The EU is set to inflict a double humiliation on Theresa May, stripping Britain of its European agencies within weeks...

>The EU is set to inflict a double humiliation on Theresa May, stripping Britain of its European agencies within weeks, while formally rejecting the prime minister’s calls for early trade talks.

Is there anything more beautiful than the sight of a thoroughly humiliated anglo, stripped of all hope and dignity?

Happy Easter, Sup Forums!

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Hope tarrifs are imposed on hans' motors and Germany collapses into some shit Islamic state. That way we won't feel bad when dropping the nukes

>European agencies
>The leeches seek a new host

Kek, thinking that's something bad. I would be happy if the UN shit we have in Vienna would fuck off as they cost the taxpayer millions for doing absolutely nothing.

why is this sheep cuntfucker so mad tho

So what will europe do if UK becomes a tax haven? if EU rejects the UK trade deal, UK will surely become one, at which point europe will have no way of competing

all these mad fucking ahmeds



>Is there anything more beautiful than the sight of a thoroughly humiliated anglo, stripped of all hope and dignity?
Yes, actually there is something more beautiful. Sight of eternal german being outbred by niggers and mudshits.

UK can't be a tax haven dear Shoah.
UK citizens and companies are all goys that need to fund the gov's diversity quotas.



simply block them off and do what we do with all tax havens. prosecute the ones hiding money somewhere with extreme prejudice.

looks like the anglo got btfo again.

Look at me

I'm the German now

how are germans still proud of their shitcunt country?


you can do that with the small tax havens, but can you do that to the 5th largest economy? on what grounds would you prosecute the UK? even if you'd put up tarrifs to trade, UK can just switch trade to the common wealth and you're fucked

My grandfather wrecked your bloodline in 1944. Won't hesitate to do it again hans

Can't be a tax haven if you can't do deals from within the UK, Schlomo. Otherwise the banks would all have already bought some third world shithole island and run the world economy from there.

You're getting raped by Mohammed and you're trying to laugh at England

>Is there anything more beautiful than the sight of a thoroughly humiliated anglo, stripped of all hope and dignity?
At least they are not getting literally raped by muslims as we speak.

no they cant as tax heaven is there last resort.

as again the anglo got btfo.

>switch trade to the commonwealth

This isn't the 19th century anymore. India, Australia, Canada, etc. have their own interests, and they're not going to ruin trade relations with the EU just to please old mother England.

If they don't have access to the single market there's no reason for companies to move from EU to U.K. as they would only have access to the U.K. market.

Same reason why they don't move to Switzerland.

Granted the U.K. will never be able to lower taxes beyond EU

but they are

oh and they wont be nr 5 when all the banks and medical company's are gone. 23 or 40 is more likely.

It bears pointing out in every one of these threads that brexit must have really riled germans up something fierce, for them to post anti-brexit threads on Sup Forums every. single. fucking. day.

Happy Easter to you too, friends. Try not to stay so salty. :^)

>So what will europe do if UK becomes a tax haven?

It's really an empty threat.

1) Ireland and Luxembourg already have low corporate tax rates, providing no incentive for companies to move to UK.

2) The EU already said they would pass a law requiring companies not only to maintain offices within the EU but to tax ALL earnings made in the EU before they're transferred abroad if said business want to continue making business in Europe, thus completely offsetting any advantage offered to them by a UK tax haven.

These are the reasons why no one in the UK government pursues this threat any longer. You might have noticed that Theresa May dropped this talking point months ago.

i hate germany so much if only stalin could have kill more of your race

Nothing beats seeing those filthy, plebeian chavs go back to their feudal society.

We tried to tidy them up and teach them some civilization but, no, they wanted to go back to their peasant ways and their proud gingivitis.

So be it. Let them eat crumpets.

I believe you're forgetting someone, my European friends.

Europoors are so bitter. We don't give a shit what you do because you'll only be hurting yourselves.

top kek

they want to keep European agencies ?

A beaner talking about rape. Priceless.

And Trump's a real anglophile too. Man I can't wait for the day of the aryandied

Yeah, like Trump is going to go for "whichever deal is best for the UK" rather than "whichever deal is best for the US". Dipshit.


In 2001, Deutsche Börse tried to merge with the London Stock Exchange, followed by a takeover bid in late 2004, both rejected by LSE.[4] After CEO Werner Seifert was forced to resign by the main shareholders in 2005, Deutsche Börse changed plans and entered into advanced negotiations for a merger with Euronext which would have brought two of the biggest stock exchanges in Europe into one holding.

Anglo Zion, German Zion, American Zion, where's the difference? Eventually the richest international kike will be the major owner in background of those public bosses.

How butthurt can you be? this has never been about money, this is about saving our country, and race.

I'd rather be dirt poor eating mud than be anywhere near niggers and muslims, i'm genuinely upset that you don't want to get off mr shekelsteins wild ride, German user.

so what we loose the cancer of banking agencies? they don't benefit anyone but themselves, this will only make us stronger in the long run, may even bring back actual jobs

>the GERMan race hasn't been extinguished and its genome scattered into a billion noncontiguous atoms with any trace ashes blasted into the Sun

Don't be so gloomy, anglos!

Remember: Jesus died for your sins too

>saving our country, and race.

Too late, Ahmed. Pajeet is already shitting on your streets. Your gingivitis will only get worse.

did greece every pay debts? no? lol, k.

Hans is hella butthurt because his eternal reich only lasted 40 years or whatever, so he's lashing out the only way the German can: passive-aggressively.

>The EU is set to inflict a double humiliation on Theresa May, stripping Britain of its European agencies within weeks, while formally rejecting the prime minister’s calls for early trade talks.

And the UK can retaliate by making themselves a cayman islands clone right off the EU's shores, destroying the EU's capacity to tax their corps.

Don't make the mistake of thinking the EU has any leverage in this. They need the UK, not the other way around.


Absolutely wrong and retarded. See:

Stfu Heino, I want out of your cuckreich
I'm with the Brits

How is this a humiliation? Surely an EU agency would prefer to be in the EU rather than a nonmember. It's like being humiliated because you got wet while taking a bath. You're grasping at straws hun.

I'd take a recession/depression over what's about to happen to mainland Europe. Enjoy your new commie chancellor, tho.

when will you silly germans learn, you can't beat the anglo

Idk man. UK is the one with the Muslim mayor in their largest city. Also millions of Pajeets.

The ravens will starve.

But you see, dear Romania, the European Union is one of our last remaining economic rivals. A deal with Britain would only undermine the crumbling EU further. Trump will wisely leap at this opportunity to strike the deathblow.

Sorry, retarded posts just don't catch my eye:

If the EU did that they'd crash their economy forever and become a failed state

>you can't beat the anglo

Got it.

[crying germans heard in background]

>rape of berlin

47% of under-5's in Germany are the spawn of sunni militants the cuck Merkel imported.

Update your lingo.. it's "Germanistani's" now

Good, hopefully all the muslims and gibsme's will fuck off to Germistan.

Your race doesn't even exist anymore. The Russian's raped all the Deutsche out of your grossmutters during and after WW2, and now Muhammad is raping away the rest.

I masturbate over the fact Germany has never beaten Britain in a war and it really gets to them

>The EU already said they would pass a law requiring companies not only to maintain offices within the EU but to tax ALL earnings made in the EU before they're transferred abroad if said business want to continue making business in Europ
>would pass a law

kek you really think the kikes would ever allow that, most of the tax havens are not even in the EU

>Antigua & Barbuda,
>Brunei & Darussalam,
>Trinidad Tobago,

Crap.. we both warned him..

I wanted to see the EU do this and turn their anemic sub-1% 'growth' into a massive, perpetual crash

Crashing this union with no survivors


The Bombing of Dresden was probably more beautiful.

PS: Round 2 is coming soon Germanfag.

PPS: Also I will rape your women like the Russians did

PPPS: Both you and your women will like it like last time.

Imagine 2 men on a ladder
>Man A (Germany) is on the 6th rung,
>Man B (UK) is only on the 3rd rung

Q: Which man is in a better position?
>A: it depends which direction they are heading

UK might be slightly worse off right now, but they are turning it around. Meanwhile, Germany is spreading it's cheeks open wide.

>crown JEWels

>you can do that with the small tax havens, but can you do that to the 5th largest economy?

It won't stay the 5th largest economy for long if they do that.


Kek. The EU is one of your last remaining economic allies, Johnny. You're on your way out.

Regarding the Kraut post, he's completely right, yet he forgot about Estonia with its borderline libertarian flat 10% tax rate. Even if UK were to become a tax haven, some EU member states offer way better deals.

>this has never been about money, this is about saving our country, and race.
As a South European spic that argument sounds quite familiar: it's the same thing Greeks told themselves when they voted Yes in Tsipras's referendum. Just saying.

I'm really starting to like the EU after all of this.

>Regarding the Kraut post, he's completely right, yet he forgot about Estonia with its borderline libertarian flat 10% tax rate. Even if UK were to become a tax haven, some EU member states offer way better deals.

Please continue to believe this retarded notion.

I want to see the EU publicly seppuku its own economy.

>saving our country, and race

Meanwhile in the UK: Sounds to me like you're not really trying to save your country.

But Portugal, you don't need economic allies when you're number one.

Why are Germans so fucking mad that the anti-white EU is dying?

Fuck off Kraut
We all want to leave your fucking mess of a Union
Ganging up on the Kraut when?

yeah you sure btfo all the tax havens already

The Germans are so desperate to score points against us. It's cute

Ever seen Peter Zeihan's work?
He works for a private intelligence firm...

USA is the least dependent upon global trade, and nearly every nation that scoffs at us would pretty much collapse overnight if we stopped shipping them crap

An example speech.. it's fascinating analysis.

Thanks for killing Hitler asshole.

You need the UK, not the other way around, Hans. Trump is going to be fully open to making deals with Britain if Germany tries anything funny.

Its so stupid how butthurt you guys are. The EU allows nations to leave if they decide do (through referendum), but eternal Krauts think they need to be punished for whatever reason.

The last great German.

>EU agencies will move from a country that is leaving the EU is a humiliation
>The Grauniad
Ah that explains it

>le child abuse meme
Your press isn't even allowed to publish such stories ahmed.

Seems a bit hypocritical considering you had three reichs, all of which collapsed because you constantly try to destroy Europe.


If you're going to post a meme at least make sure it reflects reality.

Pound skyrocketed, UK is now in a brexit boom.

Piotr bringing the bantz

I know they don't have to do this necessarily but I'm not sure how many businesses would want to relocate their offices to Estonia (no offence Estonia I'm sure you have other great things going on).

One of the benefits to the UK to many foreign businesses is the language! EVERYTHING is written in it, all legal documents etc and our legal system and its laws are fairly clear and bureaucracy and corruption are at a minimum.

Say a company wants to transfer their business dealing to Italy or France because they can get a better tax deal, the systems there (from what I understand) are slow and bureaucratic which can put people off. They aren't as open for business as us. The more Northern EU countries like Germany, Holland and Sweden are just as good as us though which is a worry.

I fucking wish

When a pole is pissed off because they can't get into our country freely.

these sorts of g*rms are like leafs. black pilled defeatists who want to bring us down to their level. That and what your doing is going to cause a lot of short turn pain. g*rms should understand that they expect one of us in the wreckage though

yeah england literally has muslim rape gangs

>Treaty of Versailles role reversal
>Britain humiliated and economically ruined
>desire for empire awakens

>into tax haven
There's a reason specific countries are tax havens mate. Anglos and more specifically British ones are singled out because they form high trust societies. You don't want to make a tax haven next to big bear Russia, that's pants on head retarded.

I doubt your a real poortugal, they usually have common sense

Those things ain't leaving although I wish they fucking would, fuck you Jews