When did it become wrong to hit women?

Literally never

Other urls found in this thread:


She traded in being a woman for being straight up garbage

Someone have the full video?

Need aftermath to fap properly

Why are you assuming xer's gender?


Equal rights, equal fights

This, the left pushed so much that gender is a social construct that once things become equal they cry back to "not hitting a girl". Fuck you, you did this. There was a reason why we identify women as women. In the heat of the moment the guy probably didn't even know he hit a girl, especially in caifornia where you see so many MTF transexuals. It would have been an honest mistake, but then again. She could have been identifying herself as a male, who the fuck cares at this point. Bitch wants to step up to the game, bitch plays by the same rules like everyone else. There is no special snowflakes in a brawl.

No argument here

When it's this.

Will leftypol admit women in the frontlines is retarded? Just a few days ago we had a shit skin overpower 5 Swedish female cops.

can u link me video?

The guy who punched her is not even 5 feet tall so I don't think it's a problem

this can someone link the fucking video or give proper keywords some of us arent ennlightened yet

Well they made it impossible for us to tell whos a woman and whos not so even if we did think it was wrong to hit a woman we'd never be able to tell if we were doing it anyway

oh nvm its just pumping in threads

its like 10-15 secs in

actually its 0:30 im sry im drunk fuk muslims

you lose your human rights when you choose to become a commie.

Nathan is a psyop.
The posting is more dense than the mlp raid.

>sry im drunk fuk muslims

I'm glad that you can manage to keep a clear head.

Can someone explain what the fuck is going on here?

also fuck the faggot telling me to subscribe fucker you wanna get some authenticity for the cause you dont advertise your poorshit media fucking website you godamn jewnigger i care about people getting punched in the face particularly women not your pussywaxshit revolutionary complex website cuntshit. fuck off nigger wearechange can suck my average thick dick

All white women not in the kitchen will be punched.
Coalburners will be shot.

Trump supporters hold rally. AntiFa goes to protest them. Trump supporters kick their ass.

mods are killing these threads as fast as they can. pol is becoming cucked?

>typical manlet trump supporter
>gets questioned
>trump keeps telling his voters to do it and he will pay the bills
>when asked trump says he didn't tell people to do it

flip flops on everything lul

there you go


William Shockley was right with his research on IQ.Those with lower IQ will, once they overbreed those with higher IQ, at some day end any civil form of live. Crime is on it's rise in Europe, one may wondering why that happens.

commie aren't human. feminist aren't women. you're assuming xer gender




After watching the video, I really thought it was a man.
Doesn't really matter though. We have equality now so hitting or getting hit is gender neutral.

thank u bro