WW3 STARTED TODAY "US said preparing strike to ‘utterly destroy’ N. Korean nuclear program"
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>British officials
fake news
Trump will start the invasion within hours. The South Korean defence teams are meeting right now, and Pence is enroute to deliver a confirmation.
>(((( Times of Israel)))))
They would know.
I look forward to seeing the Americans being drafted in the next Korean war, good luck bros and thanks for the entertainment
Goodness they sure love poking fights between other people
> twitter.com
Not Happening
Fukken Israel has got no chill
What's the last country without a centralized bank? Iran?
fake and not going to happen
ya fags have.no grasp.of politics if you thibk ww3 starts cuz.of NK
>WORLD war 3
>a war between two countries is a world war
Makes sense
Is Juche like Nat-Soc at all?
After the Jews take out NK, Iran is the last man standing not using Jewish controlled money.
>Times of Israel
Juche is a sham. It's literally a bunch of nonsense concocted to sound meaningful to foreigners. The actual system is feudal and ethnonationalist. There's central planning, and people are divided by social caste, so either you're born in the city and live a below average life in the 50s or you're a peasant and you live in a shack from the occupation. But they aren't commies ideologically, they don't circlejerk over equality, they believe that the Korean race is the purest race and defend its separation from all others.
>Implying we need the draft
fullhouse digits confirms
>implying they would comment on next steps of action
>april 12
Try again, nigger.
its happening
A Nuke detonated in High altitude generates EMP (Nuclear electromagnetic pulse)
A single EMP could shut down most of USA power grid & Internet.
And also destroy most electronics (phones, computers, etc)
A Power outage caused by an EMP would cause Urban Violence for several days.
Trump's just doing his job of blasting the commies off the face of the earth
good ole triple double
Holy fuck
guys, I just saw a light outside my window wtf is happening??
>times of Israel
Looks like these kikes are determined to make an example out of poor Kim for supporting based Assad
To think it would take a reality TV host to finally do something about North Korea.
It's like a joke but it's not funny and the punchline is humanity is stupid.
That was a car...... A CAR WITH A NUKE INSIDE!!!!!
its called a car or automobile.
dumb ass yanks i swear
>Americans being drafted
We don't need to draft against a country like NK, we're not poor like you
You looked outside and saw the sun for once! Good Job!
I just thought of this so I'm not really a fag but why does the only option have to be militarily? Why cant we catapult tvs and iphones over there and like drones with cell phone antennas. If they behave we give them 4g and broadband and burgers. Why cant we just fuck with them every way possible?
Just so you know, there are more than 2 countries on planet earth.
Say "sup" when you can count to 3.
G-guys I'm just about to join the military. Did I fuck up????
All I want is free college. Help me.
lol, what's the context here?
move to NY, free college plus no push ups
You fucked up. You will die fighting for Israel.
Oy vey:
>The United States conducted around 1,054 nuclear tests by official count
Oy vey competition and innovations and freedom only reserved for spoiled rich kids with lowest IQ. But as soon as somebody invets without anybody's help like genius North Korea, then they need to be removed. North Korea should be awarded nobel peace prize for building self-defense from Americans:
And North Korea should get genius awards for managing this as poor country and without anybody's help.
Capitalists can't handle competition from a small country, literally untermensch.
This. I want to know as well
he went to say hello to a class of children visiting the white house.
>implying you're not tagging along
Together til the end
What? We are occupied, but when shit goes down we will finally take our freedom back. It's a good thing for me.
>implying us destroying them isn't part of competition
No free college if you're from out of state :(
All I want is to become a scientist. I don't even want money :(
Fuck colleges. I only got 3000 in grants and I'm the fucking highest ranked student. They gave all the scholarships to fucking "minorities" with terrible grades.
My only hope at a college education is to join
yeah - they're poor because they spend all their money on the military whilst starving their people. I'm not impressed.
he jumped out to surprise the white house tour group
>Implying if US and China decide to destroy NK it would take more than a day.
>guard not impressed.
It is true. I had a 2.0 GPA and they gave me 10,000. But the odd thing was that I am a white male.
>implying Einstein/USA was intelligent and didn't steal space/nuclear technology from Nazi Germany
Wake up, this planet is run by total retards, basically you look at Africa and Arabs and the cheap labor logic USA exploits and ruins this planet is like ant colony, only that ants are much more organized and get rewarded with food for their hard work.
Nukes don't exist Kim launders just like anybody else. Need a rotty bank nao
>Times of Israel
well shit the kikes would know in advance, so this must be true
If you think modern warfare is going to be fought in the same vein as the 60s cold war era, then you're a fucking retard.
Nah. You lose at everything
>Times of Israel
Of course they would know when a war would start.
I have a fucking 3.8 and my parents make less than $100000 combined.
Every scholarship I applied to rejected me. Literally everyone . I spent HOURS volunteering at the middle School teaching kids programming and robotics. I never got less than a B in ANY class.
Life is rigged. Fuck I wish I could live like a eurocuck and get free college.
I feel like these merchants will become the next "Rare Pepe" thing.
Post rare merchants.
>free college
yeah, no
And who's forcing them to do so if not the Anglo Zion. Look around, whenever UK or USA runs anything without other people's independence, stuff gets worse, anything Anglo touches without competition goes to shitter. Soviet Union was great, since you had 2 sides, now you only got rotten American side that decides everything so degeneracy grows and marriage is ruined. There needs to be contra-balance, optimally more than 1 opposing side. You don't want global propaganda by news? Well then keep on working that North Koreas of planet exist, since that's your only way to get different opinion than 1 global samefag news side. Only complete retards want to understand everybody and agree with everybody. Go on understand how gays fuck and why they do it, you tranny, that's how it starts.
That was cool as fuck.
why is war with N. Korea a world war? It doesn't seem like China has their back, what other allies do they have?
The shitty ones.
Fake news
sorry mate I don't think your English is good enough for me to continue this exchange. I have no clue what you are saying.
I wonder how difficult English is to learn if your native tongue is Cyrillic related?
>us preparing to destroy
Wew lad, theyre doing it themselves.
Kept trying to tell you dumbfucks, NORTH KOREA AIN'T SHIT.
Pic related
probably very difficult. There's no criticism - but that doesn't change the fact I don't know what he's trying to say.
It's funny because the last two started because of increasing tension and military actions between two countries.
pretending that other countries like japan and china are just going to watch, russian might stir some shit they still pissed at us for bombing syria
Just read about the failed missile test and Donald having "no comment on it".
Fucking hell i knew this was hype about nothing again, no WW3 for us
I knew the no criticism part, seeing the post genuinely made me wonder how difficult it is to type and speak English if you're of his background.
Based Kim
>Supporting Israel over Kim
Let's be real, North Korea would win.
North Korea would bum rush the hell out of the South, and there is little the US could do about it. Once they get it, it's guerilla warfare on a mass scale. The US can barely defeat flip flop fighters in the mid-east and you expect them to do shit about this? Yeah okay buddy, they can take out NK's airforce and navy, but that's about it. Once the NK troops get into SK it's done. Game over. They'll rush in like ants, and flood the streets regardless of if they defect later on or not. Even if they defect, they'll form their own militias to survive in teh storm and cause even more chaos and confusion. YOU ARE FUCKED.
I wouldn't know - I hear it's one of the most difficult but I'm not very good with languages - got a little French from school but that's it.
I'll wear a GoPro for you.
A Nuke detonated in High altitude generates EMP (Nuclear electromagnetic pulse)
A single EMP could shut down most of USA power grid & Internet.
And also destroy most electronics (phones, computers, etc)
A Power outage caused by an EMP would cause Urban Violence for several days.
If you don't want SJW and Zion media then make sure you allow other opinions. Maybe you are just too retarded to understand this simple logic.
I can speak like you any day, but you will never know 6 languages like me. If you only know English you are basically a retard. Try to think when you don't understand something, it might help you and your country so you won't suck nigger cock around the clock.
I can barely read basic German, was thinking of Learning Russian and maybe Polish. Looks difficult.
Kek wills it
Good luck America
What did Trump give the Chinese in return for best Korea no longer becoming a satellite for them?
I know it will violate OPSEC, but periscope your platoon going over the DMZ.
Okay, have nice day. Still not of understanding you Ivan.
Russian is pretty great once you learn the cases and verbs of motion.
I took it for two semesters at my uni and I learned so much.