"People get beat up pretty bad and you guys haven't been around much" "Okay...and?"


Other urls found in this thread:


pigs are glad to arrest you for smoking weed, but breaking up a riot? yeah right

Based Police

Is that Rand Paul?

Based boy in blue

who's been getting beat up? liberals or non-liberals?

Well, this thing was about freedom or whatever, and they got it.

The police where busy protecting bistanders rather than the 2 sides doing politics

the guy is going bald, how is that always a thing.

As it should be. Let the children fight it out.

>pigs are glad to arrest you for smoking weed
Maybe in buttfuck Hicksville where you live. Either way the cops dont make the rules and are often some of the most outspoken proponents for decriminalization.

I'll bet the boys get a good laugh at all the LARPing faggots beating each other up.



Meanwhile Oboma and Hillary are having burgers in Hawaii while Trump is drinking Diet coke in his comfy chair.

so do I. It sure beats porn. moar

This, I've had Cops Smoke With me before, They are also some of the most informed people about the Illuminati.



Aren't you supposed to be robbing people outside nightclubs at 1:30 in the morning?

>Spend 2-6 years at school shouting "fuck da poleece"
>Be confused when they stand back and watch you get your ass beat


The right doesn't need anything else. Just let them clean up the marxist trash.

These niggers get paid $100,000 a year to do nothing, I fucking hate cops. On the day of the rope every single cop is getting strung up with the other degenerates.

I'm waiting for you to stop shitposting and go to sleep.

Cops were told to stand down by left mayor, thinking that Antifa would beat up Trump supporters as per usual. Trump supporters defy expectations of lefty mayor and show up in force and ready to defend themselves. Lefties now upset that cops didn't show up. LOL

They're letting you come down and rumble if you want to, as long as you're not breaking windows and burning cars. Good on them. Don't complain about them doing nothing about antifa though.

>3 cops take on an entire mob.

okay, friendo

I have an AR15 for you user. Actually the bullets inside it.

Yeah that might be it, we'll see what happens next time.

If you don't want to get hit, don't go to a protest

Pretty simple

>a fucking leaf

This. Exactly this.

You could tell by the rookie's look of exasperation when he throws up his hands and says "That would be a good question for the Chief of Police," before the old cop with a big pension on the way toes the line.

we just have to wait for one of them to think its a good idea to bring guns.

Crawling anteefah 2, electric boogaloo

Reported this intolerance & hate to my local LGBT Hate Crimes & Diversity Relations Unit



Maybe they just wanted to see Antifa get the ass kicking they deserve?

Talk shit, get hit.


might want to fix that, shill

Fuck off, leaf. You're just pissed because your cops are called "mounties" as in mount-a-cock.


>UC detective working overtime on protest
Pick one


The Rothschilds' surname before they changed it to "red shield"

If numerals of a repetitive quality, then black people stop complaining about cops

That is from a movie on the left.

>reeee fuck racist cops, kill them all!
>police plz help

>police getting told to fuck off constantly by these antifags
>surprised when they actually do it

I don't know what they expected

>Don't complain about them doing nothing about antifa though.
why not?

There's literally nothing they can do without losing their jobs, the mayor ordered a stand-down AGAIN because he figured it would be open season on Trump supporters AGAIN. Tell you what though, you can count on there being no stand-down next time. For police it will be open season on violent instigators, i.e. Antifa while Trump supporters go about their legal and peaceful business. They're just not gonna take any shit anymore and their muscle will be more than willing to throw down with anyone who disrupts that peace.

The cops aren't stupid enough to lose their jobs over this. It will just gradually keep sliding until Berkeley students get beat up by Trump supporters, then they will cry for the police to do something. Then the police will do something, and they will cry that the police did something. The cycle will then repeat.

You're going to start receding before you turn 30

I dunno

how many cops are there? they'll need the nasty girls if things really kick off

tfw i am 30

I think Mayor libtard told them to stand down b/c they expected Antifa to win

>people still think the purpose of the police force is to protect and serve

Maybe the elites, but not any of you.

Is this the guy from Berkeley that ended up in Prison in Iran? Why do they always end up there?

if the cops were around we might not have got to see hairy camgirl and the rest of antifa get shit pushed in. The universe has a way of working shit out

Because you're getting a free pass to fight them apparently.

This will be the last event involving antifa where the police stand down. From now on, the mayors of these libshit cities are going to start ordering their chief of police to enforce order because their leftist meme army can't handle things anymore.

They've allowed antifa scum to terrorize innocent people for years. Just sat and watched people getting brutalized during the election. Spitting in people's faces, throwing bottles of human piss on journalist's faces. Assaulting people with deadly weapons - the whole nine yards. Every single time the police are clearly ordered to stand down, because it was assume the leftists had control. Now that they don't, now that commies are getting the shit kicked out of them just one single time, they're going to order enforcement on another level. You watch.

Hollywood turbo-kikes and the very goodest of the good goys are going to get in on this, bullhorn their "shock", especially the hairy commie slit getting her bell rung.

A link on this faggot twitter

I can't handle all those freedoms and feels, this is awesome

why would cops risk their pensions trying to stop antifa and fallout 3 larpers.

i just wish they wouldn't arrest anyone after the fact. blood as shed on both sides and let it end at that. no reason to get the law involved.

>fuck the police
>until I need them

libshits deliberately crashed a pro Trump rally, started getting violent, then started finding out that bashin' the fash' isn't fun if the fash starts bashin' back.


good. you think our side want to be attacked every time they hold a rally?

anyway, I'm not convinced the popo will do their job in future, but it's a win win. either our rallies go ahead without gommie fucks, or gommie fucks get put the fuck down

what a glorious day

What happens next is ANTIFA brings guns. There's a thread in the catalog right now.

why the fuck would the police get involved with a bunch of Sup Forums Autists and Commie LARP'rs fighting each other?

that will work exactly once, if that

That one time a pro-trump woman pepper sprayed a sign stealer in front of police and the police didn't move might have been an indication that police don't have to do anything.

If not against the trump woman for using pepper spray, then at least the lib for stealing a damn sign.

Joseph Lozito could tell you a lot more about this.

Their retarded mayor told them to stand down

larpers aren't bringing guns. maybe those ones that shoot hot sauce.

the cops are just wagecucks. the boss will fuck them if they dare go against agenda, so they dont. best you can hope for is they look the other way for you

>Bringing guns
>...that won't be 90% airsoft
>Against people who shoot all the time for fun


lol Antifa Business as usual: "FUCK PIGS, FUCK TRUMP, FUCK CAPITALISM BLM BLM" 24x7


I couldn't wish for a better timeline.

It boggles the mind that leftists wonder why they are hated.

Fucking Kek. This gets better and better.

this 100%

i just hope the norks nuke cali finally. 562 reporting in.

the antifa "might" buy guns. and they "might" learn to use them.
but i already own several guns, im getting more all the time and i already know how to use them.

You right wingers just suck so much. This is the beginning of the end you know, when thugs are given free reign by authority. Say good-bye to safe streets, being able to go out at night, having a job where you aren't treated like a slave. I don't know, I guess none of you care, or think it's funny, but you are looking at a dead canary right here. And all of yours lungs are about to fill with poison. I don't think there's anything left to say to get through to anyone, but everything that is good, honest, or innocent is about to be destroyed by the worst collection of humans to ever walk this earth. What a sad collection of shit you all are.

Students at Berkeley deserve the mess they have made. Police have more important things to do.

100k a year my fucking ass


>cops don't show up when they get the shit beat out of them at rally


lol yes

>Say good-bye to safe streets, being able to go out at night, having a job where you aren't treated like a slave


desu, I don't really care that cops aren't getting involved.

these guys just want to put in a days work, and go home to their families, without risking their life to break up some fight with antifags.

And honestly, they know the Trump supporters are going to kick ass, let the cops enjoy the show, let the Trump supporters enjoy beating up nazis.

I suspect this is a tacit endorsement of violence, not for ANTIFA violence, but for the Alt-Right.

From what I know, cops love Trump.

Haha. This is the best summary of the the incident so far.

>more important things to do
police literally just sitting there surveying lol.

That's rich coming from a fucking leaf. Have fun being third world with your worthless money. I'll see you there when Mike Pence gets in office

watching commies get rekt is much more important than helping them

>these guys just want to put in a days work, and go home to their families, without risking their life to break up some fight with antifags.
then... they shouldn't have became cops

That's like me being a fireman in front of a burning building and being like, "I don't know... I got a family you know"


>public streets in california
>shot by police

Pick 3

Your analogy only works if the fireman is deciding not to rescue a known arsonist from their own house fire.

That's a pretty good observation actually haha

topkek antifa leaf.
What said.

You ARE the thugs
You ARE the insecurity
You ARE the violence
You ARE the slavery
You ARE the poison
You ARE the destruction
You ARE the worst collection of humans
You ARE the the sad collection of shit

I used to be leftwing when I was a teenager too. Then I opened my eyes as I wandered in what (((the globalist left))) had made the world into.

I can only hope for you to wander inside the mess you've enabled.
In the end you will have 4 options :

>Flee from the mess you created (but where ?)
>Die from the very hands of your protegees
>Convert to the violence displayed by your friends
>Admit Sup Forums was right, apologize, and join us

Only one of these solutions has a future. The others are dead ends. Both for you and your friends.

It's a dutch thing

>no Trump supporter had any kind of weapons
>Antifa walked in with m80s, smoke bombs, large rocks, sticks, radios, etc.

Seriously, fuck the cops at this point. Either they do their job or stay out of the fucking way, not diving in and picking up every right winger they can find because they know they won't fight back.

Tell me you aren't actually this mentally broken and this is just typical leaf bait.

>These niggers get paid $100,000
Fucking where?
That's the usual salary of a police chief not a fucking officer. They're lucky if they scrape 40 grand a year

that's (((schindler's))) list