>There are 15 million jews on the planet.
Are there?
In 1939, there were 15 million jews in the world according to the World Almanac.
Between 1939-1945, 6 million jews die in the holocaust.
In 1945, that would leave about 9 million jews.
Assume for argument's sake that jews had the same population growth as whites. There were 700 million whites in 1945. Now there are about a billion. Call it a 50% increase.
So one would expect the jewish population today to be about 15 million again. This is a fair assumption to make, since both the MSM
And google
google.co.uk/?gws_rd=ssl#q=world jewish population
make the same assumptions.
HOWEVER, when you actually inspect the censuses, there are at least 20 million jews in the world or as many as 23 million, as stated here on page 88.
This is the source of the wikipedia data on the world jewish population.
Notice that there are two figures for the total number of jews in the world (the (((Guardian))) and (((google))) of course report the lower number) with exactly 6 million discrepancy. Is this pure coincidence???
Why do they need two totals? What extra people are included in the "Enlarged Jewish Population" total? There must be a good reason, right?
>The “enlarged” Jewish population includes the sum of (a) the “core” Jewish population; (b) all other people of Jewish parentage who, by “core” Jewish population criteria, are not currently Jewish (e.g. they have adopted another religion or otherwise opted out); and (c) all respective non-Jewish household members (spouses, children, etc.)
>all other people of Jewish parentage
Aren't these people jews???