Is Faceapp some sort of conspiracy?

Is Faceapp some sort of conspiracy?
It's like it's meant to make us wanna fug or be our female selves. This is scary shit guys, a real cognitohazard.

Am I alone here? It's pretty fucking strange. Someone on /r9k/ literally pasted his female self onto a pornstar body and fapped to it.

This is freaking me out

Shut up, beautiful. Throw on your heels, let's go out dancing hunni.

>The leaf is a faggot

I'm utterly shocked.

go back to r9k

>male and female features are only subtly different from one another
Imagine my surprise.

B-but onee-chan, don't you want my tight, wet hole?

But female me a fucking qt

W-what? No, I'm just trying to treat you like the girl you're obviously meant to be.

dude i just downloaded it it's pretty funny

What kind of girl do you think I am? I'm no whore.

nothing with a genderswap sometimes

hi boys

maybe it's easter sunday stop tempting me with ur boipuss

Shit. I just did a cum tribute to your picture and then I realized the only camera I have is on my phone. What a waste.

No. It's technology made so cameras can identify you no matter how you change your appearance.

Holy shid wud benis in anus XDD

>I'm no whore.

No, no I didn't mean it like that, baby. You know I respect you. Now be a good girl and come sit on daddy's lap

put on some makeup and a wig and see if you look like that

it isn't called a filter for nothing dipshit it distorts the fuck out of your face you would be $100K of facial reconstruction to look like that

Holy fuck OP. Is that you as a female? Did you keep the feminine benis?

had no time to make the new collage today, gonna make it tomorrow.
roll away

>download a faceapp
>see some cartoon girl version of yourself
>suddenly want to fuck dudes or cut your dick off.

If this happens to you something is way wrong with you and its not faceapp.

>App that gives you a contoured look, applies makeup, smooths your skin out, and gives you generic "plump female lips"


Yes it is.

This is why conspiracy; I wanna fug and be female me

> $100k in surgery to look like that
Thats not entirely accurate user

Post your male face this looks super cute

>put on some makeup and a wig and see if you look like that
Yes, OP. Do this and show us a picture.

All that shitty app does is change your face and it's not even your face since it's algorithms are paring your face with the most attractive features possible. I may look like a qt on that app but I'm still a 6'2 tall and 250 pounds heavy dude otherwise. Why in the fuck would I believe that I would make a good girl, lmao?


>tfw when girl you didn't make the cut :(

How do you guys get your faceapp grill to get long hair?


pls not 75-80

of course

>I wanna fug and be female me
You should spend some time in Sup Forums.
I could take car of a girl like you :^)

I know right? Is OP not sexy enough?

Well I'd fug me

I'd fug me too

Rollorino for yeb

How does everyone get long hair on his faceapp female?

Pretty hot to be desu.



funny that the only thing the app did was giving me longer hair

Pls respond swedish qt

Damn leaf I'd benis in anus any day


Tough break, kiddo.

You seriously look like that? Wtf I love Sweden now


>Implying the images aren't being collected by agencies

Those are the only two Aquas I have.

Proof it already and show us your boy face Sven :3


No fucking shit.

Aqua a cute

leaf you need sum jesus

Best girl without a doubt.

To be fair, Sven, you're a fucking qt

ok, I recognize Trump, Jeb, just and Ron.

are the other ones supposed to be just some random dudes or are they actually relevant people?


eyes and mouth are for sure distorted

Cruz in drag would look way more manly

Check those digits Sven. Stop playing hard to get and set's see your qt irl face

I would fuck me

Holy fuck Sup Forums would be hot chicks in another universe.

lel, isnt this board known for hating sweden

Protip: people are most attracted to people who look most like them.

You want to fug your R63'd self because of instinct, and nothing else.


Holy fuck rule 63

My dick is tungsten

fucking degenerates

It used to be, until your sexy face showed up

Would definitely fug


In this one I look like a dirty, dirty slut.

maybe I should become a tranny

Yes, seeing how some of you are way to into it, I think there something to it.

Post boipussy or gtfo

Hope I don't get banned for this.

protip: the more fem you look on faceapp the lower T you are

it's people from Sup Forums who used the filter

you look like you give a mad bj with dem lips

Put my OP image in it, I'm a fucking QT

I had the exact same face as my sisters before puberty so don't need to upload my pic to this NSA data mining app to see what I'd look like as female.

Holy shit. Playing around with filters gets some seriously different results. You're still waifu material btw

Did this the other day. The SVR has my biometric data.

if you look like that even without the hair and the filter... im sorry but i totally would

I never hated sweden. Swedish boys are the cutest and i feel very empathic with swedes since my country is in a similar situation.

Your female self would still fuck chad instead.

Try doubly feminized.

Now I look like anime.


I'd fuck myself blind

Omfg you are gorgeous

not into that gay stuff, sorry

Post pics of your sister.

I would smash me.

>same face as my sister before puberty


Post your spread ass cheeks

AI knows what's up

Is Faceapp some sort of conspiracy?
No, things have an effect on you because you let them have that effect. Stop being so impressionable.

If you have doubts on your sexuality go to /soc/ and check out the cock threads, if you want to suck cock after browsing the thread, you're gay. If not, congratulations you're straight. The /soc/ test is widely used medical procedure.

!The wall just got ten miles higher.

rate fags

If I could edit my filtered face and put it on a full length poster of a decent pornstar I don't think my dick would ever be clean again.

you look fucking 12
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