I think they are pretty based and smart and redpilled too.
Your honest opinions on Indians ?
Other urls found in this thread:
Get your poo out of this country
Reminder India's greatest fast bowler was a batting all rounder
If we did your country would become a Wasteland
So? We still outclassed Australia....
Face it you can't beat us at anything.
(Whites can't beat Indians at anything)
Why can't you qualify for world cup 2018?
Get leo messi a goddamn world cup
They're low-key getting stronger and stronger while Sup Forums autistically keeps making the same poo in loo joke. Indians are cool in my book. Obviously given that there are a billion of them in what's still mostly a third-world country, there are a lot of shithead and retard Indians. But smart Indians are fully the equal of smart whites. There are lots of very talented Indian scientists and artists.
India's a backwards shithole filled with disease, poverty and rape, because Indians.
ha, like i give a fuck about sports
Thanks i will be moving to Australia soon probably.
Just curious though what you thought about us
Australian blondes are 2nd to none IMO.
Indians basically invented racism.
Thats brilliant.
Fuck rolls royce snobs
Nigger tier
Indians have this weird obsession with wealth and having an image behind them. Like they all think they're Fortune 500 CEOs with a brand behind them. Anyone else know what I'm saying?
Indians I meet are bro-tier.
There are still wayyyyy too many of you though.
Baiting people with kikebook memes
White people BTFO by based Indians once again
Any people from whom an artist like Nikhil Banerjee could emerge must be worth something.
Anyone from a place where shitting in the streets is socially acceptable is, by definition, an animal.
I have other opinions too, if you wish, Pajeet.
No i am telling we are internet and global superpower
Yep, like they always have to prove themselves by listing off their credentials. They worked here, they know so-and-so, their family member is someone important, on and on.
Does snapchat hire poos now? Because the app is shit.
This guy is pretty based, too.
No it didn't hire em that's why it's shit
We are probably the best coders on this planet ( sorry Russians)
Degenerate ethnics, who I am sick if dealing with in ubers, convenience stores and severs. Annoying and cause me problems. Go back to where you come from!! Like fuck, we need to stop handing out so many permanent residence visas
Memes aside, I like indians. They need to convert to western ideologies though. Otherwise, they'll stay "POO IN LOO" for a long time.
Like you ever look at one of their social media? It's literally them attempting to flaunt their wealth with poorly edited pictures, with weird wording and phrasing that doesn't really make sense to most people.
They smell bad.
>(Whites can't beat Indians at anything)
We can beat you at the number of people who know how to use a fucking toilet.
Based Indians stay in India only
The only good Indian programmers leave India.
t. deluded pajeet codemonkey
Real 'coders' call themselves programmers
Spot on. That's because these filthy bastards have in their genes the caste system. They're so terrified of being inferior that they'll fuck up their own people just to stand on them.
Chinks and Japs are smarter and work harder, but are not that obsessed with flaunting their tiny dick.
Oh yes, almost forgot, Indians are scientifically micro-penis champions.
Sauce of quotes thanks specifically last one.
Northern Indians are fine, southerns are walking memes
We had to make a fucking border to keep the smell away.
they do... my gf is "indian" even though in reality she is just a coconut.
But now im a race traitor.
why do you guys want europe to be mulitcultural s much?
Like you're any better, currymuncher. At least Indians aren't Muslim.
Fuck... no. We have so many here now,
Please fuck off.
Also, you will have NO CHANCE with any white chicks. If you dont beleive me, go have a look on dating websites in Australia. About half of all profiles specificly ask for no indias please. Hahaha
Gold. Thanks, Atif.
If a Paki thinks Indians smell, there's some serious stench.
You're a global joke, the only people that use you are fucking kikes who think hiring a single white programmer to fix your shit tier code is cheaper.
I like Indians.
I like everyone but niggers and Muslims. You are neither and you know full well how awful both are.
You do not wish death on me by default. I know we have our differences but I wish you the best.
All that I ask really is if you come over here do not be faggot white-hating retards like many Hindus on college campuses.
Some whites are dumb and confuse you with Muslims and Arabs. I do not. I hate them and I love you and wish you well. Remember, despite our differences, we are always more your brothers than they are.
This is a stupid burger troll. Ignore him.
I supported brexit tbqh. And most of my country did either. We are a right winged country.
I sincerely hope that you stay there too.
Also try and encourage others to stay. Also encourage them to not breed like rabbits??
Sadly have to share a flat with one. Any time he leaves his door open, the entire house stinks and I have to run around and open all the windows without breathing. If i breath in the stench even for a second I'm reduced to uncontrollable coughing from which i can't recover until I'm able to retreat to a closed room and get to a window.
I'm leaving soon and it's purely because of this Indian stinking out the entire flat.
Fuck India.
Yep, i'm a sound engineer. Did a few gigs at a Indian/Pakistani Church here in the UK. Weird as fuck. I was there to do the sound for a christian band, but they insisted on doing karaoke before they were on for 3 or 4 girls there. Each of their fathers came up to me to tell me how to mix everything, because obviously i don't have a clue what i'm doing.
Gee, I'd rather be muslim then piss drinking poopoo.
Also pajeet why are you in Australia? Is the stench to bad back home?
I've met plenty of Indians and overall I like them.
I hope you die in a suicide bombing.
I hate indians, but I hate you far more muslim scum.
watermelon burst over poo.
I'm European, shitskin. Do the world a favour and kill yourself.
Also they kept readjusting all the equipment i'd set up. They kept turning the lights and moving them further up or lower down on the stand until i told them off.
>there is a huge potential market in india
>but people don't want my company there
I've met a good amount of Indians and I've had a few good Indian friends. They're generally good people but I would prefer if most of them stayed in India.
This, desu. I hate Indians, but it's a friendly sort of hate, like Filipinos or chinks in general.
But Pakis and other Muslim shitskins can all die in a fire.
Pic VERY related
I'm guessing your ancestors were poor as fuck and stole a loaf of bread and got sent to abo land for a punishment. Kek.
Used to work in an Indian restaurant and they all had this very distinct smell. After about 3 months of working there one of the managers offered me some weird thing that was like a mint, but didn't smell anything like mint. They were all chewing it constantly.
Does anyone know what this is? It was like a condom-packet sized foil container with little crystals in there.
there are plenty of based indians - it is a statistical improbability. Just like the few gorgeous indian girls.
there are hundreds of millions of ugly, stupid ones too.
Your guess is as shit as the colour of your skin, Mohammed.
I guess you, your parents and all of your ancestors are poor as fuck, fuck goats and live in mud huts?
Sperm. Indians love to chew solidified sperm.
Liars and posers. Their entire life goal is to impress their relatives back in India with how much money they have, when in reality they live in pretty shitty conditions in poor parts of the UK.
Just nuke each other already
Shit tier china.
Just more 1b people countries full of poverty
stop shitting in the street and then the west will take you seriously.
Why the hate words hurt
Maybe a couple of thousand years ago. But we could afford bread and food for the past couple of centeries unlike you fuckers.
And they still accomplished more than you.
Just think about your sorry excuse for your country. India is already pretty bad and backwards, and Pakistan is takes after India like that. But then you add Islam into the mix and you get levels of retardation unparalleled to very few countries. At least other Islamic shitholes still don't have polio.
Stop being a dick to Australians. They're bros and you guys are complete fags.
Can't afford a shower though, hey?
I've met many many Indians in my line of work.
They're basically niggers. Alone you can barely understand them and in groups they're braying monkeys that (sometimes literally) fling their shit at everything.
I think they are dirty and smell bad. They're also scrawny manlets even in this mongoloid country. Their skin is the color of shit. And they don't know how to fight.
Would you use a gun to kill a ant colony?
They like to hang around in large groups, are slobs, don't have very high-standards
On the plus side they seem to have a humanitarian side, are polite and respectful
Filthy and don't integrate at all with non-indians as they are extremely racist.
With the sheer number of people both India and China have
It's unsurprising that they have quite a few intelligent people. as a whole, however they are vastly inferior.
Which one the red drunk man or the ohmugush cum again ghandi fuckers? Cause i hate them both.
>they accomplished more then you.
Nigga we have only been a country since the 1940s and I think we have done pretty well for an "Islamic shit hole"
>leave aussie alone :D
Nope they started it.
White girls hate indians the most. They are officially the least desirable race, even more than Asians.
You mean that the only people that hire them are fucking kikes who think hiring a single white programmer to fix your shit tier code is more expensive.
We seem to pillage the best of your minds. I live in a town created around a high-energy particle physics laboratory, it's full of Indians. Im premed and all of my professors have been Indian, a small majority of students as well. More than half of my doctors are Indian. May as well be white, they don't seem to have any trouble assimilating over here. They even used to be considered white for legal and census purposes, but are now a legal minority through their own petitioning. Don't know about the 1.2 billion niggers living in India though, you're like the slavs of your race
Homegrown poojeets should all be flushed in the toilet. Most overseas pajeets are fine, except for their funky smell.
"Islam" and "shit hole" are mutually exclusive you dumb nigger
>I think we have done pretty well for an "Islamic shit hole"
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
Have you seen the messages they send to white girls? No wonder they're hated. They're pushy, give off rapey vibes, don't take no for an answer, and still come off like betas "just looking for friendship".
How will you whites save your race from the impending browning of your race? White People will soon become a rarity
>1.2 billions of furries?
Oh boy. What if they all gather in one place at the same time?
Oh and I forgot to mention the stench.
I grew up in a shitty Paki filled town in the north of England, and while they all smelled extremely bad, they don't have anything on the Indians. Maybe its something about being from that part of the world, but they reek of shit, sweat, and curry.
90% chance of seeing one walk right out of a toilet (Indians in the west at least know how to operate a toilet) without washing their hands. I work for a large multinational tech company so I see people from all over the world, and Indians have by fucking far the worst personal hygiene standards of any race or culture I've encountered. The poo is not just a meme.
So you're implying India is not a literal shit hole?
Smelly niggers are ruining the world
Ok I fucking found it. Someone posted this in another india thread
This is 100% accurate. I swear to god. Went travelling through asia 2 years ago and it is scary how accurate this video is.
bunch of neurotic, schitzophrenic, needy fuckers. most annoying race. when theyre in power theyre like naive children who throw tantrums or are unpractically peaceful and goofy like the aliens from galaxy quest.