User, I heard you found a new woman. Are you going to leave me?

Are you really picking her over me????

They're all so disgusting

post pics of your disgusting pussy and anus and maybe i'll reconsider

show your hairy ass and you might recover some eyeballs

you know the rules Titts or gtfo. she devered but most Jewish women do.


Um, August doesn't have multiple jew porn whore shoots, OK. She's just experimenting right now. HER MOTHER RAISES CHICKENS! LEAVE HER ALONE!!

You left us, bitch. In time you'll see how much you missed out on due to that mistake.

Looks North Korean

looks slavic
that round head shape

>you know the rules Titts or gtfo.

newb you should be shot ... out of a cannon

do u even remember me Sup Forums?

Yeah, I think August will turn out fine. And that's part of the reason why she's attractive.

August is actually an innocent country girl. she has not gone down the antifa rabbit hole yet, she just memes around the surface. she is still /ourgirl/.

>build the wall

I've always said this.


She's Asian, and traditional

So yes

Because we have been in a relationship for a few months and I still haven't seen your gaping hairy hole.

august is way prettier than that grotesque hairy prostitute

she a qt. too bad she hates us