I think I found a Pedo Den

3840 Sixth Ave, San Diego, CA 92103
Pernicanos - the original location which has had its doors closed for 30 years but has been kept in useable condition for some reason. Opened once a year for a private event with only the super rich invited. Owned by one of the majority share owners of the San Diego Chargers, billionaires.

Now here's the important part. I have been told by some older residents who actually went here when it was open for 4 years, there is a full basement full of meat smokers and cold storage. There's an underground passageway under University Ave that connects this building to the parking structure at the bottom of the Private Hospital on 5th avenue. There are three delis on this same small block and a REALLY weird sketchy bar that drifter types are always hanging out at, like lost children types of drifters. There's a weird "barricaded building directly behind it, doors are literally barred like a castle right in the middle of prime retails, it's been this way for years.

It is located RIGHT in the middle of the most expensive blocks of the Gay Neighborhood of San Diego. It's right next to a freeway entrance. It's a block away from 3 major hospitals.

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hey dude i think i know one of those pedo restaurants too, i live pretty close to it
its close to all kinds of buildings and shit, and people like park their cars right next to it and go inside too
they use a weird code language, say that theyre going there to have "dinner"
fucking globalists man

I can confirm. I used to live a few streets away and I work around the corner. I walk at night to clear my mind and this building always creeped me out. I've seen men hurry to finish cigarettes and walk back in quickly avoiding eye contact. Thank you for confirming my suspicions. Fuck!

Good job. Now, what should we do about this?

Also, something important to note: Don't mix this up with Pizzagate. You'll encourage that crowd to start witchhunting for dens everywhere, and yours will get swept away in the tide in time. Happened with Gamergate.


take some more photos.

I'm losing my shit over here because I rarely lurk pol and this shit is in my fucking neighborhood and op makes 100% sense! What do we do!?

probably a tunnel for illegals

report it to ICE and if it's pedos they'll be equipped to handle it

Firebomb it if the cops won't do anything.


San diego is an ICE free zone

America, ladies and gentlemen!

Where are the symbols?
They maintain is so it doesn't lose market value you moron.

It is the most dilapidated building in the neighborhood

Which symbols specifically should I look for? I'll take more pictures.

You guys are making me schizophrenic, how do you feel about that?

Submit a tip to fbi

Again:maintain it!
They are losing money as they do, spending more would mean losing more.

I live in 92105. Five minutes away. Should I investigate?

Spiral Triangles, pizza references, etc.

you need to set up surveillance on it, take some pics

Butterflies, little hand in big hand

Please fuck them over.

Holy fuck dude! I didn't even fucking think of this!
The sign on the other side says Pizzaria, it's an old Italian place...........Holy shit.


Taxes are 5k a year. Ownership Change in 2016

Over 9k sq ft lot.

Fug. Bump.


I looked on Google, A Elementary School is less than 1 mile away, and a pizza shop is close by as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This, try and get some face pics of the dudes going in and out.
A m4/3 infrared converted camera and an old Soviet era telephoto lens are a cheap way to get into night photography.

Jesus! What the fuck do we do!?

Right across the street frpm the elementary is a freemasons lodge and a goddamn canyon!

Trips, praise bamp!

Only if you WANT the cops and lib media on your ass

Try and install a solar powered camera that can transfer stored video files via wireless in a choice location. Then you just pass by every now and then to collect the footage. Who knows what you'll find?


We can't just go around accusing every Italian of pedophilia if it's only true 80% of the time.

The Freemasons club there, in Hillcrest, has a wire that travels 11 miles east to the lodge near SDSU down University. Like a tiny fishing wire thickness wire that goes on the telephone poles. Why? No one knows.

Just like in washington. Any adoption agencies or art studios/kids art outreaches?

Just chuck a brick through the windows and run away. Wait a few days and see if anyone fixes it.
If not just bring along a pryhammer and break into the place.

I'm about to burst into tears. I've volunteered for a school specifically for houseless children in San Diego....called the fucking Monarch school. Holy shit why did I not see this!? What can I do!?

The case of the tin-can, Freemason, abandoned Italian pedo club! I think we just cracked this thing wide open!

Not sure if you're LARPing poorly or if you actually got something.
It's quite easy to just ask the owner if you can visit it because you want to "rent it for a party".

Adoption Options Inc. is in the same complex as the Private hospital across the street. It's name was changed from Forever Home Adoptions recently.

red flag

Have a bump.

You and OP should meet-up, maybe you could get a few other people in the neighborhood interested.

Read my post, the owner of the San Diego Chargers owns it. He opens it once a year for a closed door event for a handful of other billionaires. I am not Larping.

They're onto you.
You're in danger.
Run while you can.

I'm headed over to look and take pics right now

We FBI now.

Did you ever see anything strange? High profile or wealthy people frequent the place or make large donations? It's always at risk youth centers in connection to this crap. When volunteering what kind of background check did you have? If none that's a red flag. What kind of training? If none that's another red flag. I've worked with youth and small children and you ALWAYS have to have background check and virtus training or some type of training to watch for signs with both adults and children and how they interact so you'll know when somethings wrong. Also no one on one time with kids or being alone with them ever

>I think I found a Pedo Den
then go back to your voat conspiracy circlejerk

even if everything you people found was 100% true, nobody is ever going to be arrested and no victims are going to be saved. nobody will ever acknowledge the secret information you have uncovered, and you will never fill the yawning emptiness inside you. all of us will die, and none of this will really matter.

thanks, user. thanon.

I actually live in this area and OP is onto something. Underground tunnels though, do you have proof? Or is that just some shitty rumor?

Why post it here, I'm not sure. I won't rule out honey pot.

You guys don't realize how valuable this property is. It's probably worth at least a million dollars. There is almost no such thing as an abandoned building in SD, it's just not a thing in 2017, at least not for over 10 years. 5 years at most, and that was due to various real estate bubbles.

Yeah, I guess the best thing you can do is stake it out. Legally of course. Maybe place sensitive noise detectors near the ground 24/7. Nothing else we can do. Breaking in is trespassing.

The fire department is legally required to do random inspections of the place. However, they are extremely lenient and let you delay the inspection for months for any reason.

>Submit a tip to fbi
>implying the fbi doesn't run it

See if you can get any pictures of where the restaurant connects to that weird barricaded building it is attached to located on 5th avenue side of the block.

3 hours of training! Was not trained on any of those things! It was just training for how to keep the kids attentive. No background check. Just a TB test

Sorry, just woke up.

Well, it's hard to think of something legal you can do here.
It's way too early to call the cops or the FBI, I guess.

This. It's literally nothing. Time to move on and focus on something else everyone.

There are plenty of high powered donors too!

>all these Hillcrest homos on Sup Forums
North Park is best Park


this is completely true

A 9000 square foot building in Hillcrest, $1,000,000.........Dude a 9000 square foot building would cost $2,000,000+ in Alpine with no parking lot or adjoining structures. This property is worth tens of millions.

That's fishy. In every experience I've had working with children I've always had a background check. No adult was ever to be alone in public, private, car etc. With a child or children. Also we always had to have virtus training to know signs of sex abuse and what to watch for in adults when they're behaving inappropriately with kids (tickling, touchy, rough housing, too much horsing around with touching involved ) was anyone ever allowed to give rides or be alone with children?

and this is south of the address

Hey i just listened to that
and OP the only thing to do is dress up in pantyhose and infiltrate the den

got better pic


this feels so right hillcrest is code for degenerates

You two are exactly the reasons pedo dens can go on operating for years.
You are the assholes you see interviewed on the news who say: "he was a quiet man"


Take you gun and shoot up the place. The police will arrive and want to have a look around. Just make sure you leave before they arrive.
Shoot, run. Don`t kill anyone.

nice digits man

I'm not alarmed by anything but the door. That fucking door. What the fuck.

The area is LITTERED with mentally ill people too because of the proximity to three hospitals, that's who this group likes to hire to do their kidnapping etc right?

Kek you're right
Their attitude is exactly the " but i never knew he had 3 people chained in his room for 4 years" type.

Do it OP, investigate. The face there are people there makes it worth it, if not for cp, then drugs or something else.

That's a fucking flag if i ever saw one.

That is odd. I can't tell the depth by the picture but I have seen restaurantsome have these gated areas for deliveries or for a trash dumpster (doesn't look big enough) maybe they've had break ins? I really don't know user it's weird because the gate appears newer than the rest

If anybody reading this is in San Diego, it is YOUR job to go there and take pictures. Or torch the place.

You ever thought about motivational speaking?

Unused building in the middle off the ghetto has higher security than normal wow you're really onto something.

The white rabbit.

Everything seems to be adding up.

Something aint right at this location.

Its literally the opposite if the ghetto

Thats scary

go where the underground tunnel supposedly ends and look if kids are brought in and out there


This is the door of the building it is connected to on the other street.

>footage of user shooting up pedos in 30

Idk if this means anything but seems like there are a lot of kids in the area.

Better put up hidden cameras to get faces and connect to names.

That's shoddy as fuck. What's with the garbage to the right? Looks like discarded clothes?

I live 15 minutes from there. should I check it out anons? I don't own a gun or anything so I'm scared

Thats a nice sign.

meh might as well larp too, boring threads lately

Random drifters are always begging there during the day.

Hmmm Boss
looks like the way in is locked.
Try scouting the area to see if you can find another way in. I'll mark the location on your idroid.

As we just drove by cop car was waiting in the parking lot


We walked all around and couldn't find much. Took some pics, but same as the one here. Place just feels capable of housing something like this

Crossed Family Values