Make Australia Great Again

Fellow patriots, when do we commence building a fuck-off massive sea wall to keep the thieving, sister-fucking New Zealand filth out of our Lucky Country?

Enough is enough. We're full.

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Every Kiwi over is a Killer.

You can't take them anywhere without them being fuckwits.

What do want? Kiwis to fuck off!

When do we want it? Yesterday!

australias tolerance for crime in general is shocking.
its almost seen as a 'rite of passage' for most youths to end up in prison these days (which isn't easy here).

Well, the more of these fuckers we let in the worse it's going to get.

Sheep shagging, we're not Tasmania.

Whinging free-loading pricks.

Well how about some quid pro quo? We ship them over you stick them on the islands with the boat people and no food, bam both our problems solved.

Seriously, fuck these cunts. Stay home.

maoris are not welcome here ,period.
there are no redeeming values. they are unintelligent, lazy, and violent.

The trouble is they've crossbred with the whites to the extent they're one and the same.

I'm surprised at how many seemingly white Kiwis have a bit of Maori in them.

Which mightn't seem so radical now, but back then it meant their grandmother got knocked up by a savage.

The NZers are the most basic whites I've ever encountered.

Be careful, these people are Brazilians in disguise.

Singapore also not want New Zealanders

Too much drink, loud, not pay way

So you are admitting to planting huemonkeys in NZ to infiltrate Straya?

Let me guess - you're the faghot who started that bullshit NZ incest thread the other day. Am I right?

Doesn't sound like bullshit.

didn't know you could have babies with sheep

Your women seem to love them

Can you guys like kill the Maori for us? please? pretty please?

I'll take that as a "yes". Why so commited to hating NZ suddenly mate?

we dont fucking want them

There's just a really high failure rate - you have to fuck a LOT of them.

Australia c-can we annex New Zealand?

This. These cunts get deported back here and let loose on the regular folk

Shhh yank go bomb north Korea, i want more Korean Qt's flocking our country~

So an Aussie and a Kiwi a walking along a fence and come to a sheep with its head stuck in the wires. Kiwi says "I'm going to go over there and fuck that sheep" and does. Comes back to the Aussie and says "righto, your turn mate". Aussie says "I'm keen, but I don't think I can get my head through the wires".

I don't think we'd need your help, we should be able to handle it by ourselves

I'm seeing a trend here

The Aussies are outnumbered by sheeps too!

No, actually there are a lot of gauchos in Australia, it's the most common destiny for exchange students and for people working on IT.

But those Kiwis look like cariocas.

>letting the maoris into your country

its your own fault. I dont even feel sorry for you guys. As long as they leave im happy where ever they end up. Best case scenario is at the bottom of the ocean

>whitey still sending their criminals to Australia

Get rekt roos.

Don't fucking send the Maori's back to us! They're your problem, white guilt yourselves into keeping them plz

Disgusting. Like claiming all aussies have abo in them or something

>Made a treaty with them.
>Do faggy hakas all the time.
It's your fault nigger.


You are a convict settlement. You have ALWAYS been a convict settlement.

Say what you want about us, but I've been to Australia more times than I can count and you have the most politically illiterate, uneducated voting body in the entire Western world, because thinking just isn't in your blood. Fuck, they even have to force you to vote.

Banter aside, you're a disgrace. Blood always tells though, so there is little hope.

Wanna bring up the Abo word then you have me to deal with cunt

Wait so New Zealanders aren't all like flight of the conchords?

says the abbo fucker

>your fault

no the british were weak cunts that thought they were warriors. They could have killed all the niggers and given aus a paradise but they got tainted by the jew and didnt want to spend more money to take the rest of the land so they tried to meme them with some document. The niggers used this as a victim card for nearly 130 years until john key said get fucked niggers and put an end to it in 2016.

Thats the only good that kike ever did for our country

Build it.

t. kiwi living here

they're fucking savages
and their 2nd generation women (if they're not obese) are huge sluts

ah fuck mate stingin' roger

Hey guys, Melbourne here...

Saw a pink haired roastie with an N7 tattoo. I also saw a pack of rainbow haired vegans and one of them was wearing a Che Guevara shirt. How do we fix Melbourne?

You don't want to invite Kiwis to a party.

>Turn up with five friends, all carrying an open drink but otherwise empty handed. Three of the five wearing some kind of All Black sporting apparel.

> Spot the spread: "Awesome bro, look et all the good en drunk, eh" Commence to scarf everything in sight.

> Walk inside, they're all gathered around the phone yelling to someone back home. Ask them to hang up because it's costing a packet. They call me a cunt.

> Two of the five pass out, one vomits all over herself. Have to lend her a shirt. Never get it back.

Why did you allow them to survive?

outlaw AFL, Bogans are too easily distracted

Aussies are generally pretty hospitable, and Kiwis routinely take advantage. Been caught out a few times by them.

>Aussies are generally pretty hospitable
>people get stabbed for not being 'true blue aussies'

They used to be notorious for getting on your phone and calling home. Now that they all have mobiles, they're like: "Ay bro, what's your wifi password, bro, ay?

How can white boi compete

Es ist Zeit für sauberung!

Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten.

Es ist Zeit für Reich!!/Es ist Zeit für Rache!!

Well that's the other thing. If you ever bang a NZ woman, and that's not a huge feat to pull off, sure as fuck she'll have been gangbanged by a bunch of blacks, and will openly brag about it.

As one other NZ poster mentioned they're also reknowned for their openmindedness towards sibling sex.

Maori are cool people.

White New Zealanders are the real problem. They still have a chip on their shoulders from 1981.

i literally know no one who has been to jail, what are you on about?

I'm guessing you're white.

t. mudblood

sorry you have no pure bloods left after your ancestors got britished

but hey at least you have the dole right

NZ rolled over and utterly cucked to their savages. Watching their women get fucked by blacks is their national pastime.


Their your problem now, Stavros

You say that, but this thread is about dudes from NZ fucking up Australia, not NZ.

This is thread is about don't bring your shit over here.

those niggers are your problem friend. Sorry they took your missus but there is no need to project your insecurities on an anonymous forum

>his face tatoo is literally crooked

I know comprehension is a real stumbling block for Kiwis, so I won't waste too much time on explaining one sentence to you, but the idea of a sea wall would be to keep your lot contained.

Now go back to taking turns fucking your sister.

>posts memes

you sure showed us subhuman

>Maori are cool people.
NZfag here, no they aren't.

Self congratulation while completely missing the point is another Kiwi stereotype.

>wants to be taken seriously
>posts maymays

if you want to be taken seriously then why are you acting like a child?

just some mudblood that now lives in aus

Turns out the Tasman sea is made of aussie tears huh?

Does Oz not want to be (((culturally enriched))) with maoris?

Uh, you are definitely a Kiwi. Exactly the type we don't need here.

uh yeah you are definitely an aussie. You deserve all the niggers you let in

>A kiwi seeing an Australian trend while it is still relevant.
You boring island retards are always 15 years behind us on trends.
Rocking you hypercolor t-shirts into the 00's.

We dont need a sea wall, we just need to stop the open borders shit. Im sick of these fucking maoris taking all the scaffolding jobs

In fairness, they give our bogans someone to call bogans.

>not into reading comprehension
its ok I know youre a dumb fuck aussie

>trying to insult someone that posted 2 hours ago and is probably not even at their computer
you sure shower him user

>Im sick of these fucking maoris taking all the scaffolding jobs
maybe you shouldnt have dropped out of school to smoke weed and drink goon sacks then you could get any other job apart from scaffolding

What the fuck you're not full. Japan's full.

Stay right there Kiwi. You're right where we want you.

>We send our criminals over to Australia
>You send them back
That's not how prison colonies are supposed to work

>you sure shower him user
What did the kiwi mean by this?

>implying any white people want to go to your country

We only have islanders but you have islanders, abos and mudslimes. Who knows I might go find some village niggers and fund them for a permanent holiday to your shores

>tfw this is the aussie bantz you cunts always jerk off about


*Blocks your path*

>You have to go back, silly white man.

>This is OUR land, you stole it from us.

Wut do?


>replying to the wrong comment
>posts memes

yeah looks like those niggers are starting to integrate deep into aussie society

I do not associate myself with these degenerate untermensch

Typo that created a different word which changed the context of your insult which in turn made you sound like a homosexual that wants some bloke to shower another bloke.
It is subtle so I don't expect you to grasp it especially when you are more than likely inbred and suffer from the effects of fetal alcohol syndrome.

>he posts after replying to another post
>has homosexual thoughts
>posts even more memes

yeah thats an aussie nigger alright

Who would win?!

Abbos vs Maoris vs Emus

Fucking bottle them

Prison. Plenty of room once we clear out a few kiwis.

>fetal alcohol syndrome.

Good call. I think the entire country suffers from that. Vis a vis the thrust out bottom lip and mashing of vowels.

>"maybe you shouldnt have dropped out of school to smoke weed and drink goon sacks then you could get any other job apart from scaffolding"

Im not a scoffolder, i just dont want to deal with dirty niggers when im on the job site

I've been replying to you the whole time fuckwit.
You are legitimately handicapped.
You aren't making any sense.

>I've been replying to you the whole time fuckwit.
>You are legitimately handicapped.
>You aren't making any sense.

how retarded can one aussie be?

I completely support free speech in Australia, and even though I don't agree with you guys I will bleed for your right to say it. But do me a favour and stop sounding like fucking idiots while saying it. Cheers.