An updated message from Anonymous

Dear, modern day fascist Sup Forums, /r/Donald, and Stormfront

Based on the feedback calculated from our last message, your fear is noted and listened, people fear what they do not understand after all

It has come to the attention of Anonymous that there are a number of you out there who do not clearly understand who we are and the victories we have amassed for the nature of truth and justice. Contrary to the assumptions of Stormfront and /r/donald,

Anonymous is not simply "a group of super hackers". Anonymous is a collective of individuals united by an awareness that someone must do the right thing, that someone must bring light to the darkness, that someone must open the eyes of a public that has slumbered for far too long. Among our numbers you will find individuals from all walks of life - lawyers, parents, IT professionals, members of law enforcement, college students, veterinary technicians and more.

Anonymous is everyone and everywhere. We have no leaders, no single entity directing us - only the collective outrage of individuals, guiding our hand in the current efforts to bring awareness.

We want you to be aware of the very real dangers of the Alt-Right fascists and the millions of deaths fascism has plagued upon nations. We want you to know about the gross human rights violations committed by this social plague. We want you to know about Alt-Rights use of child indoctrination and their glorification of fascist leaders like Pinochet who were installed by the state terror of Operation Candor . We want you to know about the fascists efforts to infiltrate the government of the United States of America, OUR government. We want you to know about all of these things that have been swept under the rug for far too long

We are Anonymous
We are legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget

nice meme

mommy and daddy left computer unlocked again.

can i b user i am big hax i maid fbi plane blo up plz plz plS

Suck my dick faggot

r/thedonair is the new power, child

have fun haxing when the electricity shuts down

Where's Donny Small-hands' Russian piss tape?



hi guys

You're not anonymous

I'M anonymous


Fuck off you bluepilled retards.

g-guys, I'm scared.

Wow who cares. Quit pretending you're important and motivated by some righteous cause. You're literally virtue signalling ANONYMOUSLY right now, it's really weird.

kek when you try to get hackers to hack shit because you got rekt in berkley and try to make anonymous a ancom group
you sir have won yourself a free helicopter ride

Go fuck yourself cunt.
Sieg Heil faggot


>Used to ruin peoples lives for "teh lulz"
>Now they literally dress like fucking Nazis and promote violent protesting

Fuck off, you're worse than the Jews

My offer is still on the table, nigga.
1302 Bailey Circle, High Point, NC, 27262.
We can work this out, bitch boi.
Ask for Jerome.
We packin.

ok just leave it at that. It will be really funny if this only gets like 15 replies

Get the fuck out of here, reddit

Hit me with your best shot Anonyfaggot.

Fuck off, you self-righteous RPing faggots.

I'm dreaming . . . dreaming of OP larptard sucking my dick in anonymity or gtfo of here back to his reddit-hugbox

Nigger, you are afraid of horsepussy.

oh no not le ananymus! im SPOOKED!

The UK gov are going to label Anonymoose a terrorist group and use GCHQ to hunt you, because of a recent hack on a certain department that was blamed on you. There's a high up member of Parliament who had child porn planted on his home computer and he's fucking pissed about it and wants blood, two birds with one stone ...


THumP Trump in 2020

>anarcho communism

You don't even know how to pretend, do you?


Lol communist Anonymous. Whats next Feminist Nazis?

PS faggot anonymous started here, and will end here.

Fuck off fucking LARPer - you ain't shit! Edgy teenager

>We want you to be aware of the very real dangers of the Alt-Right fascists and the millions of deaths fascism has plagued upon nations.
We want you to be aware that they deserved it.

If you don't encourage or cause chaos, your efforts here are useless.

Get off our board, normie.


No we are Anonymous.

i'm very scared :(
Pleaz dont hart me

>High Point
Not even once

I miss the Anonymous that fucked with Scientology and raided MMOs.

The Anonymous of the last several years is cringey and fucking embarrassing.

>the millions of deaths fascism has plagued upon nations
Blow it out your ass


0/10, stale copypasta

Tick tack tick tack tick tiack

My beard has been cut already, now ill cut myself on this edge

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you fucking Fasisit? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the University of Anonymous at Berkely, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Trump rallies and I have over 300 confirmed reddit accounts. I am trained in real-time hacking and I’m the top hacker in all of anonymous. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with trojan horses the likes of which has never been seen before on this board, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over Sup Forums? Think again, racist. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Hackers across /r/FULLCOMMUNIM and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call kek. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can destroy your computer you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare iPhone. Not only am I extensively trained in keyboardless hacking, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Microsoft (my dad is the CEO) and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of this board, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “top kek” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have stopped typing. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Does OP really understand who and what anonymous is or is OP a colossal faggot?

Try harder faggot. Lurk moar and you might realize that the "alt right" is a shitty label given to Sup Forums by the fake MSM. If your shitty organization wants to identify with the special snowflakes and trannies go ahead. Fuck off.

You really have to ask?

>Alt-Right fascists

get rid of these guys and guess what? you're still run by fascists and you still live with slavery

why don't you assholes try and get rid of slavery?

>we wuz legion an shiet
Are we back in 2010?

>child indoctrination

Shit or get off the pot, agent.

wow, anonymous sure is gay

>mfw this is posted for the xth time

It's because the original Anonymous has been infiltrated by the alphabet agencies and libtards. It's just another branch of the DNC now.

1v1 IRL faget

You're beginning to believe
What they say about you,
You really believe
In your divinity.

All your ideas
They will be of no use,
Because it only matters
Your personality.

I remember when it all started
We called you man and not God.
And I swear you still have my admiration

Do not forget, I fight for freedom.
I did not think they would believe
That you were his new Messiah.
And you are only a liberator.


man, crying leftists are the best

If my flag has stripes, OP is a fag

Now we're asking the right questions

Your a nigger.

It's ghetto as shit here, but at least these faggots stay out.
Rather live with niggas than gay ass cucks like OP

>communist anarcho colors

You do realize communism is responsible for more deaths than fascism and anarchy is not a feasible form of government right?


Anonymous died in 2012 after the failed occupy wallstreet movement. Now you're just a bunch of faggots who post YLYL videos on youtube.

Nice job being a larping faggot.

>Anonymous is a collective of individuals united by an awareness that someone must do the right thing

like dressing up in black face and saying the pool is closed. or those football death threats. or that time anonymous doxed abunch of camwhores and ruined their lives.

good job anoynoumso.

so sharia blue is trying to coopt anonymous in another attempt at d&c

is anonymous a cult?

at least try

hey guis check out this new meme I made
pretty cool rite?

Pussy anonymous aint going to do shit. The far right has way more balls based off hate and respect for us not you. Guess what you wanna scare us ? Shoot someone then ill care about you fucks , stab someone bomb something your words change nothing facism will win because its a natural want for himans to be unified and structured and have purpose not just oh work for money have kids and die. The jews that own you are very dim lights in a sea of darkness


Was it I who was drowning in pussy, or was the pussy drowning in me?

>1 post by this ID
Why do you tards keep falling for this.


Fuck off carlos



Anonymous has been dead and disbanded for years, now there's a dozen "Anonymous" hacker groups, all of them leftist shills. Even if they were relevant, the vast majority would see the truth and side with us, because they had principles.

you're less than a cockroach to me

>We want you to be aware that they deserved it.

>veterinary technicians
my sides!

>Does OP really understand who and what anonymous is or is OP a colossal faggot?

probably not.

im anomalus to
who shud i loic guise?


Yet Antifa is the real fascist, go fuck with the leftpol fags


We are more powerful than you shills.
We are the ones you should fear.
Keep eating your Hot Pockets faggot.

Fuck it
this is now a caturday thread

> Notices RP thread



Honestly nu-Anonymous's ideology is probably the same as it was in 2006. Just a lot more cringe.

Sup Forums in 2006 was liberal as hell, and the teenagers there made up Anonymous

Now it's the teenagers of today and, not surprisingly, they're bleeding hearts.

I think it was just less cringe because it was original, and everyone had just saw V for Vendetta. They essentially try to mimic today what they were back then and comes off as lame as fuck since they're all wearing the Guy Fawkes masks still and saying shit like WE ARE LEGION

This is the fucking gayest thing I've ever had the misfortune of reading