Trump Playlist
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #12 4/14/17
>Pres Trump meets w/I-85 Bridge First Responders 4/13/17
>Pres Trump/NATO Sec Gen Stoltenberg joint press conf 4/12/17
>Sean Spicer/Kellyanne Conway @ Newseum 4/12/17
>FM Lavrov/SoS T-Rex joint statement in Moscow 4/12/17
>Pres Trump on Mornings with Maria 4/12/17
>Attny Gen Sessions @ Luke AFB AZ 4/11/17
>Attny Gen Sessions @ US-MEX border 4/11/17
>Attny Gen Sessions @ Assoc of Chiefs of Police 4/11/17
>March in the Trumpenreich
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
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/ptg/ President Trump General - North Korea Problems Edition
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If awoovement is short of weapons, we must compensate with willpower.
And the beat goes on
Is this a kushner ai bot ?
quick rundown?
Mornings with Maria link is dead
Best video
Where did it all go so wrong?
erdogan wants a vote on if he can be a dictator or not, again.;
I just want to sniff her hair. I bet it smells like flowers and what not.
"we" support yes
He's a good guy, hates Assad and wants to stabilize the region. That's just to cut down the bureaucracy.
Every day, the incoherence deepens: He’s going to cover “everyone,” but he’s going to push 24 million people off their health insurance.
He’s going to wipe out the debt, but his tax cuts and spending spree will add trillions to it.
He’s never going to intervene in Syria, but he just did.
He’s going to get Mexico to pay for a big, beautiful wall, but he isn’t.
China is a currency manipulator, but it isn’t.
The media is the enemy of the people, but he is on the phone with them every five minutes and can’t stop watching CNN and reading the New York Times.
He’s going to be a tightwad with taxpayers’ money, unlike Obama, but his personal travel expenses are on track to be eight times more than his predecessor’s.
He’s going to work relentlessly for the American people but he spends half his days watching cable news.
We’ve got to be “very, very tough” in foreign affairs, but when he sees dead babies on TV, he immediately calls General Mattis and lobs 59 Tomahawk missiles.
He has a secret plan to defeat ISIS, but pursues Obama’s strategy instead.
He is for the “forgotten men and women” of America, but his tax plan — which is itself changing all the time — benefits the superrich and depends on removing health insurance for the working poor.
He wants to be friends with Russia, but he doesn’t. He’s going to challenge China’s policy on Taiwan, but he isn’t.
He is against crony capitalism, but he is for it.
He’s going to keep the focus on America, but just upped the ante in Yemen and Afghanistan.
He’s a deal-maker, but he cannot make deals even with his own party.
He’s a great manager, but his White House is consumed with in-fighting and he cannot staff his own administration.
He’s a populist who stacks his cabinet with Goldman Sachs alums.
He’s going to pressure China to take on North Korea, but “after listening for ten minutes” to China’s dictator, he changes his mind.
Mount&Blade: Warband
Never Ever
RIP Turkey
also, fuck the CIA.
Turns slightly more powerful roach into very powerful roach lord.
It would appear roaches are voting to end their democracy.
This shit is artsy
jesus christ, shilling is so awful right now. it hasn't been this bad since before nov 8
>Romanian intellectuals
When Flynn left
lol,this ain't shit
you must have missed the 24/7 shilling right after the airstrikes
it's slowed to a trickle....and it's only this bad becuase 4 am on a Saturday night
ohhh good thing that car has an air cleaner on the engine. wouldn't want to ingest dust in such a finely maintained machine
Flynn was a garbage democrat that deserved what he got, fuck him. If Bannon keeps causing problems he should go as well.
psst, the filter button still works
Lest we forget how far we've come.
Flynn's son was a Sup Forumsack
lol,this ain't shit
you must have missed the 24/7 shilling right after the airstrikes
it's slowed to a trickle....and it's only this bad because 4 am on a Saturday night
So does the report to the FBI button
So why is /qa/ so assblasted now?
somebody asked for this like 8 hours ago
No he wasn't, he was a registered democrat. Probably just trying to make Trump look bad and it worked.
>Andrew Jackson portrait
What does it mean? Did Obama have it htere?
i stopped being a neet this january so my /ptg/ time has drastically decreased so i was barely on here after the airstrikes /:
anyone have the basic gestalt of trumps4d chess moves as of this week
Seems like dudes gonna be in control for longer than a lot of people had planned. I can't decide if he's a good leader or not really. Don't know enough about Turkish politics.
> imagine being this big of a faggot
Because they got run out of their own home turf in the Battle for Berkeley.
I think people overblow Bannon's role. He was a Cruzlim in the primaries, why is he all of the sudden the momentum behind Trump?
This though. My fucking god. also checked
and sessions alone
It's been frozen for over a week. Mods locked the board to stop the /mlpol/ takeover.
You think I give a shit a person in your raid threatened the presidents daughter and grandkids.
And who were the shills ?
He had some gay farm paintings
Trump was also a registered Democrat just a few years ago dumbass
Exactly, shills are trying to create a consensus around how great Bannon is when its all bullshit.
You mind if I lay out a request?
I want that greek legend, they guy who has to keep pushing the stone up a mountain all day everyday, but has to keep trying again the next day for all eternity, I want you to make the shills that guy. The boulder can be ptg or pepe or whatever, I want to make that the next edition
>did Obama have the portrait of a guy whose life work could be summed up as "fuck Indians and fuck banks" in the Oval Office
>Kushner wants a more moderate approach to the justice department, unlike Sessions
What in the 70's? Get the fuck out.
no, Trump put it there
>Believing "sources" spewing all kinds of bullshit Whitehouse intrigue
Why are democrats alot more chill and cooler than republicans ? They all seem uptight and angry all the time.
People with Obama's complexion really shouldn't wear navy.
Rinse Repeat. Never liked that dude and still dont. Too cozy with Ryan.
no prob senpai :^)
just finished my /cpd/ stuff for the night
If anybody has the most current mask shill wojak it would help me out quite a bit
Anyone else disappointed Trump didn't tweet about the North Korean missile failure?
I can't wait till the contrarian basement dwellers that supported trump flip (not long now) and I can deploy my huge collection of printscreens with /pol sucking (((their))) shabat goy's cock.
Trump said that they should sort it out or he would take action. I trust Trump to take the right action no matter what is happening, and yes we don't have all the details so its best to trust Trump over his advisors who are mostly bandwagon fans anyways.
I'm sure it smells like pure innocent love.
You never saw that nigger with a stack of paperwork lol
Erdogan wants a title change from President to Sultan.
Kushner has no power. Why does the President's son-in-law think he has any legitimate political power?
Good morning!
By reading the previous thread I assume the wandering SpencerFags are still at it. Worry not! They are weak and can only make any noise wen absolutely nobody is around (to make it seems like a great disruption) wen actually in normal and peak hours they are nowhere to be heard or seen.
I'll be posting series of posts about that particular group and the punchline is:
- their goal is to convince you that ***they*** are the whole Sup Forums. I'll demonstrate they aren't
- their goal is accuse you of building a safe space. I'll demonstrate it is them coming from a safe space.
- their goal is to convince you that the administration is somehow infiltrated. I'll demonstrate that's bullshit and they their reasoning is the equivalent of feminist the domination of the "patriarchy"
But before everything: Good morning!
>1 post by this ID
>ywn get comfy on the couch with Laura and watch Twin Peaks
why go on
Not even WH senior staff are with him this weekend. He's either taking the weekend off for Easter or he's up to something yuge.
Do It.
Isnt he a manlet as well in real life?
Obama knew how to use computers...
> threatened the presidents daughter and grandkids
There's been some motherfucking bird outside my window for like 2 weeks now and all night long it screams "REEEEEEEEEEEE REEEEEEEEEEEE REEEEEEEEEEEE" and reminds me of you faggots
Just thought I'd share that with you
Marvel has been dead for some time now
I'm pretty sure she's been shilling against Trump nowadays. I kinda would like to kick her ass.
Oh nvm, anyways if I was the cunt-puncher I would hope to run into Chris Evans as well, have him hit me then sue him for millions.
>ptg turning on bannon
You can tell who's new around here
>Its been 3 months
>Democrats dont even mention Obama with nostalgia
Jesus fucking Christ, Even Obama's party treats him like a useless Nigger.
>loyalty to dumbass advisors over trump
You can tell who's a shill around here.
Why do you have a huge collection of cock sucking?
I wonder how long until the kikes here start turning on sessions like they are turning on bannon?
You're from reddit though. You use the portugal flag and are a huge karma whore, am i right ?
Vad ca de data asta avem doi cocalari aici in thread. Manca-mi-atzi pula amandoi.
He really is just going to be a footnote in history, like Van Buren
It's been ALMOST 3 months now
Pic related was taken like 2 months ago, lol
computers can be compromised
He was pretty bad desu
Fucking fantastic.