>Be me, a fairly rich guy from the Balkans
>Go to Paris with Gf for vacation
>Expect to see lots of great landmarks and nice people.
>Encounter only nigs and shitskins
>After seeing doing what I could, decided to go to London
>London is even worse as it looks like an apocalyptic salad of pakis, nigs and other shades of brown
>Every time I talked to white people they hinted at distaste for such people
>Return home, realize my people are seen at such a level as those turds
>Remember that we once fought against the Ottomans to protect Europe and Christianity
>Can hear Skanderbeg doing 10^1000 rpm in his grave
>Feels bad man
Fuck off Slavic scum.
Im anything but slavic you idiot.
>Be me, East Anglian English tech fag
>Reads this post
>Finds out white people are apparently a minority in London
>Remembers seeing three women in Islamic dress while smoking when on a delivery for apprenticeship in central London.
>Also reminded of embarrassing self when making delivery to attractive sports club girls.
>Thinks: Well shit
He's Albanian, literally the lowest tier subhuman imaginable. Although why he's complaining about shades of brown is beyond me, Albanians are pure muzzie roaches themselves.
>tfw your country has a bunch of blacks and spics but they are American blacks and mostly stay in their own areas
>arabs/pakis/NorAfricans can't get here because there's an ocean in the way
Feels SO good man.
What the fuk are you talking about? We are anything but a bunch of muzzies. I find it funny tho that we have one of the biggest drug networks in the UK despite being so few, takes intelligence for that desu.
race is not an indicator of whether or not I will like you.
What's important is your wealth. I get along way better with rich saudis than with poor americans.
you're not inferior because you're slav, you're inferior because you're poor
Im sorry friend, I feel really depressed after that ordeal.
just give back kosovo and you'll be okay, friend.
No but really I feel bad for the minority of Albanians that aren't like 90% of all dudebro meathead nigger tier albos
But...but Im not a slav desu, Im Albanian which means Im a native here.
While you got a point there, I believe its better to have a general population of US whites than anything else.
>go to Paris
>expect "nice people"
u wot m8?
Even without the immigrants and refugees the french have always been rude as fuck.
Albanians are muslims, wtf are you talking about? The fact that you're drug dealers as well doesn't endear me btw, appreciate the effort though.
it's ok. I love you
Well desu you only get Kosovars up there, which are basically the hillibilly version of Albanians.
If you were strict on keeping your christian faith and not tolerating muzzies, almost all albanians there would be devout christians. We have a tendency to go where the wind blows, and kosovars that are mostly there, see themselvs as muslims to spite off the serbs.
Dont go to the big cities. Small towns in England are great, and so are the small french towns away from Paris. Sure, you wont get to visit the most popular tourist traps, but there is plenty of beatiful architecture and scenery outside of the big tourist cities.
Well I heard that they were rude, I just didn't expect to be THAT bad.
>being proud of literally anti-human drug trafficking
I took some advice here and went to Lyon, which saved my vacation.
Next time Im going to the motherland, I believe it will be 100x better.
Albanians are not real Muslims, only 56-57% of the country at most, and even then they drink alcohol, eat pork, no hijabs, no sharia, basically everything that we hate about Muslims, they're not. There are more churches than mosques in Albania. You just don't become radicals after the 60 years of total NK style Stalinist religious suppression they experienced, police would literally ban beards because they looked too Islamic.
Having one of the biggest drug network in Europe while being only like 4 million people shows great intelligence desu, we are basically backwards jews.
Lyon is literally overrun with jews though
Goddamn, it all makes sense now
Thanks I appreciate that.
As user says the smaller towns and cities are great, I recommend places like Ambleside and Langdale, lovely places to visit.
Albanians have this idea that nationality trumps religion, and they mostly support christianity because we are more connected historically to it. There is a deep distaste for everything islamic here, they are seen as backwards and barbaric, while we are told to venerate the west as pinnacle of humanity. Safe to say when I discovered the internet, I felt really bad seeing that what was discussed was the total opposite, that I thought the ideas that are discussed on Sup Forums would be mainstream. Thats how I discovered Sup Forums, and felt like they exaggerated until I saw it for myself. Needless to say I died a lot inside.
Ehm, Albanians were the Turks shills that killed Christians. But whatever. Not your fault.
isnt albania the country where most of the shitskins come fome?
>Feels SO good man.
have fun getting murdered
>Albanians call Σkεντέρμπεης "Skanderberg"
top jej
Albania is a nice country but a lot of your people are absolute scum.
I invite you to come see it for yourself, hell I will even show you around.
You see a statistic on the internet while I have lived here since forever. We don't adhere to islam, we just say we do. I thought Sup Forums was beyond this.
You visited the wrong parts of Paris. It is an extremely segregated city. The 5th and 6th districts for example are exclusively white. The 19th is pretty much just another part of Africa.
Next time go down south and visit Lyon, Bordeaux, etc ...
France is similar to the US in that the countryside is 90% of the country and is beautiful and very white.
You forget that a lot of us died giving you your freedom from the turks, have some respect for your neighbors.
Yes I did all that, I just didn't expect that kind of third world enclaves to exist, they shouldn't even be allowed to be considered to exist.
Are Albanian men circumcised? Do Albanian women stay virgins until they marry? Is there women who wear the hijab?
How does getting hit by a truck feel m8
hope christmas shopping treats you well
We worked together briefly to kick the Turks out of the Balkans cause tehy were a fucking cancer, you didn't volunteer out of the goodness of your hearts.
America will bail your out.....for the THIRD fucking time!
>Can hear Skanderbeg doing 10^1000 rpm in his grave
Any part of Bandersperg more than a Planck length away from the axis of rotation is moving many many many times faster than the speed of light. His spinning body contains as much energy as our universe, cubed.
>not muslim
gtfo of shqiphere
Ye man, sad times for Europe man
I've been to Albania twice and I've seen your mosques and women in hijabs.
There is a substantial percentage of your country that subscribes to Islam, to say otherwise is just a lie. Though I will agree it seems to be a relaxed/more secular form compared to what most see Islam as.
Albanians are usually circumcisised because it is thought to be more hygenic rather than having a religious motivation. Im not tho, and some are even during the communist rule where religion was banned, but it depends on the parents.
Normally guys prefer for girls to be virgins not after marriage but when they first form a relationship, any girl with 2-3+ boyfriends is considered a huge red flag by the boys, but it doesn't have any religious motivation. Usually girls are categorized as "girls for home" and "girls for fun", with guys messing with the first than finding the latter to form a family, because they know what is house material and what's not.
Well not many wear hijabs, if I were to take my college as an example, in 350 students only 2 girls which were sisters wore hijab, it's mostly religious girls.
Most of albanians are atheists or the sort, they don't prefer religion, they never have historically
>be eastern european memer
>pretend to visit meme places
>make a meme thread about meme places
>imply eastern europeans memers are based anti-islam crusaders and not half-muslim chaos warriors
Iranians and albanians are natural enemies, bah make that all below turkey.
I don't know where have you been exactly, you may have passed near a mosque or something. Not many girls wear hijabs, only those that frequent the mosques regularity
Dearborn Mi has the highest population of muslims outside of the middle east
Not really, Im just describing my vacation. To be honest I did a lot more than that, and I know that my country is some part shitskin. Which makes me all the more depressed
White here includes hispanics, Ahmed
Nvm i read the whole chart, looks like i really got btfoed, i wish my arteries could experience this joy but they are currently stuffed like your women stuff themselves with pakicock
>Implying Albert Camus was subhuman
You're talking about a people you know nothing about.
Just go back to the bunker, my thieving friend.
Do homocide statistics count self defense, because that might just be your answer
Why are you saying Albert Camus? Is there something I don't know about him in relation to Albanians or muzzies?
I have never stolen in my life Ahmed, but yes thats what I plan on doing. I have made some room here if you wanna join when shit gets down.
There are some Albanians that run a restaurant in my town. Nice people for the most part, and white by American mutt standards.
When Albania was being fucked by Stalin Albanian writers and artists escaped and contributed to the Zeitgiest; some of which Camus was a contemporary.
Ah yes that, thank you
I went to Tirana, Durres and Shkoder. Like I said, I thought your country was beautiful and a lot of the people very friendly. But a lot weren't. And in the rest of the Balkans there are a lot of Albanian thieves, 'gangsters' and beggars.
europa is dead long live europa
Well you got that right, It needs a lot of work, and the right people for it. However I fear for it because I sense the west isn't doing well, and the west is who we strive to become part of.
I feel that if the west doesn't do as well, we will lose faith in it, and outright abandon all hope for this country.
Reading this thread i feel differently about Albania, maybe your country isnt a disgrace to humanity
I honestly invite you to come and see for yourself user, and don't worry we will not give you shit for being American, we are the most pro US people in Europe.
I see what you're saying and I hope the best for you. If/when you're in the EU you will see a lot of money coming your way, but you'll also see a lot of your younger generation leaving the country for Germany, France etc.
The most important thing is to maintain your identity while working with whoever is willing to assist in bringing the country up to 'European standard'
I had no opinion of Albanians before other than I thought you were Muslims. You seem pretty decent folk though. You are a good representative of your country. If there aren't so many other places in Europe to visit first I would take you up on that.
>go to paris
>expect nice people
Even 50 years ago that'd make you a fucking idiot.
I don't want to join the EU unless we are at a standart where people wouldn't leave. It's like with Trump's wall, it will force Mexico to either get its shit together or collapse, but with the drug industry it's keeping it on limbo, rotten yet not dead. It's the same here, with so many weed flowing to Europe. If Europe would isolate us, then it would put us on a similar position, either live or die. To me, those odds are acceptable.
It was as stupid as going to Australia and not expecting them to be Emu's bondage slaves.
That's a very sensible position to take and I respect it 100%. Hopefully the EU will fall apart and countries can start working together properly, not purely for the prosperity of Germany.
Montenegro seems to be doing quite well and looks like they will be getting a lot of Russian and European investment over the next decade; the same could be done in Albania with a smart government. And I think it will be.
Well let's say Im know the higher up machinations here work, since my family is a part of such schemes. We got a deep government that was founded by communist remnants and they have been holding us back by stealing everything they can. For this country to prosper, the slate should be wipped clean. I figure it might be turned into a sort of tourism, low tax and gambling heaven, given it's beautiful nature and hard working people.
Congrats on the Brexit though, and to be honest I don't really get the Germans, either now nor historically.
>For this country to prosper, the slate should be wipped clean.
That's true of so many places unfortunately. It is possible though, just a slow process. Low tax and tourism is absolutely the best way to go to change things quickly. Once the old leaders die off and the new ones see how much money can be brought in this way they won't be able to resist.
The best way to get this started is to get RyanAir, Easyjet etc flying to Albania directly from the UK, Germany, Spain, France and Italy. That's what Montenegro did and now they have tourists from all of these countries spending a lot of money there. New apartments being built, new restaurants and shops etc.
Right, I'm off to bed now. Was good chatting, you seem a decent bloke. Wish you the best.
Wish you the best as well mate. And as for the part where they die off, they seem to make those like hereditary monarchies, they never seem to run out of shills and slimes.
>1 small michigan town