balance out 10 left ideas with for example callig for the genocide and murder of jebs?
Are you guys so polarized onto teams by MSM that you can't understand how someone could be a moderate?
centrists are just as bad as commies because they allow evil to live