>pol idolizes a manlet for punching a woman
Just when I thought you couldn't get any more autistic
Pol idolizes a manlet for punching a woman
Other urls found in this thread:
>gender is a social construct
>chivalry is patriarchal oppression
>women are just as physically capable as men
>image shaming is fucking evil
>woah woah how DARE you hit a woman! tiny fucking manlet coward!
Fuck off jew
He literally did nothing wrong. She asked for equality and got just that.
There's nothing wrong with punching women who overstep boundaries.
Sup Forums has been overrun with stormfront for a while now
>yfw Antifa can do nothing but cry about manlets when one of their own qt's got viciously checked with privilege
Karma's a bitch aint it?
>woman enters into a fight
>woman gets hit in said fight that she voluntarily entered
muh patriarchy indeed
fucking faggots, if you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
u mad bro?
but I thought women were equal?
>Antifa cant stop 1 manlet from beating them all up
Antifa BTFO?
Shareblue, sweetie... you could at least try
t. butthurt ANTIFA weenies
But getting out of the kitchen is what got got her hit in the first place
Antifa are the real sexists
Shut the fuck up cunt, you can't even see if it's a woman or not (it is).
>Let's virtue signal on Sup Forums
I hope your Boss pays you well. Because this isn't worth your time.
Rules of combat
She violated the NAP and was issued a ticket to take one
We are all for equality, also in a battlefield you allways disable the most vulnerable idiot first so you dont have to worry fot back stabings later
She had it coming
u mad bro?
>KEK id
Based fucking picture
Amazing thread, FUCK ANTIFA
not really
it's a bit sad to see Sup Forums praising a single manlet whos only achievement is to beat a woman
>you cant punch women!
even if they threaten you?
fuck off, faggot.
Hitting dickish people is funny, all the time.
Yeah, I may sound like a violent nog, but is it not funny?
>lol im going to gloat about scalping fascists
>wait why am I getting punched, this isnt fair!
OP is implying females are weaker then men and should be treated differently? Fuck off misogynist fuck. Sup Forums is all about equality.
It's a false flag
KEK guess when they're not fighting women they're not that tough eh?
>antifa calling someone else a jew
Oh the ironing
*sniff* I-I just wanted to be a commie revolutionary anarchist like the guy on m-my iphone case and think that gender is a social construct and that traditio-*sniffs and whimpers*-nal gender roles should be abolished b-but some mean man p-punched me!!
Kek has spoken !
Equal rights nigger.
you gotta be some kind of bitch to be threatened by a woman lmao
Underrated have a (you)
That stupid big nose whore was literally there to pick fights, it wasn't just some random woman on the street like antifa like to target, kill yourself retard. Context matters.
yeah because she really was going to scalp another person and wasn't just referencing inglourious basterds....
or was that film on stormfronts banned list?
He got maced because antifa cant fight for shit
Sup Forums doesn't agree with any of those things, though.
So why pretend that you do in order to justify your actions?
You either have principles or you don't.
The events that unfolded today have proven that antifa and you stormfags are just two sides of the same coin.
This is how equality works and antifa communists are NOT humans
>shitlibs get rekty in their own turf
>"I know! L-le-let's cry Stormfront!"
/leftypoz/ on suicide watch
Play stupid games
Win stupid prizes
you are retarded
I remember when that film came out, Sup Forums was all over it, shows have flipped this board has become
Fuck off pussy.
Post this on their site.
>go to a protest with masks, fireworks and intent to start fights
>write social media posts full of beligerent posts
>Turn up and get beat down
I'm a white girl, former liberal, and I'll tell you why I cheer on the men fighting antifa, and maybe then you'll realise who Antifa actually are and stop supporting them too.
It's because when the story broke that Muslim gangs of men were trafficking, grooming, gang raping literally thousands of young white girls here in my country, the men of England got together and marched to protest this child rape and to get our politicians, who had covered up the rapes, to act and defend the girls. Antifa showed up too, and who did Antifa attack? The English. Not one of them has ever spoken up for victims of rape, racism, and islamofacism. So fuck all Antifa, they are not good people, they are Useful Idiots who are anti-white, anti-woman, anti-Western.
Bunch of pussy ass manlets trying to flex with their hitler youth haircuts, how cute. Too bad one of these manlets punched a woman because he knows he couldn't win a real fight with a man. Any black man would destroy these little pussies.
They are white niggers
a girl on Sup Forums?
>sup gurrrrrrrrrrrl ;- )
why are you assuming OP believes any of those things
assaulting someone for disagreeing with you is fucking nigger-tier behaviour
these guys are our greatest ally. we just need to keep scheduling events and baiting them into just showing up and doing what they do. we shouldnt ever be throwing the first punch, honestly id try to avoid any sort of aggression at all if possible.
it might feel good to harm these clowns but we've been framing it really well, antifa has undoubtedly turned more people to white nationalism than against it.
Takes a truly red-pilled man to punch a chick.
oy gender is a social construct
Chat shit
Get banged
Can I ejaculate in your vagina?
Talk shit, get hit.
Fuck off faggot
This guy is so short you can already tell what his narrative is. I wonder how many women have laughed at him throughout his entire life. Thats the only way you can turn into such an autistic faggot.
Chill. He probably just thought it was a tranny.
On the off chance that you mean what you say.
How do you determine who's assaulting who in a riot?
back off
*pulls out katana*
dont get me started, kid
There's literally nothing wrong with punching communists.
Height is a social construct
you want equality you got equality cunt
Idiot on /pol uses the word "idolizes" in a pitiful attempt to strawman and obfuscate the fact that the woman was asking for it. White Knight btfo.
as a fellow manlet (btw, that guy is HUGE compared to me) i totally idolize this dude. he makes us manlets look badass. i feel like a tough guy watching that vid of him busting that bitch.
He's a hero. A legend. What's his name again, Sup Forums?
This is Jodi Arias. A few years ago she murdered her boyfriend. First she fucked him several times until he was weak from sex. Then she proceeded to stab him 28 times. Then she slit his throat so deeply it was if she was trying to cut off his head. Finally she shot him in the head to make sure that he was dead. This was clearly premeditated murder. She also lied throughout the case. She received life in prison instead of the death penalty. Because of fagots like you.
well she wasn't even looking at him and he was already charging her, when she turned around she basically instantly got hit
Nathan "The Ant" Damigo
What are you talking about, OP? I've been away from Sup Forums for a couple weeks. Is this manlet the new Based Stick Man?
Peaceful Trump rallies are being brought to chaos by Antifa and BAMN terrorists, they will be dealt with I assure you.
Oh? I thought Antifa believed in equality between men and women
>omg think of that poor woman! you never hit a girl!
>except you know, we're all the same really and we all deserve to be treated equally
pick one retard. also, some people need physical sense knocked into them. if they want to act tough and claim they're ready to fight, then don't be surprised when you get hit, man or woman.
She deserved a boot stomp in the face also for that miserable degenerate hair also,"Manlet" was too merciful.
Nope, nothing suspicious at all about this being the posted narrative ever.
This must be the biggest contract for you faggots yet.
(((The need a hero)))
>lol women are just as strong as men
>lol manlets are weaker than taller men
Even a manlet with the power of KEK can slay a HO BEAST in one punch!
Communists will be physically removed
That's a robust manlet.
It was an antifa cunt. Stop humanizing commies.
Lanklets confirmed pussified feminists?
And let's be honest, every commie and race traitor deserves to be die, regardless of gender
Kek has found a new way of communication.
whoa nice ID