I'm in need of a wife

I'm in need of a wife

Which country produces the best wife material?

This is stupid. Be social and put yourself out there, find a wife you want and not want Sup Forums wants for you.

dont listen to that idiot, poland is the correct choice


Get you some girl from the countryside, especially south of France.

If she's from any big city like Paris or Lyon push her down a building and then go wash your hands, she passed you something.

What??? When do you get to decide what is "wife material" for this guy.

.t an actual grill pls sage kys

Saudi Arabia.

Correct choice
Fuck hot polish woman
Children build plumbing empire
Live off your children's wealth.

Which ever one that is most culturally and ethnically related to you.

How much of a faggot are you that pol decides who you fuck or marry?

>Be social and put yourself out there
Please define what you mean by this.

Tits or get out

Be the best you that the world would ever let you be and be social, met people, don't sit on your computer all day expecting girls to come flying towards you because they won't. Work out, eat better, get a new hobby or two.

Try Greece

Your country, faggot. You have plenty of options with ~ 90 million white women living here.

At least he will have a family of plumbers and maids. Thats pretty trad. As opposed to waifus in your country, who would only give you a family of stoners and feminists.

Talk to people as an experiment for yourself. I hate society but I enjoy talking to people now, just to practice articulation and to see how my words affect people. Don't be afraid of social interactions. Normies are putty with which your words and mind can work wonders.

All countries can provide a nice women. But, I would say Poland.

depends, whats your budget? you can get a serviceable wife model in a number of places.

I do all of these and they literally give no chance to meet a woman. I think you are lying.

I'm comfortable at talking to people but there is really not that many places you can talk to people on topics you choose.

yeah nationality mixing should be strongly discouraged. foreign-extraction marriages should be taxed at first, and outlawed later to reduce degeneracy

>girls whoring themselves for a fucking sandwich

Bring sandwiches

What are the topics you want to discuss?

Try harder. Also get a degree in a high paying field if your in college. These are literally all the things woemn are attracted too, social, fit, well off guys.



Second from right on the bottom is only acceptable. The rest are absolutely disgusting tier horse faces.

china. not even memeing.

I'd say the top 5 are: Russia, Poland, the Ukraine, Mexico and China. Go to any "mail order bride" site and there is a plethora of women to browse through. My neighbor has a Chinese wife and they seem happy together.

Your country is large enough, move to a better place.


I'd say Slavic women. The slavs keep their women feminine, especially Russia.

You can't be talking about pol type shit with women man. You gotta relax


Linux, games, music, books and stuff. All I get to do is stupid small talk which leads nowhere.

I'm PhD in EE, I get along with people, acceptably fit and okay off. Still I get no clicks.

Actually this. Sup Forums is pretty fucking hostile to the rest of the world.

Musiv, books, and similar stuff can but unless she is interested in Linux, games, technology, and other shit like that then no.

This. Go to a foreign country and you'll only screw up her ethnic line and you'll have cultural differences that will affect the children

You're obviously new here.
Im not sure what to think of this roach. Half of me wants to like her, but the other tells me to grab the RAID from the top shelf.

for real, been surfing OKcupid by match % anywhere. all the israeli grills are fucking gorgeous.

asian grills are the most subservient/loyal though so just rosebrides some qt asian 18 year old.

Syria. Family oriented, massive man shortage, and Mediterranean instead of sand nigger. Can't go wrong

He's Turkish you dumbass

I don't ever go beyond stupid small talk. As far as I understand women are quite shallow, and as soon as they feel they may not be fully in control of the conversation they stop talking or block you within social norms.

I don't know man, it's hard.

Upper class Chinese, middle class+ koreans and japs.

Probably Nipland. So far, they sit at the top in most catagories to me. You just have to find tne right one.

This whole thread needs to stop memeing women. Asia and Eastern Europe does not automatically equal a submissive woman. Women will act like women almost regardless of where they are, although women from that area will be more rightwing, generally speaking. In 2017, you're not going to be getting some young, pure, submissive wife anywhere. Even if there was a woman like that, she would NOT be interested in foreign men and being uprooted from her country


are these women considered beautiful?

i honestly think im some kind of gay when i compare the women I like to the saggy fat out of shape Horses i see post and all over porn sites.

Pick a person that comes from a culture that values self respect and takes steps to take care of themselves.

>Which country produces the best wife material?

Mexico or the Philipines.

i want conservative religious wives


I havent heard much of the reverse greenland. How is it there?
Also, image doesnt look like wife material, but rather whore material.


Vietnam or Korea


Shut up Reeeeeeeeeee I don't want half of pol here, cancun is bad enough

No Latinas for poltards, stick to your whores

Weird. I kind of knew that Indian girl in the upper-right. She was a few years ahead of me when I was at Harvard. We were in the same club. I don't remember much about her other than that.

She must be in her mid-30's by now.

Your own, omega loser

the American midwest you fucking traitor.

hmmm, I've never had much success talking to random normalfags about Linux; some of them get it, most don't, as it is not a commodity and therefore outside the realm of their comprehension. You're going to have to learn to pay your dues with small talk. That's actually where you learn the most. Much of my newfound social ability has come from learning how to transition from small talk into the topics that I wanted to talk about. To do that, listening is much more important than saying something. Try to find a deeper meaning in what they are saying, even if it only has meaning to you. If you are really a PhD electrical engineer, you should know how to analyze and solve complex problems. Apply that method to social situations, and most importantly, apply that method in an introspective way (to yourself). I realize I am now speaking in cliches which is not what a robot wants to hear, but once you realize that most people care exponentially less about their interaction with you than you do, you will finally be free.

Gee. I wonder who's behind this post

Don't adopt nigger babies

Japan or Taiwan
T. Korean

Merchant-chan is right. Date a women from your country. Don't bring some foreigner who will feel like an outsider for the rest of her life here.

Thats what happens when you put someone who only managed to bring more debt and shitskin niggers from the Mediterranean and openly promote cucking to the little shits who cant stand being pulled out of their "safezone" for the last 3-5 years.
This couldve been prevented, but nooooo. You gotta promote shitlam and bring their waste of genes here. As if niggers werent enough.

Yeah, but the cucks from the left and their endless preaching of (((Diversity))) negate that little speech.
At this point, you can find anyone of any race, but say for example, you want an asian wife, you stand a higher chance of geting a traditional one from the mainland rather than here, due to media most likely turning them into coalburning race mixing sluts.
Marry here if you can, but the chances of you getting a worthwile wife who isnt someone who has railed 50 guys before you, are low.

this desu senpai

muslin countries.

Just target women from small towns in states like Kansas or the Dakotas.

Stop shilling monkey. Theyre better off extinct.
Yeah, but its easier said than done. Even they wont be a good bet in the next few years if things continue as is.

What country do you think would be better? Europe is just like here and sex has always been more casual there.

Lebanese Christians, you can't go wrong. They are hot, loyal as fuck, and beautiful. Only downside is they are very close to their families, so you have to put up with them too.

Girls in Vietnam love white guys. If you can work around their shyness and insecurities they'll be yours forever.

Im not saying which is better, and i cannot sa from personal experience, but i dont see things taking a turn now, it doesnt look like degeneracy will die down anytime soon. Soon enough, the only way to get a good wife is if you are lucky to grow up with a childhood friend who you have known for years.

Non white

North Korea

Find a Mormon girl and make her convert to your beliefs. Also that was already the best way. I blame television and jews.

Also non white but HNNNNG

My wife looks like Monica Bellucci. The Christians are no different than Italians.

I don't even know what this retarded thinks I'm shilling for.

Well thats bretty white I guess.

>I do all of these and they literally give no chance to meet a woman. I think you are lying.

I think you're too damn focused on trying to pick up THE ONE, son.

Do what you love, and everything will follow. Stop worrying about getting a girl, the right one will come by. You'll know when she does.

Looks high caste hispanic to me.

Yeah, but soon itll be the only way, which isnt a good thing.
The jews were always the issue, who knows how much shit we'll have to deal with in upcoming years if the continue producing garbage as they usually do.
Conversion is a good thought, not gonna say its easy though, itll take some time to do so .

Well, unfortunately her father is a nigger. I don't doubt she has hispanic blood though.


See I cant do that. No way my kids are gonna have a nigger grand dad.
In all honesty the mormons have as good a chance of ceasing control of this country as any other. Take that for what you will.

Well shit.

Yeah they are all centralized and soon the shit with McMullin will be happening every election.

>they are all centralized and soon the shit with McMullin will be happening every election.
Well, imsee nothing good coming of this.
Hey, whens the transition to the black pill? How big a dose do we need?

European non-party girls.

It's gone up alot in recent years here but for the most part once you leave Dublin (and surrounding areas I guess), divorce in Ireland is pretty much unheard of. Marrige here is 9/10 the good ol' nuclear family.

If you want to avoid divorce marry a Somalian and live in Mogadishu. You will die wedlock in a year.

I thought Spain being catholic and shit wouldn't have that high divorce ratio.