Other urls found in this thread:

atkhairy.com/tour/model/ven020/1/Venus Rosales

I would rather it frame by frame over this sad attempt to simulate slow-motion.

Amazing. If she's not going to act like a lady, then she won't be treated like a lady.



Judged Dreads getting BTFO

>tfw civil war 2 is about larping with sticks and shields

War has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles fought by mercenaries and machines. War - and its consumption of life - has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. ID-tagged soldiers carry ID-tagged weapons, use ID-tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control. Information control. Emotion control. Battlefield control. Everything is monitored and kept under control. War has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control... All in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction. And he who controls the battlefield... controls history. War has changed. When the battlefield is under total control... War becomes routine.

>hitting a woman
so this is how pathetic you alt-reichers are. Sad! You get hit all the time and then you only manage to hit a woman.



The thing i find beautifull is the fact that the guy is a blonde,blue eyed male

>Pick on someone your OWN size faggot!

He took it literally. She's 98 lbs. Top kek

She should have been in the kitchen baking, and answering the door in matching lingerie once her BF/hubby got home from the rally. She had no place being there

>Fuck The Patriarchy !


Antifa are at it again?

What are they doing this time?


Can you slow-mo him running away to hide?

*Commie sucker punches richard spencer and runs away*
*/our guy/ gives them a taste of their own medicine*
wtf bro? sucker punching is not cool ;-;


To be fair, probably didn't realize he punched a chick until it was too late.

Bitch looks like the lead singer of Rage Against the Machine.


The moment he grabbed her, after the punch, is when he realized it was a woman

That's what makes it funnier, apparently commies can't take their own medicine

what software was used to make this?
this is insanely based

Right in the kisser!

its after effects twixtor

We aren't sexist, user.

Get with the times and be on the right side of history.

Gender is a social construct.

>Girl punched is Antifa
>Also confirmed for being FEMEN
>Found out she does actual mainstream porn
>There's a chance other models on the ATK hairy site are also Antifa or Femen
>Sup Forums can literally find more Antifa members and expose them

Yes, I know I keep posting this, but you can actually gain more info on Antifa from a porn site of all fucking places.


if you look closely you can see the exact moment she went from stronk empowered womyn to dainty little girl

why is this being shilled so hard? is it the fucking losers that went to this that are trying to feel like they are apart of something and forget about how much much of wastes of lives they are creating these threads?

fucking beautiful
throw some gay ass anime sounds on top of it and we'll be good to go

the chick looks like a dude

Leftist propaganda has a way of doing that.

She's got a pretty hairy cunt user.

fucking sexist, fuck off back to the middle ages if you don´t want equal rights.


>pretty hairy cunt user
>pretty hairy cunt
>pretty cunt


>hairy legs
She could is prolly more masculine than me

This is the image to spread.

To be fair "she" looks like a guy
Mask on
Non feminine Punk gear on

But even if she was lady like, she went there looking for trouble

This can't be the same chick, I feel like bleaching my fucking eyes


>workaholic parents never paid attention to her
>she turns into a hairy, dirty slut as a cry for attention

This is what happens when you abandon traditional, family-oriented values.

>thot spotted

Wasn't that one antifa guy that punched Spencer into some weird porn shit too?

It gets worse.

twixtor with non professional behind the cracked copy

The fuck am I looking at is she some sort of performance artist?

>running away to hide?

Cool lie ANTIFA shitlib, he went straight to attacking more of your (((comrades)))

Fuck guys now i feel bad for her

She's a camwhore who specializes in hairy fetishes. She also does "private adult photo shoots."

atkhairy.com/tour/model/ven020/1/Venus Rosales

This image needs to be everywhere

Including on normie sites

Her loss won't go unnoticed.

Stfu shia dont you have a ticket to sell to some bus stop dancing nigger?

>19 years old
Great, now I feel old.


Just when I thought my dick couldn't get any harder.

does alt-right have a manlet overcompensation problem


God, is that supposed to be art photography? Jesus Christ I'd like to see how that shoot went.

>Here wrap this cheese cloth on your head. We're going to symbolize man's connection with the divine or, like, just take off your clothes.

Why don't you go back to pleddit and ask the (((alt-right))) yourself.

honestly i see nothing wrong with this

communists started the violence, now you get what you're gonna get

if you dont want women hurt then dont bring them to the battlefield

Kill yourself

The dredditor

I hope you rot in hell fucking piece of shit

Patriarchy let her down

Allowed commies to say they protect her
Commies failed

How disappointing

how do I stop feeling slightly bad for her? the look on her face afterwards gets me a little bit

bitch had it coming.

>"I don't know what weapons WWIII will be fought with, but I know what weapons WWIV will be fought with. Sticks and Stones."
>Albert Einstein.
>tfw when we've passed WWIII.


You're welcome

Thank you

All powerlifters are below average height, this means that since alt-right groups are constituted of strong people, there many short dudes
>19 y/o
Oh God. Can she be saved or is it too late?

Hi Ahmed
This is the time of equality, when men get punched as hard as women. Also everyone is equal in the court of law.

>mfw you still care what Jews think

Who can tell the difference between antifa boys and girls? They look the fucking same.

She wanted this.
These people live on a victim morality, she got the attention she wanted.

Don't let her parasite off your emotions.

She can be saved. She was a qt. The retard swallowed a bucket of blue pills in her freshman year of college.

commies aren't people


bitch is lucky he didn't break her jaw or nose

stupid cunt

>Jewsus vs Nukes.
I'll take nukes. Einstein was an atheist.


i wish i could be a christian, i bet it would be fun.


Just remember that she has chosen the path of degeneracy.

She chose to take the easy route her whole life and bought into an ideology that appealed to her narcissism and selfishness.

She should be training to be a nurse or Teacher, or some other nurturing profession. Instead she chose some king of social studies nonsense and a career as a cam whore.

With any luck that punch to the head has knocked some sense into her and set her onthe path towards becoming a productive human being and realising that, for a woman, she is limited in her life choices. That her main purpose is to have babies and to raise those babies, while making sure her man is well fed and satisfied.

Neither will all the many parts of her.

> A part of my look and integral identity are my dreadlocks, and I highly prefer to not have to shave my armpits or legs for shoots unless it's absolutely necessary. They are a part of me, and so are part of the package.

I dress my dog up as a cow for Halloween every year. That doesn't mean he's a cow.


Ai onko vielä isukista traumoja?
Vitu hintti painu kotiis ja itkeskele yksinäs ettet häiritsis aikuisia

At 20 years old, it is weird as hell seeing porn stars younger than me.


But good to see peers being such failures

What's her name

>Religion is forever.
>You can't change religion's.
Oh I'm laffin.

This feeling becomes more common as you age. The worst feeling is when you're in your late-20s and you read about someone younger than you who is a billionaire already.

No he wasn't

Really really bad betweens.

Try to only double the framerate, and then again(so you will have 3 betweens/fakeframe to each frame), and then just make it slow.

didn't break jaw or nose, lame

>Judaism is just a religion



Pick one

There's something just off about this image. We have a clean-cut guy in a Mormon button down fighting some chick with dreadlocks who looks like she's fresh out of Burning Man.

I always thought the riots would look like something out of Mad Max.