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Nazis off our str-
The timing of your post is perfect. Really THAT desperate to get a lot of (you)s eh :^)
That cunt forfeited her pussy pass, fuck her.
Is there any official message from ANTIFA?
I wanna see their butthurt.
They may not have stood ground and fought but Antifa won this exchange. So many "alt right" in hospital but minor injuries reported to antifa.
We need too escalate to stage two.
Stick man was a legend that lead the charge but his weapon of choice is underwhelming. Antifa are using explosives and pepper spray primarily, they also resort to a snatch and stamp mentality where they pinpoint one member of the opposition, grab them drag them deep into their lines and collectively beat the shit out of them whilst they are on the ground.
Again we need to meet this level of violence, excessively.
I suggest that pepsi cans become the missiles of choice, shake them up and let them fly! Brain someone with a good solid headshot from one of these and you'll literally brain them, high brain damage probability.
Push Daggers make excellent weapons, if you spot popular leftist ring leaders a punch from one of these to the jugular will silence them, definitively, whats more they are highly concealed even when you use it its not clear you used it, it just looks like a punch.
IED's made from fireworks and nails are highly effective crowd dispersal instruments.
Remember to wear goggles and gas masks, no point leading the charge straight into pepper spray without them!
Bring different colored layers of clothing, use your weapon and discard the upper layer of clothing, the police are looking for a guy in a bright blue shirt that just put a dozen antifa in an ICU, you're now wearing yellow. God Speed, I wish I could be among you in the US, I'd be distributing Pepsi's by the the multi pack could I have made it!
Posting this again
I love hitting women too!
Heil Hitler!
How many of our guys got arrested?
Which link has the war drums beating?
stale pasta
we should all use women as footsoldiers
that way, even when we lose the battle, we will have won a moral victory!
>IED's made from fireworks and nails are highly effective crowd dispersal instruments.
Hello leftypol. How's the damage control going?
thats fucking awful. why is everyone acting nigger tier
>Nazi scum off our stre-
Good these people are narcissistic sociopaths. All they understand is violence.
The only thing a nigger respects is a bigger ass nigger.
Nice, good to see that marxist trash getting what it deserves.
Nobody on /leftypol/ likes antifa either, just so you know
kek, this guy is right
Fuck off antifag, you're the terrorists here.
It's always okay to punch commies. There is nothing more American than punching a pinko.
>Antifa to shut down Proud Boys/Trump Supporters at Berkeley rally
huehuehue how ironic.
this is her
>stop dipshits like stickman
>nothing you can put in your hands allowed.
too bad you dont have any cobblestone streets over there. thats the go to over here
I need an HD pic of that bitch getting her face punched in as a background.
well you see, blacks were inadvertently on the cutting edge
in a post-modern world, words are meaningless. they serve only to be manipulated and abused.
black people simply never had the capacity for language in the first place
we all ended up in the same place but via different pathways
>100 nazi scalps
>got one banged
Has Antifa EVER come out of one of these brawls looking like the winner?
>far right
>racially diverse crowd of men and women chanting USA
lol so much for the white-right eh?
Wait!! Is it really a female? I thought you guys were memeing because he looks feminine
Pastafag. Go felch Sclomo you faggot.
>alt-righters standing over BTFO antifa protecting them from further beating
Holy shit we really are the Good Guys.
cracker spic nigger jew
I can say what I want to you
Is this biological a boy or a girl?
I still can't tell.
If this is true, it makes it all so much sweeter. She wanted violence and she got a fucking facefull of it.
Can someone make
Ta-ta, antifa
Punch a Naz-
Uncensor it you cuck
Wtf is wrong with west coasters in America?
This shit would NOT fly on the east coast
Can someone summarized what happened?
Who "won"?
>no looting
Not quite nigger tier but close
I love Feminism...
Now we get to bet the shit out of women.
Love it.
>protest fireworks
>bring back 100 scalps
Literally only during the Milo riots when the right wingers didn't think things would get so violent
its circle jerk, not jerk circle
Her name is Louise Rosealma. Faceberg her. inb4 b&.
See the guy making fun of her white dreads? kek
she was PRESS, didn't you see her DSLR camera?
it was wrong to hit her
not to mention she identifies as woman-kin, and medieval chivalry made violence against them immoral!
wow, just like a NAZI to hit a FEMALE JOURNALIST
(i believe none of this, but this very argument will be on national TV tomorrow)
That's what you get when you LARP as a Marxist revolutionary
Her name is Louise Rosealma.
Apparently she's also a nude model but can't find anything
Fuck that's great.
>inb4 b.but his hitting a woman
Not a woman. Marxists are nothing but a handful of pixels. Some numbers in a statistic.
That's what she gets for racially appropriating that hair.
>that's a woman
>that flying sidekick on the pepperspraying antifa at 2:00 of first video
The fact that antifa can't even compete tells me they will be the first to fire shots at these conflicts.
Its all over from there, both camps will be armed and shooting.
Is she okay?
>Join a battle
>create an outrage when you get attacked
There is your equality, cunt.
see She deserved everything she went there for.
>Jesus will judge you
So perfect
That doesn't make them any better.
This feels like we're reverting back to micro-level warfare- it's like watching the ill-defined borders of a blood cell try and fight back a virus
fuck, riots are the shit, every skull shattered makes america greater
>vegan anarchist
>desperate retards actually believe this
america-hating trumpshits got destroyed today. liberals (patriots) beat the shit out of those white boy kids.
>Censoring FB screengrabs
This is how you know Reddit has invaded.
- Hold the line!
- Chargeee!
- Take the flag!
Do they think they are playing LOL or something?
Fuckin white people...
I see "Catholics" are up to their old tricks again....
Shit memes lefty
How do I find rallies like this to support my white brethren and fight feminist scum?
highly doubt that guy is a catholic
"freeland artist/model"
She's a fucking loser, can some cali bros con her into doing a porno shoot?
>assuming a person's gender
>Anarchist complaining that the police didn't intervene
She even has the Shylock side curls.
requesting wardrums vids guys
They're not Christians. They don't represent all of us. Stop being so Christianphobic, racist.
Excellent! It's important to knock out the females so they will quit and the beta males will follow.
Maximum kek.
This is what happens when an entire generation is raised on television and video games.