Could, in our day and age, a monarchic system work? What are your thoughts on monarchy?
Monarchy, could it work?
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Monarchies worked for thousands of years. Why the fuck would they not work? I suppose an absolute monarchy would be a madhouse, but still it's a solid system
It still works today, especially in the midlle east, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, etc..
>What are your thoughts on monarchy?
It's shit. But Leonor a cute, I'd bow down and worship at her feet.
If you think monarchy is so great why don't you fuck off to England or some other monarchist shithole?
I don't think it's great you retard, I just said it's a stable gov't. Stable =/= good when the middle class doesn't exist and inbreeding makes your rulers fucking retarded
Kings have some skin in the game in comparison to faceless bureaucrats, because failure could cost them their family and bloodline. They also own the government so they give a fuck that everything runs relatively smoothly and nobody fucks shit up. So they're more businessmen than managers, which gives them more power but also more risk.
It would need to have an updated council to process the huge amounts of information present, but Hoppe made the argument pretty conclusively. Whatever you think of Monarchy, it is clearly superior to representative republic.
I have been tossing around patriarchal representative democracy lately.
The father or patriarch is the representative of the family and has the right to cast his families collective votes in the election. This would include one vote for every family member under his authority. (wife, unmarried children, unmarried younger siblings, senile parents) This would cause the society to turn rapidly to the right in my opinion because the most conservative citizens (with the largest families) would have the most votes.
I'm still thinking about it though.
Works for NZ.
There are advantages to having a head of state who is not elected (ie. beholden to a political base), who has constitutionally limited powers (ie. won't turn dictator like a lot of presidents in non-USA republics do), and is far away (other side of the world in our case).
They look subhuman as all germanics
Of course it could work. It's the most tried and tested of any political system. Nearly all of human history is characterized by monarchic governments.
Unfortunately, given that (((they))) prefer mob rule and corporatism, our betters will not allow it to be adopted.
Of course it could. Monarchy is the form o government most natural to man. Whether or not aristocracy could exist today is a different matter.
The middle class emerging has more to do with capitalism than the type of government.
No fuck that.
We need a technocratic radical traditionalist expansionist nation to tame the world all over again.
I like this idea a lot. A clan-based aristocratic system. You could potentially add land ownership qualifications as well.
hereditary government positions is part of radical traditionalism, fampai
Fuck that
There are similarities between the two, however, monarchy allows progressivism to operate within its kingdom.
Radical traditionalism works to stomp out that bullshit. Am I fucking wrong?
The problem is who would constitute the aristocracy. The root comes from the Greek aristos - meaning best. In the quadripartite caste system of ancient Aryan civilizations they were the warrior caste, the best physically, the best morally, etc. Above them were only the priestly caste and sometimes a king, in whom the functions of the warrior and priestly caste were united (hence purple is the royal color - a sort of blend of red for the virile warrior caste, and white from the priestly caste).
But things have reached such a point today that there are no caste systems anywhere, no hierarchy. The watchword is "equality" everywhere you look. The best are hated by the envious inferiors which are much more numerous.
I think this whole situation will have to get much worse before it can get better.
>fuck that
You've forgotten how we've tamed the savages in the past.
I vonunteer to be monarch for 10 yaers to give it a go
Shut the fuck up.
>red + white= purple.
I stopped reading as soon as I seen that shit.
Cool you're really smart you know your colors well haha :^) where'd you learn that?
Upvote :^)
>Cool you're really smart you know your colors well haha :^) where'd you learn that? Upvote :^)
Nu/pol/ everybody
The gods were the first to start a Monarchy.
They brought the Bloodline Kingship of Anu down to Ki.
Ki is an old name for Earth and Anu was their King.
He sent his sons here, Enki and Enlil. They were the Princes and Heirs to his dynasty.
The Illumanti are humans who claim to have the most direct bloodline relation to these gods of old.
Haha based you trolled me :^)
>What are your thoughts on monarchy?
Have two big flaws that have come to ruin every monarchic system there is
>depends far too much on the competence of a handful of persons who are not put in place by any merit other than their birth
>cannot be held accountable by anyone without violence
You can also add to this the fact that it largely depends on the existence of a nobility and all the issues it can create.