Why don't we get rid of these arseholes? Who would miss them
We could set up a corporate puppet across the whole gulf after
Why don't we get rid of these arseholes? Who would miss them
because they sell us oil and we sell them weapons so fuck all the people dying around the world from the terrorism they fund
Because they control Mecca "semi-legitimately" for now.
Read "the siege of Mecca" it will explain a lot about why al qaeda was founded.
Basically, if we held mecca, there would be a holy war of epic proportions. Even puppet arabian kings aren't seen as legitimate by many. Imagine some parchuted in dictator, the pipelines would be sabotaged all the time.
There are just a few decades to wait until we sober up from the oil era and fully transition into renewables and we can either fuck them up or leave them to their medieval bullshit and never talk to them again.
You make them irrelevant by not buying oil that's how.
Can't we do some exclave wizardry with Mecca like the Vatican in Italy or something
>Basically, if we held mecca, there would be a holy war of epic proportions.
Nuke them.
The end.
Roll the credits
>Implying removing only SA will fix a damn thing
good goy
Not until they run out of oil.
fuck off
Second greatest ally!
They were setup by your royal family and are fellow royals. Prince Charles wishes he was Muslim. Why don't you ask them why?
>implying it won't change anything
good kuffir
they fund Sunni's the very source of the unrest in the Middle East and are used as a catalyst for unrest, Israel could have gotten rid of them a long time ago but for the reasons I said they haven't
great proxy friendo
Saudi Arabia is the corporate puppet my Anglo brother. Oil is one of the few the things the true master race (Anglos) still control.
We need to expose Mecca.
Show them they have been lied to.
Remove the Sanctitiousness of the place and remove any reason for the believers to believe any longer.
But that I believe, only muslims can do.
They've gone rogue
Then fuck em. Let's have an ACTUAL war for oil...besides we haven't committed a good old fashioned genocide in a while.
With your education?
>t. desillusionned burger
A bunch of illiterate Anglos genocided almost an entire continent of savages. We would've genocided em all but we got bored. You fags couldn't even take care of Algeria lol. Go prep the bull Pierre.
Maybe you should spend more time improving your dental hygiene and less being an absolute retard on the Internet
Saudis are better allies than Euro degenerates.
We stayed for 120 years.
We came to civilize the savages.
Not genocide them.
That's the difference between our two people.
Anglos are subhumans.
They're probably smarter than you; because their version of school is harder than yours.
Even if you want to argue that their apposite learning is religious fundamentalism; your apposite learning does not include the same quantity of rote memorization.
So, the short answer is: because they're rich, but the long answer explains that a people get rich when they are smart and numerous.
> We could set up a corporate puppet across the whole gulf
Haha, oh man...you are super new!
What do you think House of Saud is?! Second, what do you think all these wars are for?!
Syria and Iran are resisting that because their people don't want to be used to benefit foreigners.
...man...you should lurk fora few months before making another thread.
Cutting ties with Saudi Arabia would spell the death of OPEC, of which it is the keystone country. Oil is no longer traded in dollars. Suddenly those trillions of USD in the currency reserves of countries worldwide plummet in value. World economy contracts severely. Consumer confidence crashes. Massive worldwide depression ensues.
Obviously, the more independent the US becomes in its energy acquisition and manufacturing, the less it needs to rely on OPEC and China respectively. Hence why the Saudis have been desperately attempting to crash oil prices by flooding the market with surplus - they're trying to delay the US as long as possible. It's not a matter of out-competing US shale and renewables, but simply running out the clock as Saudi transitions into a post-oil state and prepares to weather the inevitable global economic contraction that the rest of the world will suffer once the US finally chucks OPEC.
It's a game of economic chicken. Because the US is still rebuilding its manufacturing base and developing next-generation energy sources (fusion/fission), it can't pull out of the Middle East just yet. Which is why we're stuck with them. Saudi knows that it has a little bit of leverage - for now. It can't just leave OPEC because doing so would be suicide. But it can certainly throw its weight around and be a general nuisance.
>Defending free speech and religious freedom
>Convert or die terrorist caliphate
No wonder your only major export is tranny ladyboys you filthy slitty eyed sub-gook.
You seem to be very confused so I'll ignore you.
The current low oil price is mainly directed at Russia, though, over the current syrian war.
Still, there is no doubt that oil has exceeded its peak adn will lose its importance for the west, in fact some oil countries see the writings on the wall and try to build up a tourist industry.... with little success though, apparently. And even that is out of question for SA.
What IS a question, eventually, if USA will keep on stabilizing the saudi regime as a counterpoint to Iran or just withdraw and let it fall into a then inevitable civil war. After all, it is not like western governments are not keenly aware who is promoting global terrorism with the saudi paid salafist missionaries.
They look the same to me.
>Saudi Arabia is the corporate puppet my Anglo brother. Oil is one of the few the things the true master race (Anglos) still control.
Pretty sure you have lost control over them, they bought up portions of media and social media, most of the terrorism in the west is due to their influence gained from funding and controlling mosques. They constantly try to destroy free speech by demanding the UN make global blasphemy laws so no one can complain about islam.
They openly back and finance leftists and globalist politicians in the west. My theory is they want to wreck as much of the west as possible before their oil runs out, while the west is in chaos they want to buy up as many assets and companies as possible at a low price. Then when things stabilize they will own everything and no longer require oil income.
Dumb nationalists are too busy worrying about jewish conspiracy theories to notice the Saudis are doing everything they fear and are a monolithic faction controlled by one family unlike "the jews".
It's you who seems confused friendo
>It's a game of economic chicken. Because the US is still rebuilding its manufacturing base and developing next-generation energy sources (fusion/fission), it can't pull out of the Middle East just yet. Which is why we're stuck with them. Saudi knows that it has a little bit of leverage - for now. It can't just leave OPEC because doing so would be suicide. But it can certainly throw its weight around and be a general nuisance.
They only exist because you allow it. You could declare the House of Saud terrorists, seize every single asset in the west. Aramco is worth about 1 trillion alone and can easily be taken by making a deal with the local Shiites who live in the Saudi oil regions.
America could probably get 4 or 5 trillion USD from offing the Saudi regime, should have been done after 9/11. Putting the money to use instead of being wasted by inbred Saudis would likely boost the world economy as well.