He hits like a bitch. She is under 100lb and got back up immediately

He hits like a bitch. She is under 100lb and got back up immediately.

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He hit her in the forehead.

He just stopped his energy mid hit after realizing it was a female and lost his balance because he had to redo his entire approach amidst the chaos antifa made.

>only using the needed force to dispatch a foe
seems pretty good to me. you don't go full nigger when you don't need to

they both have severe autism

This. I have never seen someone knocked out with a punch to the forehead.

>they'll say it was on accident


it's that Jew-nose, it's like wearing an armored helmet. He's lucky he didn't break his hand on it.


Like I said he hits like a bitch

He put a lot of the force into moving himself, and he hit her in the strongest part of the skull.

this is the only truth but it probably won't matter.

Watch the video. You're wrong.

Stop defending this Jew cuck.

you're right OP

he should have punched her so hard that she hit her head on the pavement with enough force to kill her

... are you a fucking moron? don't you know that a single punch can kill someone if they land on concrete the wrong way? Do you think it's worth it to kill someone over this stupid protest?

its basically impossible to knock someone out when you hit the forehead. It sucks because its down the center line and a big target in the heat of the moment. You need to clip the jaw and twist the neck for maximum KO chance

Is that the spic with the Star of David necklace on the right?

It's a leftist troll.

Of course they do.

Where did you find the photo?


She's 5'1 or something, imagine hitting anyone that short, it's like child sized, what a sad manlet he is.


He's fucking weak and pathetic. At least he had the guts to hit her back though.

and the only thing you hit is your dick, faggot.



Hi antifa are you still mad over your collective loss?

Want to be a man. Go up to the biggest commie you find and punch him in the fucking face, i'm sure there was plenty. Don't hit a skinny blondie.

This goy is a fag, Hitting a woman is like hitting a dog.

>don't you know that a single punch can kill someone if they land on concrete the wrong way?
... uh ok then why punch them at all you fucking retard? lol

Death solves all problems - no man no problem.

>they call punching a woman a win

manlets running in to defend their king it seems

Did anyone notice how he ran away right after hitting her?

Why is it wrong that he hit a woman??? What charges can go against him?



There were a dozen people brawling, this retard is in frame for all of 2 seconds, why is he being memed?

she got right back up after he punched her and ran


She falls over from the hit.

Doesn't seem like a bad punch to me.

Location was "bad", but it was good for her; if lower she could have died or suffered very serious fractures/broken bones.

Watch the full video.

That's literally 2 seconds out of a few minutes of people getting beaten.

I'd say sending women to fight your battles
is the bitch move


>why punch them
because fascists must pay. they show up at our events and act like children, theyll get disciplined like children

i mean honestly you guys must have known what was coming. its cool to pretend women and mud races are equal but you didnt really believe it right

She got back up and leaned against a wall trying to figure out where she left her space ship.

he's not a jew you divide and conquer shill, gtfo

feels good to be back on the internet and not out in the scary world doesnt it anitfag pussy bitch?

>She is under 100lb
him too

Running like a bitch

Is she crying afterwards? Does anyone have the full vid?


>sage all shill threads faggots

Trump is basically a jew cuck. LIKE YOU'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE

>She grabbed him by the neck
>wonders why she got punched
really makes you think....
dumb bitch

What are you?
The Hairy Whore Internet Defense Force
Would rather have had her knocked the fuck out? Picking her teeth from the ground? Put in coma? The skank cried into hee hands later. Fuck off, and delete your shit thread, then record yourself punching a woman

He was punching every antifa retard he saw around him. Sees a masked slim nigger with dreads advancing towards a pinned antifa pal. He runs and punches him. She falls and the mask drops showing her face. He realizes his mistake and goes off.

i don't get it Sup Forums what side are you on, is this shilling? bait? I'm confused just because he's a manlet she didn't deserve the punch? what would you do if you encounter this specimen in front of you in a camp battle and is the only target.

who's talking about trump you dumb faggot argentine

At least he punched someone, unlike fatass Spencer begging for someone to create a "white bloc" for his protest.

why do alt-right threads always turn into cringe threads?

You mean like scary 5' women who aren't affected by my punches?

My favorite quote from the great humanitarian and poet Joseph Stalin/


It looks like she has a mild ache after

>moldylocks didnt deserve the punch
nigger do you fucking know where you are you goddamn subhuman monkey`?

Are there any recap videos around? Had to go to work so I missed the last few hours of the protest.

Since he was in a pro trump rally, idk, maybe related. Also not argentinean.

Check map. Also kill yourself nigger.

Get mad, fag.

She choose to play with the big boys and get into the brawl.

>play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Watch the video again, but work real hard on concentrating on the timing. I know it's hard for you, but you can see her grab him as his arm is already cocked back, trying to minimize the impact

I'm not even shit posting.

Just observing that he can't even hurt a tiny woman after hitting her hard.

The guys defending him are just funny though

>but he didn't punch his hardest guys I swear!

What makes him the king of manlets? Is it his size or how angry he is at being a manlet?

>just watch the video goy
>you're wrong goy

I know I don't live in a country with Muslims and your called niggers that's for sure.


I like the people critiquing his punch that he threw in a clusterfuck mob

Anyone that goes to a protest in Berkeley has some form of autism

Like getting lightly slapped?

Perfect height for suckin' all that prison dick

Best vid of antifa getting shit kicked in. Dirty cam whore gets knocked out about 30sec in


free speech event we must provoke violence!

>be antifa
>end up going full facist

I guarantee her brain got rattled.

She's lucky she only got knocked in the forehead.

What's the source on this?

Anyone got the cliffnotes version?

Would you rather he broke her jaw then proceed to kick the shit out of her?

eye socket

Someone post her hairy pussy.

It isn't a win? That's news to me. I guess we'll keep "losing" then.

Is he our guy now?

she would have taken more damage had she weighed more or had her fleet planted. ever heard of "rolling with the punch"?

you would have preferred him to curb stomp and rape her? this is how I know you're antifag..............

posting random webm, didn't even preview it

This. You dont step into a literal battle unless youre ready to accept the consequences of your presence there.

Having tits doesnt give her a free pass to assault at her leisure, regardless of how ineffectual her assaults are. She chose to LARP as some Che Guevarra revolutionary wannabe. That choice had consequences for quite a few around the Berkeley area today.


Sorry it would have happened cause guess what?

I don't hit like a bitch.

Depends on how tall you are.

The fight was over though. Once one person goes down that's it. Only niggers keep going once the fight is over.

He hits like a bitch.

Did you watch the video?

He hit like a bitch and skipped away.

Yes. He hit her once, she went down, he walked away. Fight over.

he would have realised what he did and legged it before someone defender her. and I mean, look at him, definetly a manlet bitch

You know how i know you're either a nigger or an antifa tard?

Go protect your women from rape.

Well he did punch her between the nose and the fore head.

I don't think he was hitting to kill her though...

the maroon maurader in the silk shirt tucked in is on pyscho mode!

I cracked up

They Alt-Right are just pussies. They bully everyone all the time, and when they finally get their ass whooped, they whine about the leftists being violent.

I watched most of the streams and I saw very few asians. was that my imagination? Basically white on white violence. some mexicans on the trump side.