What went wrong?
What went wrong?
With Jews You Lose
Compromised by merchants
Or maybe he was with them from the beginning
We weren't paying enough attention to the kikes that married into his family and the political views of his kids.
If so, a plan could have been developed. Now we just gotta pray Bannon isn't axed
Judaism and Zionism, as usual.
He worked himself into a shoot brother -HH
>what went wrong
The democrats ran Hillary
your dad's condom broke
He's a democrat that deports illegals.
I dont care if youre liberal, conservative- this is entertaining as hell.
Nothing...he's doing just fine within the confines of the position...
Are you implying something bad happened?
>name of file
did your pals on your Slack chat tell you to space the letters out like that? or is that up in the ShareBlue meme wiki?
fuck outta here
He can't actually deliver on his promises because he has to work with the jews in the White House.
Step 1. Run the worst candidate for President in history (Hillary Clinton)
Step 2. Run the "Anti-establishment underdog" in the other party
Step 3. Use the media that you own to perpetuate ridiculous claims of Trump so that people get pissed off and vote for him
Step 4. Neglect to mention that the "anti-establishment underdog" is actually your bitch
Step 5. No matter who wins, you win
with jews, you win
it's all going according to (((plan)))
jews have successfully hijacked the rising nationism and used to for their advantage
>The democrats ran Hillary
as opposed to who?
an old ass jew?
we should have known the only solution is to destroy democracy
What went wrong is we fell into the old thinking that we can simply elect the correct politician and then sit back and watch while they take care of us.
The fundamental problem with Americans and their government is the people believe all they need to do is press the right button once every 2 or 4 years and all the rest will be taken care of for us.
Government is a living thing and part of our living society, and like every living thing it needs constant tending.
The election went right. What went wrong is afterwards we stopped fighting as hard as we had before. We now must remember the war has only just started, and we need to get back together and keep fighting.
He got elected.
Originalist Justice Neil Gorsuch.
AG Sessions going hard on illegal immigrants.
Bombing the shit out of ISIS.
Defunding planned parenthood.
I'm good so far.
>muh businessman
Official Antifa #FashTrash twitter campaign GET IN HERE
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
rural and suburban retards
Saudi Arabia keeps blackmailing us
That and Kushner
What are you talking about? All we can do is vote every 4 years. After that we lose all control. Any person we vote in can do anything they want, we lose any and all control. It's the feature of the system. What are we supposed to be fighting for? The media will ignore anything they want and the courts do what they wants. The problem is that the US government is not meant to be this huge where it affects all. So there is no recourse. You pick whoever you want, and then you lose all control. Normally I don't even vote, but Hillary and Obama were too much. Trump is worthless, but what can you do? I would rather leave the country, desu. I don't think the system can be changed peacefully, and if you change it violently, it will be even worse. The country is lost, face it.
we did the best we could
One of my favorite sayings. Not because I like that we must do it, but as the reminder our country and our fellow men demand more from us than simply what is comfortable.
>Runs for president with policies that cause the media to first see him as a joke, then freak the fuck out as he climbs in popularity
>Endures some of the first media resistance in election history
>All so he can do exactly what his rivals would have done.
This is the biggest canary in coal mine, the deep state is real.
He got elected.
>Or maybe he was with them from the beginning
>maybe the liberal, new york democrat whose family all either married jews, converted to judaism, or both, and wouldn't shut the fuck up throughout the whole campaign about how great the jewish people are and how he'll be Israel's best friend may have been compromised from the start
Gee, you think?
Because being friends with jews means your in on the "kill whitey by replacing him plan" of which you aptly devise a policy on reversing amidst a liberal dominated media that actively despises any resistance to left leaning views?
Sure we expected Trump to be a cuck for defending Israel, but of his own accord should we have expected him to go against his entire platform? I say no.
Trump winning was a shot in the dark, there is no 26th dimensional chess game the elites pulled to get him to win, he won through a defiant move from the population and the amount of money pumped into anti-trump propaganda and media outrage made it clear that they were scared.
No, I think President Trump is being forced into walking in line.
He's meant to be the final nail on the coffin for the non-NWO planet.
Hillary running was punishment from Israel for Bill Clinton. She was never meant to win.
dont worry about it goy
He trusted the Jew
Except ((Bannon)))
For some reason in the rare instant when Jews become based, they are really based: Bobby Fischer, Bannon, A drew Belreitbart.
Holy shit, is this real?
All democrat New York globalists.
I still can't tell whether Trump was the greatest con man of all time, I have a much larger blind spot than I knew, or Trump has been drugged-MKULTRA-extorted into doing the globalists' bidding.
Where has this Donald Trump gone?
He's gone bro.
When's the last time you heard him say "Islamic terrorism"?
I don't know what happened but I know he's gone.
>I still can't tell whether Trump was the greatest con man of all time, I have a much larger blind spot than I knew, or Trump has been drugged-MKULTRA-extorted into doing the globalists' bidding.
No, he's a pretty shitty con-man, you're just a really, REALLY easy mark.
You fell for the kikes plan and elected the jewish backed pleb who is too inept to make proper choices himself and instead allows his jew-infused advisors to pull the strings attached.
Why do you ask? I could see this from fucking the other side of the god damn ocean and you couldn't? Holy shit America make your education actually worth something.
Except hilldawg was the one getting almost all the jewish support and financing.
Hindsight is 20/20 bong.
Quick, think of an issue that Trump has not been on both sides of. You got played. Own it.
I can't tell if people calling out the shareblue.jpeg file name are serious or its just part of the board culture.
No one seriously thinks that it's actually Shareblue failing to change the filename, right guys?
Think of it, he has been a business man for the most part, if not entirety of his life. Along with his father as well. Do you not think that they'd have had their hooks in deep?
I think kikes just walked up to him and said that he will meet same end as Kennedy if he refuses to obey them. One more proof that democracy is a joke and there is no way for our cause except spreading the truth.
>going hard on illegal immigrants
>Trump to spare U.S. 'dreamer' immigrants from crackdown
>When's the last time you heard him say "Islamic terrorism"?
McMaster told him not to say it.
Why would you imitate Bane before jumping into the Neo-con establishment?
>What went wrong?
Seems like he had a bit of a stumble, but he seems to have recovered pretty well.
That MOAB on the ISIS/CIA stronghold was off the fucking chain, awesome.
>"I said it was obsolete, It's no longer obsolete."
NATO is so much bigger than fighting terrorism. How can you seriously support a president like this?
>romney and rubio say
>by steven greenhouse
They do now, but I do not believe this was something planned from the start.
The idea here is trying to maintain the vale of legitimacy. The whole "We can just do what we want and the dumb goy will never know" thing is unrealistic, they put a lot of effort in trying to make people think everything is fine at the top because if people knew that the executive branch is held hostage by a shadow government then the 2% would have watered the tree of liberty in a flash.
But now they've changed tactics, Trump probably was told to obey or else and he chose to comply rather than resist. It's risky, but if the American people simply latch onto him despite staunch policy changes then maybe (((they'll))) be safe and exhaust their propaganda efforts, knowing Trump will conform and his followers will continue not questioning why he's continuing the establishment's goal.
First post best post
True, I suppose JFK is still in the minds of many especially Trump's age.
Your numbers speak the truth. The (((Shadow Government))) is real.
Miller does not belong on that list.
you have to start with the bad hombres so it's less controversial
What the fuck
>No, I think President Trump is being forced into walking in line
If there are serious doubts from the public (and more and more people are expressing them) then the question is: is coercion actually occurring? No matter the form, if it's happening then that's treason and a coup.
Quite a bit more serious than "old man was always a Jewish con artist."
That the MSM won't even touch the question, and the shills are hard hard hard on message "Trump's always been this way," just adds to the suspicion something is very wrong.