North Korea Failed missile launche

The killing bolt that does not kill?

North Korea confirmed as being unable to get it up.

It was shot down by an orbital laser/maser.

Shoosh you, we have to talk about some came whore getting punched in the face.

It takes a lot of testing to get ICBM's right. Even the biggest world powers had trouble with them. And they weren't being actively cyberattacked (definitely) and sabotaged (as far as we know).

In fact China was even being helped by YOUR GREATEST ALLY exporting secret U.S. technologies, blueprints etc there. It's unclear whether they would have obtained even nukes much less ICBMs without such help...



>The killing bolt that explodes in your face at launch

ww3 cancel

They auto sabotaged it, this way they can still say they didnt back diwn but dont get fucked for the test


I dont think its a laughing matter either. But what I do find funny in this situations is NK total lack of fear when being threatened.


If you had
One shot
Or one opportunity
To start World War III
In one moment
Would you capture it
Or just let it slip?

Kim's palms are sweaty, East Korean Sea's weak, nuclear arms are heavy
There's vomit on his sweater already, Yong-Hui's Bulgogi
He's nervous, but on the surface he looks plump and hefty
To launch Taepodong's, but he keeps on forgetting
He forgot to feed the crowd, the Carl Vinson grows so loud
Supreme Leader opens his mouth, but only his blubber comes out
His missile's smokin, how, Trump's jokin' now
The launch fails, times up, over, blaow!

The failed missile is bait.

America is lulled into thinking North Korean technology has a while to go and can't reach the US mainland and can be shot down out of the air easy and what-have-you. America goes in with it's superior firepower, conducts a preemptive strike while quite confident in it's homeland's safety, only to destroy a small stockpile, while the primary nuclear stockpile is launched in what would be considered is a completely justified defensive strike on the US homeland.

You guys realize that north korea purposely fails their missle launches so the world keeps understimating them long enough for them to develop nukes to successful rates right?

>eh leave them alone their harmless
>aw how cute nk is trying to fire a missle

Some American autist hackers based in Seoul compromised the launch and made it self-detonate

I have good sources on this.

Rol ling for this, RIP California you dumb bastards, KEK


you have a link?

Wasting loads of money to stage a faked failed launch, do you even listen to yourself?

>implying it cost tons of money to make defective missiles

Once you develop the perfect shitty missile, it costs basically knowing to produce

> regime not being toppled since 1948
> no ''democracy'' being brought over for all that time
> stupid

They are playing the americans like a fiddle

>Develop the perfect shitty missle

Why do you idiots defend that asian manlet?
I don't get it, is it because he's a commie, like you?


Nah, Kim should be taken down and a possible regime change is imminent and necessary (not masterminded by the USA though)

It's just funny to watch you hide-at-home fags shill for war as if you will contribute jack shit or expose yourselves to the dangers of it.