-North Korea discovered en entrance to Ancient abandoned underground City during WW2 around Heavenly Lake, Koreans discover giant human bones down in the city and learn that it was used by the Nephilim
-Koreans have a directly connection to Ancient Egypt the Hebrews and Jesus they discovered in the city ancient Korean pottery, weapons and clothes they later learn that it was part of a Global underground transport system. Koreans were transported from the Middle East to Korean by this transport system.
-They discovered a machine to make humans immortal and give them perfect health down in the City, Kim il sung and all the founding fathers of Korea are still alive down there living in a Utopia along with Chinese Troops who helped them during WW2.
-The Nephilim Bones that were discovered down there were augmented with machine parts and were possible still kept alive by those cyborg parts.
-North Koreans decide that its best to remain reclusive and protect the technology and knowledge they have gathered down there and create a Fake North Korea on the surface.
-Currently the USA knows the show on the surface is an act and they have been trying to get spies into the North Korean Underground Utopia
Call in some bisexuals or homos to kill any nephs that pop up. Just like David did with his qt Jonathan at his side
Adrian Murphy
This isn't the next quick rundown is it??
Hunter King
Brandon Butler
Ethan Rodriguez
Luke Howard
Isn't this just the backstory of Neon Genesis Evangelion rehashed with extra communism?
Jeremiah Sanchez
It all makes sense now.
Andrew Myers
Western Christian missionaries were shocked to discovered that Koreans before Christianity believed in Heavenly God (aka Sky God).. and according to many Western Christian missionaries it was easier for them to spread Christianity to Koreans in 18th century~19th century because all ordinary Koreans were already understood the concept of GOD and Universe. They probably didn't know that Koreans were already believed in Tangun over 6,000 years ago. Tengri Shamanism entered Korea over 5,000 years ago or perhaps even earlier and due to doctrine of 弘益人間 (Hongik Ingan) and 8 Common Laws 팔조지교(八條之敎), early Koreans were disciplined and morally cultured. Ten commandments and Christianity was copy of Gojoseon's 8 Common Laws and doctrine of Hongik Ingan.
Aiden Lopez
>North Korea >communist Puh-leez, it's state capitalism.
Nicholas Harris
5 mins til 404
Juan Gomez
Nice proxy kim.
Isaac Russell
-Nephilim had direct contact with Lucifer he gave them knowledge on how to build the underground Cities and to build these advanced machines.
-Nephilim tired of being hunted by Humans and competing with them for land moved underground
-Korean People hunt down a group of Nephilim giants and kill them, they discovered the entrance to the City somewhere in the Middle East.
-Nephilim start dying out and fewer and fewer are born every generation
-Korean People arrive in Korea using the transport system, Nephilim drive them of the city.
-Many of the Entrances to the Nephilim Cities and Transport Cities are buried under the Sea with rising Sea Levels.
Aaron Brown
Jose Cox
North Koreans and Manchurians are the Aryans of the East. Every since the founding of the Great Hwan Empire, birthed from Lake of Heaven on Mount Baektu, the world would change forever. Yamato and the First Japanese Emperor Jimmu were refugees of the Hwan. The Shang Dynasty came out of the Hwan Empire. Genghis Khan was a Hwan Descendant. Nurhaci and the Qing Dynasty was the last revival of the Hwanz. The cyclical nature of history after the Great Finno-Korean Hyperborean War shows we have entered a New Age of Hwanz-Finns-and Aryan Supremacy to defeat the Jewish enemy once and for all
Lucas Taylor
This thread is freaking me out.
Jayden Garcia
Can 33 get me into chink heaven?
Logan King
So if North Korea is so advanced with ayy tech, why don't they just ayy nuke the USA and get it over with?
Noah Cox
- Globalist want that Immortality Korea has, They thought they found the key to Immortality and tried testing it in on Rockefeller, many humans were sacrificed to do the test. It failed and he died. Globalist panicked all over the Earth many now fear to die since the immortality technology failed.
- Globalist threatened to start WW3 if the top Globalist don't get Immortality.
- Chinas Immortals visit China and tell Xi Jinping how to avoid War with the USA and stop the Globalist plan
- China follows their advice
-Globalist devastated that the plan failed now want to find the Nephilim City in the Middle East, currently they think its in Syria or North Africa, send around 10,000 US marines and Special Forces to protect refuges but in reality they are scouriting the area for possible Entrances to the city.
So old Elite Globalist are in a panic that they are actually gonna die and will start WW3 over it.
Gavin Gonzalez
BREAKING: UFO crash in NK pic related died in crash
Dylan Smith
These found on the body.
Alexander Carter
Andrew Sullivan
They follow the Heavenly Father Yahweh, there are still people who have not broken their word with God in the USA and are protected by God. North Korea does not war, but they will do battle with Lucifer and the Anti Christ when they take over the world.
Logan Diaz
Most retarded thread on any board today
Juan Myers
Meninblack's money :O
Carson Richardson
Get cuckpilled gook
Christopher Long
>they bleed space marines when?
Cooper Nguyen
So they pretend to be an atheist communist regime but are actually a secret Christian society?
Brayden Watson
I know I love it. The autistic madness
Grayson Wood
I'm getting fucking digits tonight.
Logan Torres
The People on the Surface are not pretending, they just weren't chosen to live in the Utopia either because of Sin or something they have done. People in the surface are introduced to the Utopia to live with Kim Il sung, which is why among peasants in North Korea there are rumors that he is a god and sends people to Heaven. So pretty much if you steal rations are greedy etc you won't get into the Utopia. Notice in the Art its near the location of the Utopia city.
Chase Kelly
So basically if you're a good boy in the surface world Dear Leader brings you to utopia?
Ethan Gray
Kim Il Sung and the founding fathers are noble families descended from the Reiss Family.
Cooper Cruz
Kek confirms it!
Lucas Cooper
If it bleeds we can fuck it. Also nice digits.
Jeremiah Evans
How do you know all that.
Robert Johnson
Can they turn into titans?
Henry King
I like this thread.
Mason Jenkins
No underground city but missing rothchild bank like syria...
Cameron Barnes
If they have immortality then why did both KIS and KJI die of old age?
Thomas Powell
fuck this thread is creeping me out
>Koreans kind of look like a mix of the ayys
its the slant eyes of aliens, guys
Parker Phillips
If your actions continue to oppress people after your death, are you really dead?
Michael Lee
The Nephillim aren't Anexecu-worshippers (or Lucifer as known) if anything they are just a Giant race of Humans that went to Earth with the Karistus (Angels), Anunnaki, Several neo-martian states (Zeta Reticuli and another group forget their name)
The Tunnels themselves are built by the Atlanteans (The first Human civilization) and Anunnaki as a means of quick safe travel (this was in a time when Hell itself was doing occasional skirmishes and invasions in the middle east from the Eden base in Saudi Arabia, although nothing major until the North American Hell Crisis, Sinking of Atlantis and Sumerian Annunaki-Hell War.
Well a lot of this info is hard to come by since the Smithsonian destroys a lot of the evidence, in early american history if an American farmer discovered Nephilim bones the Smithsonian would come soon after and destroy them.