Can someone redpill me about AntiFa?
Saw the manifestation at Berkely, but didn't get who they are and what they want.
Can someone redpill me about AntiFa?
Saw the manifestation at Berkely, but didn't get who they are and what they want.
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They are paid agitators, hired by soros.
>They are paid agitators
is there any proof of that?
They're a bunch of commie faggots, all you really need to know...
why are they even allowed to make such a mess?
in italy you would see police riot smashing heads
>but didn't get who they are and what they want.
they're millenials.
They only want to be violent and tell others what they can and can't do
>who they are
>what they want
cocks in their mouths and asses
Redpill you about fascist anti-fascists?
If you cant see it yourself, kys.
Cant find proof theyve been paid by Soros/Clinton affiliates?
Either you missed those WLs or you're shilling - eat a nigger dick you italian spic cunt
>> saggeeeee
still, why is the police such cuck-ish and stands watching, instead of suppressing the violence perpetrated by the antifa?
whoa, chill Ahmet
As Ricky Spencer put it, Antifa are the stormtroopers of the establishment. They're the leftist version of brownshirts, only instead of being disciplined men of virtue, Antifa are drug-addled degenerates who have committed every sin.
After 1941 "fascist" was used in the Soviet Union to describe virtually any anti-Soviet activity or opinion. According to Marxism–Leninism, fascism was the "final phase of crisis of bourgeoisie", which "in fascism sought refuge" from "inherent contradictions of capitalism". As result of this approach, it was almost every Western capitalist country that was "fascist", with the Third Reich being just the "most reactionary" one.[2][3] As result, after 1941 "fascist" was used in Soviet Union to describe virtually any anti-Soviet activity: for example, the international investigation on Katyn massacre was described as "fascist libel".,[4] the Warsaw Uprising as "illegal and organised by fascists".[5] Communist Służba Bezpieczeństwa described trotskyism, titoism and imperialism as "variants of fascism".[6]
The Berlin Wall was officially referred to as the "Anti-Fascist Protective Wall" (German: Antifaschistischer Schutzwall) by GDR authorities, implying that the NATO countries and West Germany in particular were considered equal to "fascists"[5] by GDR propaganda.
It's a term used by the underground communist cult in the West, basically anything "capitalist" etc. is "fascist". It's survived and been spread for generations.
Those calling themselves "anti-fascists" are generally just the militant wing of communism.
>waving commie flags and playing commie songs on loud speakers
>being against fascism
pick one and only one
>being a gypsie
>playing the "imthesmartguyhere" card
pick one, Alexander
In the EU they're controlled opposition. In America they're just a bunch of retarded leftists.
> implying there's any other type of leftist
I'm keeping my eye on you.
>"Controlled opposition"
Not really, they are the militant wing of the leftist governments.
They would be dismantled if they weren't useful. As it is, any socialist government has a huge private volunteer army to kick the face in of anyone protesting against them, when other means fail (sacking them from their jobs, etc).
The only one in recent history who has ever had any succesful impact to destroy evil, was Breivik.
Not all leftists ideals are bad. I think we can all agree National Socialism is the best system there is. People thinking we can salvage the current system and implement leftist ideals are comical though.
It's my opinion, but the EU is being set-up to collapse, and the Antifa are the useful idiots who will further spur Right-wing nationalists to start acting.
E.g. in Norway we had an active far-right "nazi" movement some years back.
The leftist government intelligently used a wide spectrum of tactics to dismantle them.
However, this right-wing movement, was actually actively opposed to a militant left-wing movement.
The militant left-wing movement is still in place. Here's their local HQ in Oslo.
Why were they not dismantled in any similar way? Because they are useful as one of the tools in the toolkit, to dissuade public demonstrations.
Again, Breivik is the only one who has harmed these movements. Nothing else in modern history has had an effect.
Interdasting. I guess controlled opposition was a bit of a misnomer. So you're saying they're allowed to exist, but they aren't necessarily in the gubment's pocket-book?
This. So spot on. There's no word to describe what faggots they are. Uber super duper extreme nuclear level faggots.
They are a bunch of faggot commie LARPers trying to bring about muh revolution by tipping over trashcans and pissing off normies. The redpill is they are going to keep escalating things until they meme RWDSs into existence.
Black Lives Matter 2.0 ... sponsored by soros.
The government gives them free rein and leaves them in peace, basically.
Meanwhile they are intimidating as fuck to your average normie who might at some point or another feel perturbed enough to contemplate going in some kind of protest. Most people aren't very violent, and when you got people in masks beating drums and shouting "NO RACISTS IN OUR STREETS" they get scared.
There's a million mechanisms to dissuade people from opposing leftists/socialists - this is one of them.
Recently some people from this movement beat a "traitor" bloody, kicking him in the head repeatedly. It was not covered at all in any of the media, just a few "right-wing" blogs.
Basically they all form a complex and spectrum of tools and measures - this particular tool is the one deployed against "normies who might otherwise protest".
I should also say, a number of people funnel through this group to the media. E.g. it's quite normal for someone in our national broadcaster to have this group on their CV ("Radio host for Blitz radio"). It's violent, and not publicly funded, but not ostracized or excluded either.
based Terry
0/10 thumb is not inside hand
Leftles can't throw punches correctly
Holy fuck, I feel for you guys.
What's your opinion on the situation in the EU? If France does a Brexit of their own, do you think it'll collapse?
throwing punches with a closed fist, will end up breaking your hand
lower palm shots ftw
That's the joke
Cia niggers devastated
Punching in general is a great way to break your hand. Just don't do it unless your life depends on it.
Europe is completely fucked, everyone is brainwashed in the school system, all media is "far-right un-European populists threaten our way of life".
Over time a moderately-sized anti-immigration movement has formed - but it's really just for the slowdown of immigration. Meanwhile the traditional near-50/50 split in the population is tilted by the gradually increasing immigrant population, and virtually none of the "slowdown" movement actually want a reversion or mass deportation. So the direction will continue as before, just somewhat slower.
EU would collapse if France left, but Le Pen is not going to win. The French would probably rather elect literally a planned-economy communist over her.
So overall, it's a "not with a bang, but with a whimper" scenario.
This might change down the line if large scale violence starts to break out, and the population forms along the lines. Also Turkey could drive it, if they start to be military against Greece. But it's 10+ years in the future and it will get worse before then.
Well, when you live in a country where you cannot even carry a butter knife, you may have to think before hand how to throw the most effective punch possible
If it makes you feel any better, America is fucked too. The whole world is basically fucked as well, but Russia will probably fair the best of them all as long as they dig in their military. China is due for a pretty big famine and there going to want that freshly opened farmland in Siberia. America might hold out, but I'm not so sure it'll be able to handle internal strife.
I think if a large-scale depression happens, which is pretty likely especially since it'll start in America, violence will break out. Not necessarily because of politics, but just for sheer survival.
That's why you go take boxing lessons or some other martial art training.
Look into sap gloves and wrist wraps. If you're going to have to throw punches protect the fuck out of your hands and wrist. I've broken a knuckle before with a pair of MMA gloves on.
Well that was a short thread.
"Pack it up boys we're going home"!
I cannot make a closed fist anyway, broke my pinky a while ago.
that's just word salad. I dont get it
Redpill me on tdavis, why does he hate the CIA niggers and niggercattle? Why did he make templeOS blazing fucking fast? Is lusting after jewish attention whores in low-hanging fruit academia redpilled? Will nikita ever return to the good side?
its easier for them to let anticom/alt-right do the bashing and not take any heat
>mud-skinned mario calls me a gypsy
Keep talking shit, in reality while i've been visiting your (((northern cities))) i've seen the same amount of niggers,arabs and anything else you can imagine in 2 days compared to 15 years in Romania.
>stating the most obvious thing
>playing the smart guy card
Don't you have some niggers to pick up from your coasts?I heard you guys really work hard for helping people from drowning
>in reality while i've been visiting your (((northern cities)))
Visiting for what? Robbing houses or stealing copper?
The sand-nigs stay mostly together in ghettos, while you gypsies literally invaded Italy from north to south while taking jobs from italians.