What is the most valuable university degree to have?

What is the most valuable university degree to have?

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Computer science bsc in my completely bias opinion.



depends. I did finance and econ double major. Now im a wealthy investor and trader.


jurisprudenza / law, suck money from all of you

An honorary degree


PhDank in Memeology.

anything STEM

This is what I plan on doing. Isn't it difficult to land job.

None, go get a trade. Degrees are just receipts.



Double title, MBA and a Masters in Biochemistry/Chemistry or Biology.

Enter the pharmaceutical industry.

Drown in dough.

anything related to calculation / industry

anything else is prone to turn into made up bullshit

education is a scam

Objective answer is Petroleum Engineering .

>phd in math
>any job you want
>300k starting

>finance/economics, but you need to get an MBA or have fun working commission-only sales jobs
>Computer Science
>Most kinds of Engineering
>Hard sciences(Physics, Math, Chem, Bio)
Graduate degree
>Soft sciences
>some kind of Marketing-type degree
>pretty much anything not-retarded is decent with a graduate degree

I'm probably missing some but those are my opinions after being out of college for a year

Law school is a meme by the way

>prole answer
petroleum engineer

>reddit answer
physicist / mathematician

>real answer
elite lawyer

none of this matters, though. if your parents weren't rich, university won't change much for you. if you're average, go engineering

I hear it's impossible to fail with a Chemical Engineering degree

Law school doesn't work anymore. ROI is terrible now. Check out the Veil of Tears on Top-law-schools

facts and statistics say otherwise. higher education increases probability of escaping poverty.

(((Elite Lawyer)))

Law's a declining industry. Family and (((Ethnic))) connections take absolute precedence.

It won't disappear. Someone will always be a prosecutor. But the competition is intense and the fmlife level (probably 80% of grads now) is horrible when you've got 150k in debt.


gtfo. not Sup Forums.


Most medical degrees basically, as they can be used directly in the real world if the fall of civilization were to occur. Engineering, physicists and shit like that are important as well in order to restore civilization, but I would take a carpenter or welder over a computer or petroleum engineer when assembling a team for reconstruction of civilization. A doctor over all of that.

No, it doesn't -- please show me where poor people do well if they get educations.

It's a nice story, but it doesn't happen. University is about networking for the rich and middle class, not about education or 'escaping poverty'

Faggot striver poors take out massive loans to get worthless degrees and they get even further behind.

When you're poor, your best option is to be charismatic, fit, and to educate yourself. Staying out of debt (especially debt for education) should be your top priority, because debt kills the poor.

There must be something to the arts degrees that we don't know about. A lot of people have them though are homeless.

They must know something we don't, something coming in the future.

he said most valuable, not the most based.
If you have people skills this is true, otherwise you are barking up wrong tree.
How do I train to run a milkbar?

wouldn't matter what he got a degree in, may as well worked at mc donalds ffs

This is quite right. I took the time to train as much in wilderness simulations and rural settings so I can still provide healthcare without the benefit of blood counts or MRIs.

Electrical eng + plc programing. Pref having worked as electrican also.

Physician: Brain Surgery isn't Rocket Science

PhDs: Theoretical Physics or Math, Electronic/Computer Eng

Bachelors: Computer Science, Chemical Eng, Electrical Eng, Computer Eng, Mechanical Eng

Lawyer: Only from Few Elite Universities (Ivy League, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge, etc)


A medical degree. Doctors make an insane amount of money, especially in the states. I don't know how the payout works for doctors in Aus cause you have state funded medicine but if you go into a private practice and take private insurance you should do well.

robots and computers and third world immigrants can be the slaves of the future.

we need bright literate creative people leading a life of virtue and pleasure, not more work monkeys.

PhD in Memetic Science
Bachelor in Memetic Engineering

Researching Aplied Memetics


In terms of value received per hour committed and dollar spent, probably Computer Sci.

If you want to strain the noggin, go Engineering. If you want to work in a university forever, choose a Science field.

If you want to waste your time or get fail grades if you don't stroke the prof, go Arts.

If you don't give a fuck, Wine Tasting.

women studies




This. Maybe it can also solve the mystery of why universities don't put the NAME OF THE DEGREE that person achieved on their diploma.

ANything to do with robotics.

>poor people
>poor people
what about the middleclass majority?

my fucking man

Specialized engineering in particular. Can't remember off the top of my head which ones were best. Petroleum and nuclear come to mind.