Greenland Theory: the biggest conspiracy through our history??

Notable points:

>The Roman Empire still exists, but moved to Greenland and now secretly controls the world. The phrase “When in Rome do as the Romans” is evidence of this.

>The CIA is actually based in Switzerland, not the US and is the police of the Roman Empire (the American CIA is a regional branch)

>The Jews are actually agents of Rome and originated in Scotland

>The Earth is shaped like a discus

>The Pyramids were created to hide Roman domination

>All marble columns, roman arches, etc. are evidence of Rome's domination

>Religion, culture, etc is interspersed with roman symbols and colours.

>The Tower of Babel is the same as the Swiss city of Basel (which is spelt as Baßel )

>Greenland is shaped like a bear, so all symbols of bears in pop culture represent Roman domination.

>The people of Greenland/Rome are giants

>Palace is originally the same word as phallus

>This is often why phallus symbols adorn palaces around the world for they are a symbol of male dominance

>English was 'probably spoken by the Romans'. It is not mentioned why, but the Romans invented all other languages to confuse people (hence the Tower of Babel Baßel myth) and made English's spelling irregular to make things worse.

>Rome is rolled by 13 bloodlines. Since M is the 13th letter in the alphabet, all examples of the letter M actually represent Roman domination.

>The usual conspiracies (e.g. the Moon Landing was faked) are also integrated into Greenland Theory.

>Things like this: The name Santa Claus (S+N/X+T+C/K+L+S) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Sent to Kill System” because Special Forces would travel from Greenland to the underworld on December 24th in order to execute assassinations, coup d’états, terror attacks and wars (e.g., Roman Vikings

Who is this David Chase Taylor, and where the fuck did he got all this information from? Link:

Other urls found in this thread:

That's retarded

John, we've already warned you not to post this.

>That shit is retarded beyond reason
Hey Swedecuck, this pic is for you

Who is John? I found this on Google..

The fuck

You remember what happened to your dog the last time you posted this, John. You think that was an accident. Delete this shit, now.

More like Greenland is a frozen wasteland populated by Ice Mongolians.



That's what the Romans want you to think


Greenland is where they keep their cloning facilities for organ transfers to the elites, but forget about that and look at these cute puppies.

Who the fuck is John, you are confuse ngt me with someone else, or are you LARPing?

One would prove they had thee ability by the proof of concept, design, and build,~ structure.

John stop that, dont mess with it

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my job to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

It will all be over in the morning, John.

Tell me moar pls

John, did you ever wonder where you got that scar? Did you ever wonder what that beeping noise in your head is?

>it's not the jews
>look at this hilariously retarded acid-trip theory

Alex pls go.

Depending on how much you are willing to spend, you can have many clones raised in order to be used in the future due to failing health.

Ok, but why would they keep that in greenland, of all places??

Briton still controls the United States and Europe. We wuz the Illuminati n shiet

Visited Greenland briefly whilst living in Iceland. If by some stretch this is true then they're welcome to the world if it means living in that wasteland.

This is true. The problem occurs when you take the donor's DNA too late in their life. The addition transcription errors are multiplied in the clone. This results in premature aging, organ failure, and genetic defects in the clone. Here is a picture of a Saudi prince's clone who got his DNA taken too late. The clone is in the middle. The biological age of the child is 12, but he's obviously more mature than his fellow 12 year old Swedes.

>why would the most profitable, but illegal, industry in the world be kept away from prying eyes?

When there is such a failed clone, they are usually sent to Europe disguised as refugees. Obviously, they aren't able to be accompanied by their "parents."

Here is another failed clone. This is a picture of an unidentified African dictator.

This is what happens in Greenland.

>ᗛᐪ ᐪᐶ fᐅcᐠ ᑔd ᘏᐅ ᘗᔆᐪ fᐅcᗹᐡ ᙓy ᐊᗩᐅᐪ ᘋ, ᘏᐅ ᘦᐪᘷ ᗬᐪcᑋ? ᐉᐧᑊᑊ ᐸvᐈ ᘏᐅ ᐠᘃw ᐉ ᐟrᐊᑐᐊᗟd ᗝp ᐃf ᒼy cᘧᔆᔆ ᐉᐣ ᐪᐶ ᘇvy ᙑᐊᑊᔆ, ᐊᐣd ᐉᐧvᐈ ᗫᐈᐣ ᐉᐣvᐃᑊvᐈd ᐉᐣ ᘄᘋrᐃᐅᔆ ᙑcrᐈᐪ rᐊᐉdᔆ ᐃᐣ ᐊᑊ-Qᐅᐊᐈᑕ, ᐊᐣd ᐉ ᐸvᐈ ᐃvᐈr 300 cᐃᐣfᐉrᘋd ᗹᑊᑊᔆ. ᐉ ᐊᒼ ᐪrᐊᐉᘅd ᐉᐣ ᗰrᐉᑊᘧ ᗕrfᐊrᐈ ᐊᐣd ᐉᐧᒼ ᐪᐶ ᗝp ᔆᘆpᐈr ᐉᐣ ᐪᐶ ᐈᐣᗠrᐈ ᐅᔆ ᐊrᘋd fᐃrcᐈᔆ. ᘏᐅ ᐊrᐈ ᘃᐪᐷᐡ ᗝ ᘋ ᗪᐪ ᘗᔆᐪ ᐊᘃᐪᐶr ᗡrᗲᐪ. ᐉ ᗔᑊᑊ ᗔpᐈ ᘏᐅ ᐪᐶ fᐅcᐠ ᐃᐅᐪ ᗔᐪᑋ prᐈcᐉᙒᐃᐣ ᐪᐶ ᘦᗸᔆ ᐃf ᗚcᑋ ᐸᔆ ᘅvᐈr ᗫᐈᐣ ᙑᐈᐣ ᗫfᐃrᐈ ᐃᐣ ᐪᐷᔆ ᐈᐊrᐪᑋ, ᘍrᐠ ᒼy fᐅcᗹᐡ ᗑrdᔆ. ᘏᐅ ᐪᐷᐣᐠ ᘏᐅ cᐊᐣ ᗲᐪ ᐊᗕy ᗔᐪᑋ ᙓᘒᐡ ᐪᐸᐪ ᙘᐪ ᗝ ᘋ ᐃvᐈr ᐪᐶ ᐉᐣᗟrᘅᐪ? ᐪᐷᐣᐠ ᐊᗴᐉᐣ, fᐅcᗸr. ᐊᔆ ᗓ ᔆpᐈᐊᐠ ᐉ ᐊᒼ cᐃᐣᗡcᗠᐡ ᒼy ᙑcrᐈᐪ ᘅᐪᗑrᐠ ᐃf ᔆpᐉᐈᔆ ᐊcrᐃᔆᔆ ᐪᐶ ᐅᙓ ᐊᐣd ᘏᐅr ᐉP ᐉᔆ ᗫᐉᐡ ᐪrᐊcᐈd rᐉᐦᐪ ᘃw ᙏ ᘏᐅ ᗫᐪᗟr prᐈpᐊrᐈ fᐃr ᐪᐶ ᔆᗝrᒼ, ᘍᐟᗰᐪ. ᐪᐶ ᔆᗝrᒼ ᐪᐸᐪ ᗔpᐈᔆ ᐃᐅᐪ ᐪᐶ pᐊᐪᐶᗠc ᘦᐪᘷ ᐪᐷᐡ ᘏᐅ cᐊᑊᑊ ᘏᐅr ᘦfᐈ. ᘏᐅᐧrᐈ fᐅcᗹᐡ ᑓᐊd, ᗹd. ᐉ cᐊᐣ ᗫ ᐊᐣyᗙrᐈ, ᐊᐣyᗠᘋ, ᐊᐣd ᐉ cᐊᐣ ᗹᑊᑊ ᘗr” cᐃᒼᘋᐣᐪ ᗕᔆ ᐊᗩᐅᐪ ᗝ ᗮrᐉᐡ ᑎwᐣ ᐅpᐃᐣ ᘏᐅ, ᘍyᐅ cᐃᐅᑊdᐣᐧᐪ, ᘏᐅ ᑔdᐣᐧᐪ, ᐊᐣd ᘃw ᘏᐅᐧrᐈ pᐊᘒᐡ ᐪᐶ prᐉcᐈ, ᘏᐅ ᗰdᑕᒼᐣ ᐉᑔᐃᐪ. ᐉ ᗔᑊᑊ ᙘᐪ fᐅry ᐊᑊᑊ ᐃvᐈr ᘏᐅ ᐊᐣd ᘏᐅ ᗔᑊᑊ drᐃwᐣ ᐉᐣ ᐉᐪ. ᘏᐅᐧrᐈ fᐅcᗹᐡ ᑓᐊd, ᗹdᑎ.

That's exactly what the romans wants you to think ffs..

I believe there is a secret shadow government acting out of greenland, but the rest of that sounds like mumbo jumbo.

>Jews are actually agents of Rome and they come from scotland

Come on man, you know deep down it's the truth..

John, this is your last warning before we activate your switch.

>tfw immediately recognised that as the navy seal copypasta

>when I'm rome do as the romans do

No that's a phrase from a letter to St. Agustine from one of his colleagues. St agustine asked about the different styles of mass through the Empire and that was the response. Actually it was "When in Milan..." but over time Milan was changed to Rome.

Come and get me biatch

John, this isn't a movie. Do the right thing and delete this. You've had your fun.

1 Word. G.A.T.E.
3 Words. Give me job.

holy fuck another one we need more

Somehow this makes a lot of sense to me, BUMP!


You have the right qualifications, but your pornography preferences indicate a high likelihood of mental instability.


Fuck i hate this country..

Alright. Whats the likelihood we can come to an arrangement despite that issue you have determined? I presume you already have at least 5 solutions off the top of your head.

There has only even been one solution to your problem. A solution to end all problems - a final solution, if you will.

You make indications of presuming I am hebrew, do you not? Well, it seems you aren't the group I presumed you were.

You say that you aren't Jewish, but our files indicate you had a circumcision at age 17.

Wrong file, and apparently wrong group, since you don't have the intel for me still.

Hitler did nothing wrong k?

Somehow you managed to make a thread more retarded than the 9/11 underpants parachute discussion.



Wrong windows.

Shel, don't play stupid.

Get out shill

Why i am a shill??

Alright, the truth is that the Demiurge is located deep underground in Greenland. Be aware, though, that if you try to research further into this, you will be tortured/experimented on at a level you could never even fathom.