>we talk with fellow argies in this thread
>if any non argie has any questions regarding our country we'll answer them politely (except latinomierdas)
>discuss our current situation
>we talk with fellow argies in this thread
>if any non argie has any questions regarding our country we'll answer them politely (except latinomierdas)
>discuss our current situation
hey sons, how are you doing? is there any chance of political/economical improvements in the near future?
hope you don't mind if I get comfy here
get comfy all you want! we love spaniards
and no, everything is fucked, ((MACRI)) is perhaps purposefully useless.
>streets are unsafe as always
>15yo peruvians killing white children
>drugs everywhere
>((MACRI)) is importing niggers from somalia, and senegal
>enraged peronistas
the future is very grim
do you hate me brother?
not as much as you hate us
why would I hate you passive agressive cunt
Good luck fixing your shit Argies. I offer you a friendly warning that the anglosphere will not tolerate any attempts to attack or invade the Falklands.
I politely disagree with that. The real enemies should be: Marxists and Zionists
Oh yes. Very much so.
How do we solve OUR mapuche problem?
selling white paint pm me
chileans dislike argentina because we are white, catholic and our country has always been superios (even now, in its decaying state).
argentines are treated like shit in chile yet chile subhuman scum comes to argentina and they are treated like majestic princes.
i dont like being fucked in the ass
couldnt care less about those stupid isles, as ive said id rather seem them inhabited by brits than by argenniggers
too late now, Sarmiento should hav done something about it, or Roca, or maybe Columbus shouldnt have been a fucking lazy dip and exterminated all of them back then
goback2taringa negro puto
Honestly, there are much bigger problems for everybody than a bunch of rocks.
Roca 2.0
Aren't these islands just delightful, argie?
hello my white friends
Is chile not Catholic?
no u
>trying this hard
cant u realise argies on Sup Forums dont give the slightest fuck about those stupid isles
wtf? have you acually been to Chile? I drink mate with you guys on the beach every fucking summer
round them up, duh
abos arent really all that catholic, at least here in argentina i see peruvians and other subhumans wearing tshirts with inverted crosses, theyd much rather believe in their retarded mythologic gods even in 2017......
i never been nor do i plan to go, but i know people that have and they havent had good experiences because they are argentinians.
also go on csgo/1.6, some chile servers dont allow players from argentina lol talk about resentment
Lad, most argie pollaks have gotten over this already.
It was fun while it lasted though. Falkvinas bantz were some of the best times I've had here.
best place to visit?
>chileans dislike argentina because we are white
gypsie nigga please...
>inverted crosses
You mean like the one on the Pope's chair?
Who is most likely to replace (((macri))) once he gets curbstomped in the elections?
Argentina has some really good movies
kek cs 1.6 is filled with peruvians and people that cant afford a computer to play better games. Are you really gonna cry over those guys? its honestly a blessing you are banned from those servers
We're doing fine, dad. Kicked out commies last year and we're trying to stay afloat.
Any argie with a working brain knows we ourselves fucked up any chances we had left of getting the isles back
literally no one cares about them nowadays
such as?
patagonia or cuyo
Don't mind me I'm just taking the rightful piece of UK territory.
this qt
no place
latin americans resent us for being white, there are racial and cultura differences which have bred hate, its like they hold us responsible for their atrocious attempt at defending their shitty lands.
-no one ever
was just citing an example, argies arent half as brutal to chileans as they are to us. these araucanos are fucking savages
sure so long as you do an ethnic cleansing
I'm pumped up by the Berkeley events, I wanna go out and punch commies.
I wish we had stayed as an English colony desu
Whats happening in your country? Why do you have 40% annual inflation? I remember we had that at the start of the communist government. Are you guys becoming communists?
expat reporting in
Sure we can purge the spics but isn't that everyone?
>tfw no ultras in argentina
we are under jewish subversion, just like 40 years ago desu
Whats up, southern niggers?
>Just chillin with my best mates USA and Canada
They're world powers, you know. Just how may world powers are you friends with, Argentina?
Sadly not the army
soon enough it has to happen, people can't take this forever
we only cause trouble and have been battering this country for 200 years. we can certainly do without them
Really fucking bad example but whatever. Just keep sending qts to our beaches cunt
> Mexico
> best mates
sure thing Paco
we are becoming anarcho capitalist and communist at the same time.
>Just chillin with my best mates USA and Canada
mejicanos actually believe this.
British invasions of the River Plate defense, was a mistake
Why are you guys so white compared to other SA countries?
Did you kill all your Indians or put them on reservations like we did?
We are digging our own grave without help from communist filth, thank you very much.
How so you see all the Macri thing?
Is he an "less commie" and that's it or is he doing something good?
The white meme is real? Most of the Argentinians I know aren't white. I don't give a damn about all this racial bullshit, just curious since even taking a look at documentaries and stuff we can clearly see that there are LOTS of mixed people down there.
Wish you luck Argentibros, you and only 2 or 3 countries are the hope of South America.
dude stfu ur delusional as fuck the army isnt coming back lol
as much as i want it to its not gna happen, the jews have turned the population against its own army
nobody wants order on the streets, they prefer ((DEMOCRACY)). everyone thinks they are exempt from being killed by a niggger until it happens.
Macri =((Mahir))
idk they died cus of avian and yellow fever
we never had much indians to begin with.
Butthurt niggers
Trump and qt3.14 Nieto are BEST MATES
Trudeau is ok I guess
i was never good with history, but we were a spanish colony not a british one
we had chiloe invaders, they regreted ever coming into patagonia
no, hes jewish and hes a commie
obviously the opposittion calls him far right nationalist etc but hes the opposite
also the white meme is in part real, theres 40% proper white people, the rest are all mixed and this fucking mestizoes reproduce fucking insanely fast
our president is stupid, but he is handsome
Don't mind him. He is a moron that takes Sup Forums banter seriously.
I've been to Chile many times and I hosted Chileans here too, all great people.
Same with the rest of South America.
it has to at some point, all the hur muh dur milenials and reds from the 70s will die off, and then nature will take it's course
Any other possible option apart from Macri?
Is he gonna hold the presidency in the next elections or Cristina is preparing to come back?
>Same with the rest of South America
but Peru and Bolivia are stinky user
id be cool with you guys if you could stop saying "wea" all the fucking time
this. it's only a matter of time until we become bff.
only the old generations really dislike you.
you are a fucking jewish retard, im talking outside Sup Forums. real life , i can see through ur shilling isaac
hes preparing but he'll fail miserably, salbuchi is the closest thing we got to /ourguy/ but hes gna get voted by like 3 ppl at most.....
biondini is controlled opposition so..
probs cristina coming back, may god help us
nestor kirchner is preparing to come back.
We got invaded by Englishmen twice
we shouldn't have kicked them out
Is the elite Spanish or Italian or is everyone pretty much mixed with both?
Does everyone speak both languages?
How you lads doing?
Come back to hispachan niggers
> Salbuchi
> Biondini
No one who supports PerĂ³n can ever fix this country
some chilenos don't like us, but not all of them are like that. so why would you hate all of them?
Elite is english desendant for the most part, middle class is italian and spanish
we have had better time
mostly jew and italian.
I play overwatch with some of you, and you are alright.
How big of a star is Manu Ginobli?
Are you watching him play ape hoop right now?
no and no
do some research cba answering retarded questions
terrible, this thread went like ass. these are not the kind of argies i want in my threads :(
who then? ((MACRI))? we really have no choice, they are the least worse (biondini as i said, is a mosad agent so ye dont vote for him lol)
you mean 99% stop being delusional, go to chile and see for yourself you spic lover piece of shit
i know you are a jew at this point. just get off my thread. you may take the majority for a fool but not me, i can see through ur shilling u kike piece of aids
overjew u mean
Vicky is one of the few Argie woman who are worth it
Yeah seems a bit hostile. Just post with a VPN in britpol, I reckon there's plenty of jews are amerifriends that already do.
>mfw the schlomo using divide and conquer to put the best latin american countries against each other calls me a jewish retard
You guys fill up our beaches every summer and come shopping at our malls, we dont hate you as much as you hate yourself.
meh, peron was alright up till 50', then that whore fucked him up.
t. Lonardi relative
Like many other developed country, real (((elite))) = jews
Not everybody or at least being fluent at it, but there are some attempts with English and Portuguese in the schools.
Who is this fluid druid?
You think you're hot shit for being butt buddies with the US aintcha.
Conservative Argie woman, pretty Sup Forums approval.
Kinda Falangist she is, like Franco
shes my waifu! im glad someone shares my opinion, shes very intelligent and quick witted lol
do you think these are jews with argie vpn ?? that makes sense. i'd post in brit/pol/ but i know fuck all of englands current situation lol
are you really a lonardi relative?
lol the jew dont care about the rest of latin america other than argentina cus u guys are shtiskins, look at kalergi plan in argentina its ridiculous
chile on the other hand has always been mapuch/araucano/mestizo/castizo
National Catholic. Inquisition-tier
yep, second surname, my grandma told me stories about how he had to share shoes to go to the dance with his brothers
Fuck you, you turkey-legged cumstains. I had a friend who was argentinian, I thought we had something. thanks for getting my fee-fees hurt.
I do have a question: what's your email?
these fags don't even know our own history
Am I late? What do you think of the K's being against the government buying weapons?
Quiet subject, real countries are talking
Hi my fellow whites
what is latinomierdas
tell me more about lonardi and red pill me on the happenings during the revolucion libertadora, why was he so soft on peron? i do respect him a whole lot though!
not ur not late!
i dont think anything of them anymore, just massacre them like 40 years ago