>I am a hindu.
>I rented a flat to a muslim family for an year
>I made them sign 1 year contract
>Renewed for another year
>I decided to change cities
>told them"either buy or leave,as i will sell it"
>Refused to leave or buy(after expiry of contract)
>they went to court
>moved and burnt down the house with a muslim mob
>now in jail
If we dont unite now against these savages,they will continue their animalistic behaviour and keep the IQ level of the masses on the retarded level
Let me tell you a story
Poo in loo you shit eating savage. Hind is Islamic land.
didnt read but by the flag I know you are well aware of the muslim thread
Paki with a proxy?
We know.
Fuck off beaner.
>I rented a flat to a muslim family for an year
Lucky you, you got rent for 1 year out of them. Here is only gibsemedat
Muzzies are the biggest jews on earth. Even their noses know
How the fuck did you even entered czechia?
We are aware. Interacting with Muslims changed me from a dopey lefty to a woke as fuck nazi.
All the negative stereotypes of Jews applies to Muslims except Muslims are usually bad with money too.
Learn English, Marijn.
Thank you India. You understand more than perhaps anyone.
I do not know why we make fun of you. Our cultures are different but I do not wish for you to die.
I hope you feel the same way.
It is not so with Muslims. It will never be.
Please, whenever you read the stupid insults from burgers/anglos towards Indians on this board, know that they do not speak for all of us.
The Jew wants me to love all people. I do not.
I love all people who have culture, dignity, intelligence, and who do not wish death upon me for being different.
I love India, God bless you all.
Probably got detained there on his way to Al germania.
Does your average hindu over there have as much muslim hate as I expect?
do you get any islam apologists?
At least we had something to eat, other than old shoes.
Thats fucking shitty.
Did you at least get insurance payment for what you wanted to sell it for?
Absolutely barbaric.
Question: How do I best use dried methi leaves?
Well we have our libtards
based poos
>ywn remove kebab alongside Sikhs, Hindus, and Christians.
60% secretly hate each other but don't really show or talk about it.
35% really want to kill and at daggers drawn.
15% can die for each other. They're in peace and harmony.
Yep, each other you injun subhumans
>poo a loo makes a post void of banter and street shitting.
Make it 30 10 I'm sorry for my maths.
>i am a hindu
stopped reading here. you're a house nigger who wants lick their white master's bottom here.
get the fuck out you motherfucker.
you're no better than arabs. you live a worse place than middleast and although pakistan've eaten dirt and mud to produce a nuclear program, india is worse than pakistan.
get the fuck out dig a toilet
If kebabs refuse to leave, you just poo in the flat pajeet
I am with you Pajeet. The world has to unite against that Muzzie scum; the problem with them has gotten out of hand and it will only get worse from here on forward.
i did not,i was in talks to sell it so the buyer was going to renew the insurance but the sub humans torched it and burnt 80% of the building
Happy Easter
That's mean friend and it makes me sad ; (
Kto bol prvy ceskoslovensky prezident.
That's just cruel.
you where the one who called me a "beaner" you piece of moronic shit, that means that I eat beans, you on the other hand, starve, subhuman
no famines in my country
Masaryk the cuck
I agree. We should poo on them.
But efficient
Islam is literally a disease. Muhammad was a degenerate warlord that killed, raped and stole from everyone that was not muslim. Muslims are told to emulate him.
Everyone will tell you:
>but islam is actually a religion of peace and it's progressive, just look at the Jizya! That verse from the Quran guarantees that jews and christians can live in tandem with muslims!
No. The Jizya is a extortion method. All religious minorities must pay it or have their houses burned down.
All muslims might not be terrorists, but Islam is the religion of terrorists. Everyone claims that muslims are not following islam correctlly, while the terrorists are the true followers of Muhammad.
>gtfo of your own country
How about you jump off a cliff roach.
enjoy getting murdered by drug cartels, broken spaniard
you will never be spanish lol
>everyon claims that the peaceful followers of Islam are the true followers, while the terrorists are false ones. It is in fact the other way around.
Meant to write this in the end.
Kys, cockroach
it's because they shit on the street you autistic fuck.
We need to make a meme and trick the Indians and Chinese into going to Africa
>t. triggered roach
Fuck muslims
why? OP lost his house because of katuas like you. Fuck you
r/bakchodi FTW
If you had been living in a muslim/arabic country, you would have learnt:
- never rent a house to a muslim.
- never lend anything to a muslim
- never trust a muslim
Their koran learns them: to betray non muslims is a privilege they've been granted.
An Indian man gave me a cigarette when I eye balled it. He just knew and then offered. God bless you blokes, we know you're based and have a longer history knowing about this shit. Keep up the good fight.
based hindus
you katua rape child. Go suck some mulla dick. piece of shit.
Sorry I don't speak currymuncher babble
Keep saying that to yourself you Islamic cunt,Christians are cool and have done a lot to the world.
Allah on the other hand fucked 8 years old,had camel fetish,instructed rape and pillage in his holy book,you are the scum of humanity and burgers are pretty much doing a good job by exterminating you.
Well i made a mistake
Back you go
why are there still muslims in india? why didnt they go to pakistan or bangladesh when they were all created?
Where is this? If this is in cow belt, you can rekt mudslimes.
coz India is secular country. If not for india , whole region would be over run by terrorist and more muslims.
are they beating him because he wouldn't poo in the loo?
>Please, whenever you read the stupid insults from burgers/anglos towards Indians on this board, know that they do not speak for all of us.
You poo in the loo too
>rents his flat to muslims
>blames anyone but himself
(proxy 1 post by this id, just to get the butthurt out)
these are probably a leftypol fag with a proxy, mind him not.
I'm sorry to tell you, but only those who personally suffered due to muslims will care. These are few, you are among a few. Others won't stop their ant and phallus worshipping and even curse you for your "hatred".
Your entire nation have to get wrecked, men killed and women raped to actually get rid of muslims. Or a group of leaders must come to power who personally suffered due to muslims, which is the best case scenario, but it is improbable in the Soros run globalist times.
>t. Thomas Singh
Kill yourself shitskin sympathizer.
You're not czech m8
That's pretty fucking hilarious coming from the rape capital of the world
a non-muslim indian is at least a human being even if they shit in the streets, they are not out to kill you. unless they are some kind of anti-western hindu fanatic.
It doesn't count as rape in your country when you do it muhamad. You guys are even worse, your religion tells you to fuck ya cousins and children. cunts fucked
At least we don't rape kids.
No it doesn't.
Neither do we, that's the pathans. But you accept that you're the experts in the field of rape?
>talking shit about anyone else
lmao. fuck off you're just as bad
>human being
Try again, Alastair Prawadukar. You subhuman shitskin.
Rape is a common crime all over the world. If you see the total no. of rapes it will be huge since the huge population but if you talk about the total percentage then it's quite low. Look for it.
A bit of old al-taqqiya? not all of us are illiterate unlike your people lol
there's good reason MENA has such a low iq despite being the progenitor of civilization
tfw even poo in the loo says islam is bad
I hope so.
Please to read about Godhra.
Where do you guys stand on the beef controversy??
Isnt 55% of pakistanis inbred?
It would explain alot if it was true.
Islam.. I slam.
I slam dunk for Muhammed.
Holy shit I thought it was a meme. Rape epidemic they're calling it. At least one every 15 minutes.
What's taqqiyah about that? I'm not hiding anything. People here have a low IQ because most of them are completely uneducated.
Youre correct, 70% of Pakistanis are inbred.
>Statistically Muslim
"N-no guys Hindus are just as baaaad!" :^)
>statistically muslim
>that means there are no Christians or atheists
>implying that changes the fact that Hindus are just as savage and primitive
>t. Patel
No, you just got cucked by Muslims.
Hey neighbor
It's more to create a fear among Muslims than to appease upper caste Brahmins.
I think it's good as long as it keeps the muslims under constant fear of threat.
The religion compels them to be cousin fuckers senpai, don't bother senpai, he's pulling an old bit of al-tacky on us!
Mate.. never post that gay shit again on my board
>Islam is the best
>Put your cousin to the test
>most based gulf arab country
'Sup pal
I don't really care if someone hides somewhere and have piece of it,you can't barge in someones home right.
Given India is a Hindu first there should be strict laws wrt to Beef ban economically and in public places.
And WRT to muzzies,given they multiply like rats their only source of cheap protien is beef,and we have to strategically kill that source to win over them,Period.
Kf 7alk?
That is racist! Counter cucking measure being prepared
How does it feel knowing the whole world shits out your God? Besides we'll out multiply you in a decade or so and you'll have real problems then