Let's settle this once and for all, is race-mixing okay?
Let's settle this once and for all, is race-mixing okay?
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Some hapa girls come out really nice.
We had 14 votes at 88% for a while, interesting.
bump, mexiwhite mix
Another reason why you dont race mix
>first yes voter
i wouldn't do it but still
Are those sly's daughters? Fuck, good genes.
Only if you are spaniard and convert them to christendom, other than that no
Dont mix
Burn the coal
pay the toll (stds, acid attacks etc)
hispanics included (2 to 3 times more STDs than whites)
same link as pic related
Absolutely not
t. Mongrel
Beautiful arent they? The white race produces the most stunning children.
No. Humans are too genetically similar to race mix. The conservation of genetic variety is essential to the survival of humans. If there is a plague, at least some of us will survive. If we all mix, we could all go extinct if the right variety of genes is not present.
>american education
I fixed one.
Beats Swedish morality.
you're still loved
As a mulatto, no.
It's not ok.
Have an interracial waifu catalog: youtube.com
Nice, but can you combine it with this?
A race should only mix with a race as evolved as its own.
In my eyes it goes: White > Asian >>>>>> everything else
No. I'm afraid that's beyond my capabilities.
It is in human nature to race-mix. Pre-historically, the various human species mixed without a care in the world. In ancient times, people would fuck whoever they could find. Its only incredibly recently (last 200 years) that the idea of "race-mixing" became a conscious act and one to be frowned upon. If race-mixing were something intrinsically bad, there would only be pure races discretely separable. This is the opposite of what happened. There are in fact, no pure races, only clines that are arbitrarily separated into "ethnic groups"
>that flag
>supporting race mixing
Colour me surprised.
Pun intended.
You're not wrong
>he doesnt have an asian qt to make hapas with
bluepilled af desu senpai
objective truth is that two healthy parents with as much genetic variety as possible will most likely produce the healthiest child
it's here to stay and that's a (((good))) thing, go... guise
I'm worried about making little Elliot Rodger-sans desu
Make some babies for my babies to marry, Nordic babe
I promise to raise them to respect and protect our people
Meine Ehre heißt Treue
Stallone is 1/4 Jewish, therefore his kids are 1/8 Jewish. A lot better than the monkeys that De Niro spawned, but still part Jewish.
There is nothing true within this post. Race mixing has for tens of thousands of years been excessively rare due to natural geographic barriers preventing groups from intermingling, coupled with tribalistic hostility towards each other.
Your statement about race mixing over the past 200 years couldn't be further from the truth: it's only in that time that it has become a thing ever since our ancestors left the valley in Kenya we evolved in.
It's becoming increasing difficult to find a white girl with traditional values, hence why we're drawn to asians (typically coming from stricter family set ups, less degeneracy-prone) that's the way I see it. Thoughts?
that's the most hideous thing i've seen. it looks like something you get when a 3 year old fingerpaints on the wall with his shit
Now, I did the other one as well.
Whitewashing is fun.
the more distantly related people are the more unpredictable the outcome will be. just gotta hedge your bets and make sure she is 9/10. shouldnt be hard if youre a decent looking white guy.
It seems that Stallone's white genes are dominant, last I checked DeNiro is a cuck through and through.
>There is nothing true within this post. Race mixing has for tens of thousands of years been excessively rare due to natural geographic barriers preventing groups from intermingling, coupled with tribalistic hostility towards each other.
Nope. Over tens of thousands of years before farming, human groups have traveled around the globe slowly fucking around, migrating, back-migrating and mixing up in every place. This explains why paternal haplogroups (men who are the natural race-mixers) are so geographically scattered all over the place. There was no race-mixing in primitively settled environments because they simply didn't need to forage. With the race of civilization and expansion, race-mixing began again. Every early civilization had massive race-mixing and mingling
>Your statement about race mixing over the past 200 years couldn't be further from the truth: it's only in that time that it has become a thing ever since our ancestors left the valley in Kenya we evolved in.
No it's completely accurate. And the funny thing is despite the anti-race-mixing attitudes prevalent in the historic West they STILL had to legislate against miscegenation. Black Americans STILL ended up with average 20% European DNA. White Americans STILL ended up with a completely mixed up Euro ancestry from historically antagonistic nations. Just face it, you don't like race-mixing because you were socially conditioned to dislike. The natural human male just doesn't care. They like what they like.
You have a gift for this, you have a bright future as part of the 4th Reich's propaganda wing.
It's fine if different groups of Europeans mix because of our closeness. Picture is a Swedish girl and Irish girl who have no relation with each other. Clear proof.
Might be okay with some paler Arabs.
Not Okay.
Thx roo.
Now gimme some more portraits of niggers.
No. My thoughts is that you're a shill.
It seems mixed Europeans are always nuts one way or the other.
It's unfair to children because they are a 3rd race which belongs with neither of the parents' races. Listen to children of mixed race homes and they will tell you they have trouble fitting in. Stop being selfish and at least don't have kids.
Alright, let's see what I can do...
>With the race of civilization and expansion, race-mixing began again
So why doesn't the genetic evidence of our own biology support this and instead support the claim that outside of certain groups who are exceptions over the past 10,000 years (more in some cases) there hasn't been a noteworthy level of race mixing?
>Black Americans STILL ended up with average 20% European DNA
Because of how many in the past 200 years had a white ancestor, not in the 20,000 before that.
>White Americans STILL ended up with a completely mixed up Euro ancestry from historically antagonistic nations
Again only because of mixing in over the past 200 years.
>Just face it, you don't like race-mixing because you were socially conditioned to dislike. The natural human male just doesn't care. They like what they like
It's not conditioning when in-group preference has been demonstrably proven. Yes men don't consciously care (many here have Yellow Fever after all) but due to how all societies have been over the past 10,000 years before industrialisation, there simply hasn't been a noteworthy amount of race mixing. Hell just look at the UK, there hasn't even been a significant amount of mixing within the Anglo Saxon tribes for the past 1400 years.
>For a brief second, user actually thought he was the retarded one for never realizing this, but after a general consensus among his conflicting states, he realized that ignorance fell on the latter party
>Only with Asian qt's
Only white/asian
No 71%
I'm proud of you guys/ladies
>Implying that's a hard choice
Given how "Only with Asian qt's" was on the list, it's surprisingly high.
What about racemixing with other whites?ie: slav, nord, anglo, med, gypsy, roach, ghengis finn, i can keep going.
i see nothing wrong, fk racist
hapas are even worse than mulattoes, fuck off
>My thoughts is that you're a shill.
Okay I'll bite, what am I shilling? Personally I like Asians and I'll bleach every one I find. Do I expect others to do the same? Nope. I just wanted to see what the general consensus was around here.
Also what I said is objectively true, white girls have become degenerates by the majority, if you think it's easy to meet a white 18 year old virgin with good values then you're delusional. Sidenote: Aren't you brown anyway?
This is what I've got.
Good enough?
White Asian only produces qlty daughters. The sons are beyond useless.
I hardly consider this mixing desu, white is right. Besides it's pretty hard to ascertain exact ancestry, most people don't know it.
how many generation of bleached is the specimen?
>2-3 at very least.
Looks like a white/latino mix now, an improvement still.
> Natural Selection
Natural selection no longer exists. Not in the way that it used to anyway. Before modern times, the mentally and/or physically weak and flawed individuals usually died before they got the chance to produce offspring and spread their inferior genes. Today with modern medicine, grocery stores, welfare, food stamps, "free" healthcare, etc. we are encourages those very same weak individuals to breed and spread their inferior seed.
All this while intelligent people in modern societies are looking around at the idiocracy that is developing and choosing not to produce offspring. The human race is being dilluted with poor genes and good genes aren't being passed down.
Natural selection used to be something that made the human race stronger but today it is working against humanity's best interests. If you can even still call it that considering the weak among us were able to survive and spread their seed through artificial means. Maybe we should start calling it artificial selection?
I don't really care either way, to be honest.
The past 10,000 years correlates perfectly with the rise of agriculture spread from the Levant. No more foraging. No more race-mixing. This isn't because they decided "wtf I hate race mixing now"
Black Amerians are from West Africa, they have been geographically isolated thanks to the Sahara's desertification. But before that, their Saharan ancestors mixed with the more Eurasian influenced Northern and Sahel groups creating such mixed races as the Fulani, Hausa and Tuareg. The fact that blacks have Euro ancestry is incredibly significant. Despite the fact that white Americans were told "blacks aren't human, they are property, they are worthless" unlike ANY OTHER group in history. They were told SPECIFICALLY that breeding with blacks is bad. They STILL did it! Men race-mix no matter what. The only problem is when geography doesn't allow it
Again, my point is proven. Where was the "in-group preference" when Germans, Irish, Polish, Italian and god knows what else all decided to fuck each other like animals making white Americans? Where was their pride and "racial solidarity"? Where is it now? The same place its always been
Like I said, race-mixing is only prevented by geography. In historic times, people had their own polities, and simply didn't need to roam. It was energy intensive to do so, so they never met other groups. Anglo-Saxons are not even native to the island! They came and race-mixed with Native Britons along with Normans, assorted Danes, Roman soldiers etc. And the indigenous Britons are not even all the same people in the first place and were mixing before that
Yeah. It gets blurrier when I go further.
Got any more?
Examples other than elliot?
And do you not understand genetic diversity means incorporating others into gene pools
I agree, the higher the education level the lower the children birth rate.
The question isn't "is it okay", the question is "do we have a right to make it illegal"
No matter your personal feelings I think procreation and child-raising is a god given right that cannot be denied to any couple who desires it.
Well, I've got nothing else to do.
Reminds me of this clown. People thought he were albino. I ended telling them that this is the end result of mixing and outbreeding depression.
Looks disgusting. I can't even believe it.
You know it's funny, people keep telling me humans are so genetically homogeneous that we don't have subspecies like dogs, cats and pretty much every other species on the planet. Now race mixing is genetic diversity? Well which is it then? Because if the claim was true then we wouldn't be diverse enough to begin with for it to even matter.
you degenerate absolutely not
Only with a jap and then you have to pray that your children are female.
It only works if you have qt daughters. Half-breed men are gross
It's why I have a Chinese wife. The degeneracy inherent in the modern American female would simply have been passed down to my progeny.
Nah Deniros kids win the "HOLLY SHIT" contest.
This one's gonna take some time...
Show me a successful one, a male.
Because the shills always post the same and it goes like "I'm done with white woman they're degenerates, instead I got an asian qt who is loyal and traditional". The same message is spammed with a few word variation by shills in every racemixing thread.
>paler Arabs
Who's the arab qt at your school user
wait...do female interracial children keep more white features?
Answer the question, Pedro. Are you brown?
The point is a female mixxed child will have easy access to white partners, which is what all hapas crave.
Seriously though, could it be that message is repeated almost word for word simply because it's a popular viewpoint grounded in logic?
Jesus Christ, what have you done?