Large Crowd of Muslims Gang Up On Old Christian Man in England
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m8 christians are pro muslim and weak
Everyone in this video fails to understand the meaning of the word
Muslims are pretty based though. The ones that went to my school abhorred fags and feminism.
there is a video of an anti muslim christian in the video you dumb fuck.
I meant in the OP
Your sky daddy isn't real, hon.
Grow up.
woah... a bunch of brainwashed men laughing at a single brainwashed man, such a powerful video
Their behavior is very telling, no fucks are given.. they respect no one. They should be taught some respect
Atheism is one of the main reason the West is doomed. You laugh at this old man when this is your future.
Lord have mercy!!!
grow the fuck up
this is actually an interesting scenario because you can see the people around him have evil flowing through them and they're secretly infuriated at the old man. they are reacting so strongly against him but their laughing is evil. it's laughter that comes from hatred, because deep down inside they know he's speaking the truth.
Says the childish atheist being edgy and inviting Islam in to take over.
tanned Christopher Lee came back from death and now he tries to drop redpills in the midst of iPhone-bearing Muslims.
Really makes you think
>implying a nation full of atheists would tolerate any kind of religion to become dominant again
this is the dumbest argument against atheism taking over the west. christcucks and mudshits literally worship the same god and have the same prophets plus and minus a few characters.
>implying a nation full of atheists would tolerate any kind of religion to become dominant again
Except that's exactly what is happening you moron.
also, a question for you who don't believe in God/Jesus, why does it make you so upset? it's not infringing on you, so why are you reacting with such hatred? do you even think about that and realize that if it wasn't truth, you would not care because you knew it was a waste of time? and yet you claim it's not truth, yet gnash your teeth in anger at it, even though there are so many other things that you claim aren't true yet they don't get you as upset as Christianity.
why is that?
could it be something deep down is reacting to this and does not want to admit it? could it be something in you realizes this is the truth and you cannot stand the fact that you are indeed a sinner, and that your pride has been your downfall all your life?
wake up. tomorrow is easter and I ask if any of you out there are confused or my words hit that soft spot in you, go to a church and ask. walk the path and I promise you, your life will change, just as it has changed so many. Praise God!
we'll all be on the ground, slowly dying while surrounded by laughing shitskins the way things are going. doesn't matter what's good or evil at that point.
no, it's not. virtue signaling christcucks and zionists are flooding your country full of rapefugees all in the name of holy prophecy and greater Israel. Merkel is a christian and belongs to the conservative party in Germany.
Atheists get marginalized and called fedoras/SJWs by christcucks and you automatically equate the left and islam which couldn't be further from the truth. Islam/Christianity are two sides of the same shekel, goy. The most religious nations (Russia, UK, Burgerstan) are the ones dealing with Muslims right now, not the other way around. China and Japan are two countries with high atheist populations that hate muslims and multiculturalism.
do u rly believe u came from a fish
Enlighten me
>group of mentally ill faggots with an imaginary friend make fun of mentally ill faggot with an imaginary friend
>that swarthy toothless mudslime barking in his ear
He told all of them they're serving a dead god to their faces. They laughed like cartoon villains.
Yet when William marries Kate the hordes of them are out there pissed off and protesting.
Not funny when the white culture is the reigning culture.
Europe cant be saved. America is the last bastion against the muslim hoards.
All muslims should be hanged like the dogs they are.
you are retarded
for example our country is one of the most atheistic in the world (75% IIRC), yet we are the most islam-hating country in europe along with poland
the reason why west is falling is weak catholic "turn the other cheek" and "love your enemy" retarded attitude
we need either pre-1900s christianity or ethnonationalistic atheism - either way, current form of christianity is a great burden for west
His countrymen hate him more than the muslims. Of course they're bold enough to openly shit on him.
by "current form of christianity" i mean christianity in modern west
literally kek'd out loud
they're all retarded
>the reason why west is falling is weak catholic "turn the other cheek" and "love your enemy" retarded attitude
No, the reason are all those brainwashed marxists and their jewish overlords
This. What a bunch of retards in this thread. UK took Christian God out of everything because muh atheist/agnostic views. What happens next almost whole country is taken over by muslims. Christians just tried to genuinely help people get saved by talking about jesus maybe annoying but it was never forced. Muslims force their views and beliefs with Sharia law to banning pork at subways.
>implying a nation full of atheists would tolerate any kind of religion to become dominant again.
That's whats happening all across Europe. Sweden's now importing camels to give the Muslims something to do all the while celebrating the death of their own race an culture.
atheists are more left leaning than chrisitans
leftists want that shitskin mudslime cock up every westerners asshole every night
therefore you are a fucking retarded cuckold
qed dumb cuck
>Christians just tried to genuinely help people get saved by talking about jesus
>genuinely help
>talking about jesus
fucking lol america please leave
this poor fucking guy.
yes mental illness is quite sad isn't it
>Muslims are pretty based though
Get the fuck out of here you child raping cunt.
Western traditional values were founded on Christianity. I think you would enjoy Sweden or London. Don't feel bad about leaving your country it's irrelevant and only known for kangaroos while America rules the world.
>Western traditional values were founded on Christianity.
Never forget
>Same prophets
Kill yourself you edgy, fedora wearing, autist.
Poor sean connery
102 Minutes That Changed America
Wow great comeback. You cant argue against either of my posts at least try to give some banter.
Atheists are the cancer, they have destroyed Christianity and forced it to turn to the far left. They are too stupid to realize the value of cultural Christianity, I've even seen them supporting pagan trash who spread historically inaccurate crap like "muh stolen holidays! Muh burning times!"
Mormons have some of the highest birthrates in the US, when the rest of the US' white population dwindles away, Utah will be the last white Christian bastion in North America.
>a hat
not an argument.
I have nothing to argue against. Your post was literally >not an argument: the post
Burden of proof is also on you so feel free to back up your claims
This would play a lot better if he wasn't attacking their religion and calling Allah a demon god and Mohammmed a demon prophet.
I don't even disagree with him, Islam is shit, but if this was just a nice old man saying he believes in Jesus and is celebrating Easter and was treated like this it would look a lot better. Instead normies will play it off as him being hateful towards peaceful Muslims and claim he's lucky he wasn't beaten for his evil behavior.
Muslims don't belong in our nation's anyway
It's not Christianity that's the problem, it's the fucking people.
Jesus, just use your brain.
Myself I am Catholic and so is loads other people, but when you speak out your life is over don't you get it?
It's not that Christianity is weak, it's the people that make it seem weak where in fact it's the only thing that can stand against Muslim horde.
If you look at the spirit less, soul less left wing retards do you think they will fight for anything? No, they just scream and scream. Theyre only allowed to exist because we let them exist through freedom of speech and all other freedoms.
Take that away and within a month you will see the Christian cross on every mosque in Europe.
But street preachers like the DAS RITE people should not be taken seriously.
He said: "western values are based on Christianity" that is definitely an argument. And you realize desperately referring to someone else's argument as "not an argument" is not an argument right?
>atheists are more left leaning than chrisitans
china is athiest and they BTFO of muslims daily.
Christianity is a disease. Violence is the cure.
China btfos anything that poses threat to the one true party...
They btfo themselves to keep power.
This, only problem is nu atheists who are leftist
Actual STEM engineers and the gooks in China are examples of atheists who don't take shit from sandnigger invaders like most modern Christians and atheists in the west.
> that is definitely an argument
That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
It's not an argument. It's a claim that wasn't backed up.
kill yourself
First Post Bitch Post
>Atheism is one of the main reason the West is doomed. You laugh at this old man when this is your future
so you're saying ignorance and conformity of thought is what the west needs to beat islam? Science kept islam at bay in the past, science allowed the west to advance and build amazing militaries. Religion is just stupidity.
Yes, clearly, not the Christian religion which literally says "be a cuck, worship kikes and turn the other cheek dude LMAO"
My posts are factual truth and burden of proof is reality. The argument is countries like UK were much better when they were Christian. Choosing Atheism/leftism/cultural marxism over those traditional Christian values and beliefs has led to their destruction through mass immigration of Muslims among other things.
you are lost, son.
this will end badly for you.
You're retarded.
Many priests were famous scientists and pioneered advances in technology.
True Christianity is rooted in reasoning and logic. Not "MUH OTHER CHEEK" like what autistic atheists think. The west is dying now because it has abandoned Christian values
MUH OTHER CHEEK bullshit is what all these left wing christ hating fucks believe in
We are inviting these people into our countries by the thousand. God I want to beat the shit out of that old guy so bad.
This, in Israel and China we take care of our Muslim problems.
Thank you. The problem is that false doctrine has been used to promote extremely shitty evil and self destructive values in Christians.
ne scripture is most frequently abused to argue that Christians supposedly should allow evil to run rampant throughout the world, entirely unchallenged. Superficially, the already severely mistranslated passage appears to say “resist not evil… turn the other cheek”. However, genuine Bible scholarship, in the context of the authentic Christian religion, overwhelmingly proves this misinterpretation to be false.
Accordingly, Biblical scholars have consistently maintained that this passage “does not mean that we should let evil triumph throughout our communities. Jesus is referring to private retaliation, not to public order” [10].
The seminary Professor Craig Blomberg explained: “We must nevertheless definitely resist evil in certain contexts. Striking a person on the right cheek suggests a backhanded slap from a typically right-handed aggressor and was a characteristic Jewish form of insult. Jesus tells us not to trade such insults even if it means receiving more. In no sense does [this] require Christians to subject themselves or others to physical danger or abuse”. The verse about giving your cloak as well “is clearly limited to a legal context. One must be willing to give as collateral… more than what the law could require”. [11]
Therefore, it is conclusively established that the genuine doctrine of “turn the other cheek” is only to tolerate petty personal insults, and to refrain from vindictive retaliation.
Indeed, Christians are specifically commanded to strongly and persistently resist all forms of evil: “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7) “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist steadfast in the Faith” (I Peter 5:8-9).
>My posts are factual truth
[citation needed]
>and burden of proof is reality
That statement doesn't make sense. Do you even understand what you just said?
>The argument is countries like UK were much better when they were Christian.
[citation needed]
>"Taken over"
Sit your fat arse down, 54%.
Know your place before someone puts you in it.
This doesn't make sense.
Muslims believe in Jesus too. They call him Isa.
I meant I don't have to prove shit because take a look at the current situation in countries like UK thats the reality I'm talking about.
For the uk fag I didn't say all of uk was taken over but London for sure is
You made a fucking claim, back it up with actual evidence.
What you've said is literally an appeal to emotion.
Provide actual evidence or fuck off. Some statistics would be good too.
who gave iphones to all those mudslimes
why there are so many of them
why do they all look like animals?
>asserted without evidence
So you want something besides Christianity being the absolute dominant religion in Europe since Rome? lmao
>implying christianity invented morals
kill yourself.
Why can none of you morons provide any evidence for your bullshit claims? Oh wait, because it's Sup Forums where feelings are more important than facts
Remove kebab
Dirty fucking pakis ! Deport the fucking lot!
Doesn't the government know close we are to a civil war ! Fuck em all
It's just good natured bantz.