Racist, xenophobic, retarded...and woman punchers

Racist, xenophobic, retarded...and woman punchers
How low can the alt-right (and Sup Forums) stoop to?

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He doesnt have to stoop, hes 5'2.


Broads want equal rights. They can have all the rights they want to my lefts.

She had it coming.

want to find out?

dreadlock antifa bitches deserve to be stomped into concrete. terrorists have no rights.

How dare you assume zir's gender

Go take a bath in the streets brazil.

>want equal rights
>don't want to get punched



would you guys say that he's balding? I have the exact same hairline at 25. Am I fucked, or do I just have a naturally mature hairline?


the bitch had armpit hair pretty sure it was a trap

Dawson was finally getting revenge on Katie Holmes.

he did nothing wrong

Biological sex isn't real you cishet slave owner.



In the heat of a mob where Antifa is attacking and they are known to wear brass knuckles what do you do when someone with a mask and dreads lunges and grabs you? I'm guessing he didn't know it was a woman (but it shouldn't matter anyway).

t. Dilma

It's okay to punch commies because commies aren't human.

its the current year. if your not treating women like ray rice or bobby brown or ike turner or OJ simpson your just sexist and potentially a latent homosexual

they can do what men can do right? that means they arent weak and dont need protection. stop white knighting faggot you wont get pussy

digits confirm: innocence!!!

Based fist man

Seriously, why does every member of the alt-right have that same faggy haircut?


its ok to hit her because shes a feminist. Its an insult if you dont.

Play violent games, win violent prizes

but you guys say gender is a social construct!

he was just fighting another, equal person!

>attack someone in a violent riot
>get hit
man or woman, stupid bitch had it coming.

he's based

and stands up for equality

commies aren't human, my ape dude

I'm going to tell a story of something I've seen happen at a nightclub here in Brazil. I saw, no one told me.
This guy was at the bar counter and a woman behind kicked his ass. Everybody around watching that scene just laughed at the guy. The woman kept kicking him and he asked her to stop and the staff took her away but everyone kept laughing. She punched him on the back and once more he asked her to stop and asked the people to get her out. Until she punched him in the face and he only gave her one that fainted.
What happened after that?
All the men around him went up to him and beat him.

That scene for me was the picture of what feminism is nowadays. And you, OP, would be one of these men who went up to the guy who fouled the punch in the woman's face.

i heard she was one of the ones throwing m80s into crowds

and if that true fuck her then

I can't believe Nathan was the one that punched her. lol I first heard about him in the HWNDU NY threads are when he was talking shit in the camera. The kid with the black sun tattoo that was chugging milk was his friend.

They are legit neo-nazi.

You haven't seen anything yet.

Just renember all those women and that homeless womN you antifa cowards have attacked.

Hide behind your women cowards.

>"He punched a woman! He punched a woman! A woman was punched! He's a woman-puncher!"

When did you realize that everything leftists ever say is simply a pretense?

He was simply trying to be truly equal by beating someone his size.

Idc that he's a lil shortie, he's hot.

Bitch looks like a man, behave like a man so I'm perfectly okay with her being punched like a man.

Are you implying that women are some sort of inferior beings incapable of defending themselves that should be treated *differently*? What are you, a sexist bigot?
