I know alot of yall are gonna be fucking pissed in this thread. But

I know alot of yall are gonna be fucking pissed in this thread. But.

I'm tired of living in a province cucked by the rest of Canada. Most of us get laughed at by the US and the rest of Canada for speaking french in a mostly English country. It should not be like that. Why do we have to have a french speaking prime minister sucking off the queen's trans penis.

How do we make Quebec free ?

Other urls found in this thread:


You are the only good leaf in Canadia, user.
Kek smiles upon you with his digits of 777.

You will soon be free. But only you can make that happen.

How will you make Quebec free, and what good it might produce from a right wing perspective? Convince me, and I'll be convinced.

>Most of us get laughed at by the US and the rest of Canada for speaking french in a mostly English country

Who cares? Stop looking for external validation


tfw when Kek has blessed me :)

Well, there would be some good and bad i guess. New fresh economy. Less Syrian shitskins in our country. Liberals will get kicked the fuck out.

you know what you must do
Trudeau must win

Kek has blessed you once again good sir, and I pray that when the day of the rake comes you will be spared and blessed.

>How will you make Quebec free
We will never be free. If we separate, we lose all our dams up in the north. It would be an economical disaster. And our people would never take arms to make separation a reality.

>and what good it might produce from a right wing perspective?
Quebec is one of the most liberal province, economically speaking anyway.

DESU if America wanted to annex us, I wouldn't mind getting assimilated. Our people have been garbage for 400 years. We have such a disregard for proper pronunciation that France's French can't understand us. There isn't anything worth salvaging here, might as well become anglo.


>The only political parties that could possibly make separate real are PQ and QS.
>Liberals will get kicked the fuck out.

Quebec would become Sweden tier if it went on its own.

Praise Kek

Believe user, Just believe in the dream.

Je ne crois pas que l'indépendance va régler ces problèmes. La majorité des souverainistes ne sont même plus des nationalistes ethniques. Ils sont en faveur de l'importation de masse des Maghrébins, des Haïtiens et des Africain noirs parce qu'ils parlent français. Être francophone, c'est leur seul critère d'admissibilité pour eux et ils sont prêts à importer des milliers de shitskins s'il le faut.

En plus, la majorité des souverainistes sont des gauchistes. Oui il y a des nationalistes de droite à la Mathieu Bock-Côté ou du genre ceux qui souhaitent une branche du FN au Québec, mais la majorité demeure des gauchistes (QS, ON, PQ) qui souhaitent un modèle économique et politique s'approchant à celui des pays scandinaves.

Quant au succès économique d'un Québec indépendant, je ne m'y connais pas suffisamment pour me prononcer là-dessus mais je pense pas que notre sort va s'améliorer en matière d'immigration..

t. Anglo LARPing as a Quebecer

Quebec is cucked by its own volition. Has nothing to do with the language.

You have a amazing province culturally but let your major cities ass pound you with major acceptance of immigrants while your villages despise them.

It's the same issue in the states and has fuck all to do with the rest of the country. All of canada is cucked, and so are you.

Kek has answered this mighty Anglo as well. He too, speaks the truth.

You know what you must do, OP.

>La majorité des souverainistes ne sont même plus des nationalistes ethniques. Ils sont en faveur de l'importation de masse des Maghrébins, des Haïtiens et des Africain noirs parce qu'ils parlent français.

Besoin de source la dessus buddy.

La plupart des Francais blanc n'aiment pas les immigrants.

Très bon points.


T'as raison. Mon message ne peux signifier que l'une de ces deux chose : Soit que je suis un vrai québécois ou soit que je suis un idiot d'anglais qui LARP. Parce que seulement un idiot d'anglais serait capable de voir et de moquer l'ironie d'un message disant qu'un Québec souverain "fouttrait les libéraux dehors" alors que les seuls parties politiques qui désirent faire l'indépendance sont eux-meme des parties de gauche.

Mange dlaaa marddd jva ete un grannnd raformateur du francaa
Elisez mouer meniss dla culture

Yen autra pu de stre
Ca va etre des ss

Peut-être que j'ai mal formulé ma phrase. Je parlais des décideurs politiques. Les politiciens souverainistes actuels (Lisée, toute la gang de QS, etc.) veulent attirer une base allophone en prônant le nationalisme civique plutôt que l'ethnonationalisme. Même dans leur programme politique on voit une volonté de leur part de rejetter l'homogénéité culturelle et le patrimoine culturel québécois pour attirer le vote des minorités.

Voulez-vous réellement vous rallier derrière ces personnes pour faire l'indépendance ? Si j'étais souverainiste, j'aurais honte de me rallier derrière ces gauchos.

Quant à la base électorale des souverainistes, il faudrait peut-être des stats sur leur sentiment vis-à-vis l'immigration. Je présume qu'il y a un clivage entre la génération des boomers et celle des plus jeunes beaucoup plus confrontés à la mondialisation et aux autres cultures.

Big on a un meniss dla culture yer noir pis y passe des annonces multiculturels a tv pis y dit ce co lquebec gros
Oubli ca la on va sle dire faudrait que la cote nord se separe du ress du Quebec, la ca marcherait.

>waaaah its so rough getting transfer payments all the time to our shitty economic black hole of a province

Quebec is the Greece of Canada. Only without any real history or culture of note.

Leaf speaking of culture.

We should've killed all you fags or shipped you back to France

Ontarian here

You're province is the most cucked of them all and you have only yourselves to blame

You're not getting the St. Lawrence seaway

Saged and reported

Only you are without any real history or culture of note if you think that. Only Quebec's and Ontario's history is worth mentioning.

We should've sent you fags back to Germany

Canada is just as artificial as Belgium. It should have been separated by provinces a long ago.

People like you make me want to vote Liberal on the federal level just to spite you. Pure malicious hatred towards people you've never met.

He's right. It's fair to say Canada in general doesn't have much culture except what we took with us from Britain/France.

The difference is Quebec somehow thinks they're special. You aren't. Your culture is just as meaningless as the rest of Canada, and on top of everything you can't stop fucking whining and bitching despite getting insane accomodations from the rest of Canada.

Shut the fuck up and be grateful for what we give you. Without the rest of Canada you'd be fucking French Mexico. Only again, with less culture.

How is it that every Anglo is such a stuck-up cunt on Sup Forums?

Fuck i wish the Nazis invaded your country. you guys are just a fucking meme. Your opinions are not valid no matter what you say.

You fucks are all the same.

To be honest i wish there were a Quebec/US annex.

Your province is the last that still sells citizenship (for 800k loan to the gov.) and is the reason B.C is overrun by millionaire chinese. You have no right to complain about anything.

No, although canadians have no culture, we are the real canadians. They just came over and didn't bother changing shit, at first we would just call them anglos and eventually and decided to call themselves canadians and we were like fuck it we're now quebeckers.
We woz kangz for real.

>quebecois make thread complaining about how bad they have it, talking shit about the rest of canada
>other canadians refute quebecois whiny doublespeak
>waaaaah why are all anglos so stuck up and mean

gas yourself

Yes they are user.

Without the rest of Canada, We would be Canada. aka Quebec.

>To be honest i wish there were a Quebec/US annex.
Mb. Isn't Quebec kinda liberal even in Canada tho? Kinda afraid if addition of Quebec to the US may favor Dems more. Mb Quebec can be a temporary territory of the US and then have an independence. I am all for Quebec independence tbqh; I just think the current situation is lose-lose for both Quebec and Anglos (or whatever that means)

>Most of us get laughed at by the US and the rest of Canada for speaking french in a mostly English country. It should not be like that.

Not true. We barely think of you at all. You don't at all have a bad reputation with burgers, just with fellow leafs from what I've heard. We like your accent and that you speak French as your first language. user, pls be grateful for what you have. You just sound depressed. Sort yourself out.

>OP makes a thread complaining about how Anglos don't treat French people with respect
>"Shut the fuck up and be grateful for what we give you. Without the rest of Canada you'd be fucking French Mexico. Only again, with less culture."

Me and my entire family have been disgustingly treated by you subhumans enough because we don't speak your language. Fuck I hate you Frenchies but not as much as you shitheads hate us

Fuck it, you don't touch my language laws.

>How do we make Quebec free ?
Don't vote "NO" in the secession vote?

No French people have ever been in favour of being made part of the US. Historically it was only Anglos living in Quebec who wanted the monarchy gone but didn't want to live in a country ruled by French people who wanted Quebec to be part of the US.

Numbers confirm Quebec independence.

US will support pic related.

Well maybe it's because we still remember how our grandfathers were shat on because they spoke French and were Catholic, and we still see the same entitled attitude among English people today

White Anglo and white francophone do not really hate each other anymore, they just want immigrants out...


You are correct. Quebec is not looking great in terms of Right wing politics.




If by right-wing politics you mean "why shouldn't I be allowed to own a child sex slave and own a private nuclear arsenal?"

Libertarianism isn't conservative or right-wing, and I'm glad that no intelligent people in Quebec believe in that shit

Though you have not a single anglo fuck living on the north coast.
Good luck with that asshat. They're all stuck on that gay ass emo Island filled with newfies.

We might treat you with respect if you didn't act like you're our enemy despite us giving you so much.

Do you have any idea how much better so many other provinces would be if we we're constantly sending your province money?

>b-but we were here first w-we named canada

The amount of time you were here before the British is absolutely, irrefutably meaningless in the scope of history. Anglos conquered, civilized, and built Canada. Anglos are the reason Canada is anything at all.

Don't respond to that, it's stale bait

Yes, we can say that Quebec wont have independency anytime soon.

You make posts like this and then wonder what OP is upset about? That's a total lack of self-awareness, and people like you are the reason that French and English don't get along

>Though you have not a single anglo fuck living on the north coast

Doesn't matter.

Quebec is a socialist shit hole that votes for isolationism more than average and for this and only for this they're based.
Still the US is worst in terms of affirmative action and such so you're not the ideal liberal nation either. (Do not confuse liberalism with socialism)

The working class Quebecois de souche who actually speak French and do all the manual labour in this province are complete fucking subhumans. Add to that the massive and horrible immigrant population, especially in Montreal. The only people with any kind of class are the anglo minority. Why would you even want to save Quebec?

ik how you feel. fuck canada
we need kek to bless us

Really? -I'M- the reason?

When was the last time you saw an Albertan make a thread complaining about how all our wealth gets eaten up by a province full of people that hate us?

Does they even teach you about equalization payments in school, or is it all just exceptional "we wuz first" bullshit?

Maybe inform yourself

Look, things are like this for a reason.
Do not confuse lack of capacity with superior morality, El anglo del squareface

i just have one question for you
would you accept the entire population of haiti in your territory? remember, they speak french and could help preserve your nations' french speaking heritage if the anglo endangers it

Hey, the federal government wants us to stay so they pacify us with money.

Fucking get out, you are a burden on the country. No more of my tax going to Quebec sounds good to me.

Some old out-of-touch people in the PQ actually believe that

>Move to Louisiana
>Be worshipped for basically speaking fluent cajun french
>Buy a gun to defend yourself from niggers, snakes, and the government.

This nation was built on us getting fuck in the ass.
Anglo canada was initialy financed by the french population against their will and only now do we get something back from it.
Cry more and good luck changing things. You people like to vote frenchies as your PMs anyway.

>Most of us get laughed at by the US and the rest of Canada for speaking french
That bastardization of a language you speak up there isn't French, a friend of mine from Paris told me once he went over there and was actually offended by some of your people's """fluent French speakers"""

Kek will save us.

>Entire population

And believe it or not, we don't like the effeminate Parisian accent so I don't see your point

Sign me the fuck up.

This is the truth.

Quebec is an absolute joke in France.

Call it improved french.

we have an entire piece of land thats unlivable.Its called Nunavut, why cause how much of it is livable ...none of it.

>Quebec is an absolute joke in France.
France is an absolute joke in the world.

We should have converted the french to english back in the 1800's the only thing they have done since then is be terrorists and refuse conscription

The thing is that I love the way I speak and I despise the french accent.
It's mutual really. I think they sound like the biggest faggots.. On the other hand someone who pronounces Calice de criss de tabarrnakkk proprely while angry is the most epic thing sound that can come out of a human.

lol, Quebec survives on a steady diet of gibs. LOL!!! if you make Quebec free all the gibs go to the maritimes or out west, plus all the head offices of companies leave Montreal, and every industry Quebec has because of bicultural constitutional equality go away as well.

Try it.

Also, sort yourself out, Bucko!

Your digits say that you should secede from Canadaistan

Maybe don't try to build a country on top of someone else's country and you wouldn't need to worry about these things

You guys did.
it failed.

Daily reminder that Anglos in Canada come from Loyalists who got beaten in the US Independence War. Fucking cucks.

How can you folks be mad at me for wanting my culture and my nation to survive? I thought people on this board would understand the struggle.

>The thing is that I love the way I speak and I despise the french accent.

This just means that you are degenerate in mind and soul as well as in body.

Ya qu'une façon; continuer a répandre kek, faut qu'y croire :v

(You) all are posers and an embarrassment to France and you know it. Easiest way to out the Quebecfaggot is to bring up that mangled semblance of French they try to speak

You go bleach your anus elsewhere.
Fuck sounding like a huge queer.
When I yell criss de calice de taharnakk it strikes the nigger's souls.
Pure alpha

>How can you folks be mad at me for wanting my culture and my nation to survive?

According to Quebecois, replacing Anglos with massive hordes of French-speaking Africans and mestizos is "wanting my culture and my nation to survive." This is why Quebec nationalism is dead, because everyone notices the ridiculous contradictions inherent in a "nationalism" that rejects concepts of race.

just leave canada and try living off your own personal economy, pepsi faggot

I'm sure the world will take you much more seriously then

ya Quebec is like its own thing. like if you woke hungover there you would know its qb. they wanted to secede, like wtf. they need us to survive.

I'm with you cousin.
Kek wills it.

Nah, fuck both, neither can pronounce criss de calice de tabarnak proprely.

kek will save us


also, the frenchies sunk investments into bombardieri, undercutting the feds' plan to grow development nationwide - essentially stealing potential jobs from the other provinces

hasnt been the first time either

that picture is the hottest plate of garbage ive seen in ages.

Well, I don't believe speaking french makes you a Québécois.

I suggest you read this book, it's a nice red pill from a conservative sovereigntist here in Quebec. The book is called "Multiculturalism as a political religion".

I agree that right now it might not be the best time. but, give it a few years and we'll see i guess.


I give no fucks about what the fuck France think, they let us die during the war agaisn't the brits.


Pepsi tastes like shit.

The digits have spoken.