>tfw i will never be japanese
at least in japan you can be a comfy neet all your life, i have been two years living the hikikomori life and my parents sent me to a sjw psychologist, he cant help me because my problem is my height, im a 5'5 manlet rejected by society , i go once a week
Tfw i will never be japanese
I still havn't hit that low, I guess it will take one more year
It's never height. There are lots of people your height that are successful in life.
You're letting your height cripple yourself with your mindset. And let's face it because you were in a miserable cunt if you were as tall as you wanted to be, you'd find something else to complain about (ugliness, hair color etc.) and say it's been holding you back
Truth is the mental who is tough to get out of it is not impossible for anyone.
I'm shorter than you and I have had my fair share of complaints based on that but I also didn't become a total miserable cunt and not do anything with my life. Even though I kind of wanted to.
The director at my company who makes probably over 150,000 a year is also my height. You literally can succeed if you don't hold yourself that
>im a 5'5 manlet rejected by society
Explain this then?
How about this couple?
shes fucking him out of pity
she's obviously got someone else on the side and will not marry him
This guy is a manlet but then got swole
How the fuck does this bullshit happen?
I see this shit all the time in Australia. White men here are pretty attractive yet few that I knew have any girlfriends of this attractiveness. Yet these chink fucks get these girls so easily.
This guy is from Japan / a manlet and has a hot taller girlfriend
You can see Japan in the background here
photobooth pics
he's a fucking retard that has been posting this shit for years. he would go on for hours spamming pictures of chinks with white whores, and he's been doing it for at least 5 years now.
don't respond to him, just report. he's permanently ban evading now,
Women thirst for the cock of masculine men, obviously limp wristed melburian faggots don't attract them.
>shapeless legs
that's not the point. The point is that your height isn't anywhere as important as your status in life and how you carry yourself. Stop being a fag.
>tfw 5'7 and still get tons of cute girls.
why do you people bump these shit threads
Disgusting race mixer
Implying you could get away with that in Japan.
He has nice shoulders and is pretty handsome for an Asian guy. He's probably neurotypical too.
Really? I thank G-d every day that I wasn't born a chink. Their culture makes me want to vomit, it's so foreign.
I think I saw something similar in forocoches.
Man I'm that size or smaller and have a nice life, LOTS of pals and a hot girlfriend.
Stop being a cuck afraid of life and get out.
Worse part of all this is that Sup Forums is full of larpers exactly like you that don't enjoy life and get all natsoc from being inside home watching too much tv.
But can't smoke weed so why even be a neet
It's not your country's fault, it's just that your family is poor and can't sustain a NEET life. If I were you, I'd work hard so my son could enjoy a NEET life desu
But if you were born a chink it it wouldn't be foreign.
what would Sup Forums recommend a manlet angry with the world to do?
Being tall is almost always a factor that women find as a source of main attraction, in the same way women want a guy with money, a guy with good looks, a guy with a large dick.
Over 90% of people in managerial positions are over 6', since people are far more inclined to listen to someone physically larger than them, it's a dominance thing.
I am part of the 10% that isn't, and I compensate by being an asshole.
you work at walmart right?
at least that manlet is still getting pussy and you aren't kek
>tfw have been living the NEET shut-in/hikikomori life
>elaborately rusing my parents who live on the other side of the country to make them think that I'm not a worthless piece of shit and have a job and GF
It hurts me to lie to my mother over the phone every week desu, every week I write up a fake story to tell her.
Well if you dont have that going for you, then you have to work harder in other aspects. either that or post frogs on the internet in manlet threads
and i know why you're not working hard..
Tell her you broke up with the girl, and call her sobbing abt it. You'll get like 3 months advance good boy points.
OP I'm 5'10 i somewhat feel