Press s to spit on his grave

Press s to spit on his grave

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fuck off cuck


Stay mad, cuckboy.

to Suck his dick?


>Iraq vet
>sees how shit Muslim civilization is
>protests against letting them in
>gets attacked by ANTIFA
>smacks Xir one

I'm not seeing how he's a bad guy

id rather spit on his cock after his heroism

Cry some more

That is hands down the gayest thing I've ever heard anyone ever say on Sup Forums.

I envisioned how girls in porn spit on cocks after throating them to re-lube them up again.

>being this mad he punched a shitty actor

press f to pay respects



im a girl, and you envisoned right

literally who

>being this bootyblasted

I'd spit on his asshole desu.

you couldn't even get that low by dropping to your knees




Why did we let this nazi brute attack a qt girl?
Next time I'm joining the Antifa side to protect the qts.


Memes aside, this guy is atually smart in the interviews I've seen of him.


He's the hero that Sup Forums wants but doesn't deserve

and i'll be there to beat in your skull

Your definition of QT is pretty fucking skewed my nigger.

this guy gots it

Nathan Damigo.

He founded Identity Evropa, a national fraternity for alt right networking and activism.

Not entirely sure what they do, but they seem to be growing rapidly.

kek manlets will never recover

Check'd and kek'd. Even my dad laughed.

F. Don't really agree 100% with him, but fuck the Left.

Post tits plox
Also be my wife.


Press F to pay respect.


>mfw Identity Europa membership applications skyrocket

what exactly is Identity Evropa? and why is it spelled with a fucking V

White identity group in the Bay Area. Basically a bunch of shitposter she irl.

*shitposters in

It's an Alt Right fraternal group. I met them when I went to NPI. Really good guys, very organized.

>ITT manlets worship their new god
Move over trump, the_donald is sucking micro nates cock tonight!

ayy baby hes sexy af :|

kek, they work fast

yea what i got is that he is a vet that was dishonorably discharged for assaulting a car driver at gunpoint for looking like a Muslim.

served 5 years in prison than started shitposting frog memes on his twitter.

why are we suppose to like this guy again ? or am i missing anything ?

oh and he is an extreme manlet

Because he hit a woman and he has a fashy haircut. And hes a manlet. Sup Forums finally feels vindicated. Meanwhile the normies see anyone far right as woman hitting tiny losers, possibly destroying any hope we had.


well isnt he a tiny woman hitter ?

>muh PR


the only person taking this worse is Common filth

>whaaa how can you punch a porn star!!!!

>even though I pretend to be trad!!!!

>implying public perception isnt important in a political movement.
Fuck off you 15 year old manlet.

That's exactly what I'm implying you alt-right cuck.

He is, and hes now linked to our shit because all the based nathan bullshit currently flooding the board.

So you want to push the normies even further left? You cant beat your ideology into people. Do you even politics?

What happened to the bay aryans?

Do you even understand the quote? Dumbfuck PRcuck can't into english.

S I hope he gets doxxed and swatted.

Are you asking if he is a tiny person who hits women or if he's a person who hits tiny women?

Call me when the sex tape with Spencer leaks. The guy was in prison for five years so you know it exists.

lmfao they even did a nazi salute in some videos. Is trump fucked for a 2nd term ? im actually scared now


both since the girl was shorter than him


Awesome, i'm 100% commited to Identity Evropa

Yes were in hot water i think but 2020 is a long way off

I understand it you fuck, but tell me again how rockwell changed the world. Protip, he didnt.


where do we donate to his legal fund?

you have it backwards though you little faggot. everybody is supporting him unless they're already a leftist idiot.

assuming gender of xir
equal rights means equal lefts
they're antifa who already riot and injure people
xir has a mask and is dressed in black

sorry dumb fuck but the only people who are actually outraged by this are the echo chamber left who are screaming drumpf and impeachment. any sane person doesn't fucking or actually likes seeing this commie feminist bitch get fucked along with the other antifa.

you don't understand the sentiment you idiots have unleashed. there wasn't fascist before but now there really is and the new step is true fascism and also race realism, motherfucker.

Then you should've phrased your question:

"Isn't he a tiny, tiny woman hitter?"

No need to thank me. I'm just your friendly neighborhood autist.

>altright cuck
>nathan literally writes for

Chans are full of morons who dont even know what side they're on

wesearchr will have it if there is one.

Maybe Identity Europa has a donate page if you want to do it early

exactly my point, look at all of the stupid shit this convict is doing and trump is not even one year in office.

It's funny because you would have to get up on one.

>started American Nazi Party
>prematurely assassinated because he chose to associate with degenerates
>his works and slogans are still spread today
>didn't change the world

Was this meant for the faggot I'm arguing with? Because I largely agree with you, nobody except communists and PRcucks will have a problem with this.


actually fighting a commie wasn't very alt-right of him :^)

How exactly is any of that relevant? Last time i checked being a nazi is still considered repulsive to both sides of the political spectrum. Punching some dumb girl is definitely going to show how right we are though, youre right.


This Alt nigger is gonna be an instant fav in the pen.

Dude, even my dad who doesn't like the Alt Right is laughing hard at this Nathan Damigo thing. He says it's payback for all the shit anarchists have been doing for decades. If anything, this will get more people to join Identity Evropa.

point proven

I want him to fuck me in the gay way desu

yea, people like a winner and being funny is actually how the altright has gotten a pretty big pass so far. It disarms people

not even the alt-lite cucks are counter-signaling

Let me guess your parents are divorced? Also fuck identity europa, bunch of white nationalist homos. That shit makes zero sense, we cant just kill all the niggers and spics. Im white and proud but you know how i show it? I live my life better than all this identity politics garbage and lead by example.

>we cant just kill all the niggers and spics
you don't need to kill them. just ship them out of the country and remove their ability to influence politics. you have to also invite lots of white europeans.

don't like white america? then fuck off to africa you piece of shit. there won't be anymore hating whitey

How is that even a realistic goal? Seriously?


>not realistic
it's happening lad. the whites are pushing back and there will be a reckoning about white identity in america. there's no accepting being a minority and no it's not great how you punish white men.

just wait and see

Play with the big boys get treated like one, Ms. Antifa Roastie.

Im as white as they come bro, and i live in a racist stronghold, aka the south. People are annoyed by niggers but i dont think theyre gonna be shipping anyone out anytime soon. What reality do you live in or do you just stay this fucked up on ice all the time?

Holy shit the shills are getting annoying

Kek, is he the guy that knocked out that fucking antifa whore? What happened to him? Give me a quick rundown.

Nope. Nuclear family. My dad's in law and my mom's in insurance.

fuckin A

I'm pressing D for leaked nudes I hope

this. fuck these shill faggots.