When they tell you to love God

When a politician comes on TV to tell you to love god...
Wearing more than your month's wages around their neck.

Why do people still mix religion with politics?

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This is a good thing. we need to protect our western christian civilisation.

I see more atheists than Christians tbf

I thought religion was more of an American thing now, seems only old people and stupid people actually still follow religion. So I don't see why they still mix religion with politics...

I completely agree. I grew up going to Catholic schools, church, etc, but the hipocracy of "Jesus gave the clothes off his back to a poor man" and all that being taught but you see these pastors and preachers on TV with diamond earings and $10k microphones with $50k sound systems, etc...

Where's the fucking humility? If they believed in the Gospel, then they would practice what Jesus preached. Sell their fancy shit and help the poor.

Mummy May!

Your civilization is dying rapidly, and this is why. Atheism is a mental disorder that destroys countries.

>seems only old people and stupid people actually still follow religion

fuck off this is a christian board.

Christian conservatism is British culture

A secular state means a multicultural state

>lol everyone in the UK hates Theresa May!! le fuck Brexit and Fuck may and fuck the tories!!

meanwhile in reality

>CON 46 (+4)

m-muh echo chamber is getting broken.

Because Christ is King you fucking communist.

t. Rupert Featherbottom

Stop believing in sky fairies you fucking retard. Grow up.



when you grow up a bit more you'll realise that our christian values are worth protecting. You'd rather have a ((( secular ))) society and allow a boat load of muslims come in and chop off your heads.

Christians are persecuted all throughout the world. Religious or not, this is part of our european heritage and we must defend it. Don't act like a autistic fedora and realise what is happening.

Please tell me what exactly do you mean by "christian values". I see this term used a lot yet nobody ever bothers to specify what they mean.

people only want a conservative council member, when or while conservatives are in government... because they only serve large chunks of cash to conservative areas...

So you posting about local elections is meaningless and off topic.

She goes on TV at Christmas and Easter, blinging out, and tells people that UK is Christian... painting us as target for terrorist attacks.

Don't mix religion with politics and avoid being a target...

Can't take anyone seriously who believes in a religion in this day and age. all religions should die an equal death.

Well we need to live by a set of moral standards. Degeneracy such as homosexuality, drug use and violence is pushed onto our youth by ((( them ))). People are told to hate religion and live secular lives whilst it's christianity that keeps communities living peacefully together.

also i don't know much about slovenia but my country is slowly becoming more and more secular. They got same sex marriage passed and now the same people are pushing for abortion legislation.

They are all the same. They're just astrotheological references to journey of the Sun. Jesus getting crucified was when the sun is at its weakest, or in winter. Jesus is the Jew Zeus, its just Judaized paganism.

Pick up a book before you post. If you can't read more than 10 sentences in a short window before your synapses melt, here is a video series.


Historical Jesus is obviously retarded. The real Jesus is in your heart, what St John talked about. BTW ovid, diogenes, pythagoras, plutarch, davinci, tesla... so many more gave up drinking blood.


What are you blubbering about you absolute fucking retard, this is national polling.

so it's the marxist secularism that is destroying us and ((( they ))) want to destroy our religion whilst saying we must tolerate barbaric muslims and let a boat load of them into our countries who's culture and values are like 1,000 years before us.

it would be impossible for a divine, all seeing, all mighty (ALL CONSUMING) and powerful - consciousness, being or entity to exist at the same time as everything else. It would just consume everything with its blinding powers...

There you go, I just killed religions, but people still believe - how can you stop that?

Are the politicians just preaching religion to win votes or something?
Do normal people mix politics and religion?

I really don't know any religious people (here in the UK)... so I don't get it.

Let's face it; Atheism is so 2006. It's been kicked to the curb by everyone.

Atheists just can't get over the fact that they lost the culture war.

Let me take you under 18s back to the year of 2006:
>atheism on the rise on the internet with their voices getting more heard everyday
>atheist leaders like Dawkins, Harris, and (worst) Hitchens are respected voices in the community
>r/atheism is one of the top boards on bleddit
>corporate stores trying to push things like "Happy Holidays" and having "Holiday Trees"

Cut to today:
>Dawkins, Harris, and (worst) Hitchens (may he RIP) viewed as complete psychos for their insane political/social views
>r/atheism moved to the basement of bleddit because it was embarrassing euphoric garbage
>things like "Reason Rally" draw less than a Hitler impersonator at a bar mitvah
>atheist communities tear themselves apart over things like elevator gate (giving rise to New Atheism, and Atheism+, which are less successful than just regular Atheism)
>constant rape and sexual assault allegations at atheist conventions (even atheist leaders like Lawrence Krauss are accused...by other atheist leaders)
>"Happy Holidays" and "Holiday Trees" are a distant memory
>liberal atheists in Britain crushed by Brexit

And quite frankly all this bad stuff wasn't even needed. All it would have took was one euphoric quote and a couple of fedora pictures. Christianity is still kicking 2000 years later, and atheism is at it knees because of a jpeg of a fat guy in a fedora. Sad

Islam should be eradicated too, i don't discriminate when it comes to religion destruction, they all should go.

t. Ezra Goldberg

We are a Christian nation and terrorists can go fuck themselves.

The Prime Minister is the daughter of a vicar so religion is actually important to her and she isn't pandering.

the polling is largely misguided - and boasted of about the media, when it seems to reflect popularity with the readers/viewers...

I only see any "opinion polls" on newspaper websites, and they usually reflect views which are totally the opposite of the shit that gets headlines... the shit you posting...

Ever wonder why your country has been taken over by Muslims, Albert?

You're a fucking retard.

You think you know better than scientific opinion polls? If it was close you might have a point, but the Conservatives are on average 16 points ahead.

May has record high approval ratings, Corby has record low ones.

We are living in a one party state of extremely popular Conservative government.

You are out of touch

produce said jpeg xD

Also, Christians are meant to be persecuted, so any whiny atheist bullshit is natural fuel for Christianity.

Barring decapitations or burnings, being atheist is borderline pro christian, at least culturally.

don't know, it seems to be uneducated, dumb or old people for the most part that still believe in religion, there's some exceptions of course. I think a lot of people only want to believe something because they want something to hold onto beyond their life, they want someone to be looking over them, they like that idea, they like the idea they arn't dead for all eternity. I guess the only way people will give up religion all together is when people start accepting that life isn't forever, everyone has an expiration date and that's not a bad thing, it just is what it is, we die, our atoms are returned to the earth from where they came to be reused and the circle of life is complete. the notion that death is "bad" rather than just another part of life, seems to be the prevailing factor. life and death are one of the same.

Atheism as a movement got infested with social justice making discourse and discussion impossible. Atheism as a lack of a belief in god is constantly increasing because people aren't taught religion as much nor told to take it seriously.

it hasn't been taken over at all...

ffs we got a London mayor who follows muslim religion, and the internet goes "aar they are taking over".


You write like a 16 year old

Is this graph real? How is labour above 10%?

in the polls I saw and clicked vote on... labour is always ahead, and their ideas are always liked...

I haven't seen or even been prompted to take part in any poll, which would agree with the headlines which you post about.

Tribal voters and immigrants. Labour at this rate will be at about 20% by the time the election rolls by.

With FPTP you can expect a tory majority of 250 seats in a 600 seat parliament.

You are fucking joking right? You are like the stereotypical Corbyn retard.

>b-but in that twitter poll I voted on
Fuck off.

>So you posting about local elections is meaningless and off topic.

Got some bad news for you Rasheed...

>it's another THE TORIES THE TORIES THE TORIES episode

I'd like this nation to become more religious, weak willed people ARE controlled by religion but that is a good thing because it stops them leading into "degeneracy" which isnt good for a society.

I honestly dont think their would be this much of a problem with the millennial generation that has fucked/drank/drugged their youth away. Its funny because once the older end of the millennial generation reach their late 20s they are starting to panic because they realise its the 9-5 WITHOUT anything in their lives to show for it.

well there are 26 Bishops in the house of lords...

Not many scientists (0) but they do have a comity for science xD

Could that be why Atheism is not shown as a culture of the majority?

Seriously, I think my grandmother believes in god, but doesn't go to church even...

Nobody I know believes in this rubbish, so why do they bring religion into politics?

>someone says to love God
>all you can think about is how envious you are that they have more money than you

Wow, really made me think.


>people only want a conservative council member, when or while conservatives are in government

Fuck off, ever Labour council is a cesspool. Every notice how all the areas with muslim rape gangs are from Labour council areas.



Where do they take opinion polls which they run through your beloved algorithms then?

I understand the science behind polling, and its flaws.

If you only or largely ask people in city areas, to take part in or contribute to polls, then they give a biased view.

Seriously, have you ever taken part in a media driven opinion poll?

Polls get elections wrong over and again... and you think they have real meaning?

What does this have to do with them mixing religion and politics? The fact that the Labour leader is Atheist? Are you a god follower or something, I don't get why you are being a dick here?

Scientific organisations run opinion polls and have done so in the last 70 years by having extremely diverse sample sizes with allow for a MOE of at most 3%.

Unless of course, you are just an idiot and didn't know that.

there are no muslim gangs in my town bud xD

I accept secularism for the most part but Ireland has and always will be a christian country. I don't want to lose that. I hate the hypocrisy and stupidity of the left saying we must accept muslims when they will be the ones who will bring down our western civilisation.

>Why do people still mix religion with politics?
because the state should be representative of the people and heritage of a nation?

newspapers and media outlets run opinion polls and use those practices to try and give a reflective view of "public opinion" - which just happens to be the opinion of their readers/viewers - which does not reflect the whole or even near to majority of society.

Are you so dumb you can not see that fact?

And when the beliefs of the people change the state shouldn't represent and accept these changes also?

>t-the polls are rigged against my preferred candidate!! he is actually REALLY popular!

oh, to be 16 again.

>when the yanks ITT are better at being British than the British are
I'm beginning to see why you lot fucked off back in 1776.

Then the state should be representative of atheist views really, shouldn't it?

I am white, 35, from UK midlands, and out of all the people I have met, there are no "practicing" religious people these days - besides muslims and jewish folks... which is why so many people beat on them -

So to give a real representation of the people, they should cut out the religious crap of all kinds from politics.

Because if you believe in God it should be the controlling aspect of your life.

>I'm a Christian but it doesn't inform my political beliefs
>said no Christian ever

Did Mr T really give her some nuts?

to be fair bud, if Gover had become leader of the tories, they might have won me over, since he was the only one of them who can win a debate... but right now - labour would get my vote because corbyn is the only one likely to try to negotiate peace (without preaching religion this or god that)... while the first thing May does is warmonger and reprioritise the renewal of nuclear warheads, when they were not due on the table for decision for many months.

I believe he May have done...

but I was not calling to either side of a political debate in my question, which was, why do they mix religion with politics.

One guy seemed to get my point... it is not representative of the majority of people.

I am not Christian, or muslim, or jew... so I don't want to be labelled as any of them.

I live in hastings. Conservative with amber rudd in charge. I am naturally a thatcherite.
Rudd has done fuck all to clean up hastings. Summer months its a bustling tourist town and everything is sunny. The rest of the time its a docile unkept shithole with a disproportionate amount of crime. Unemployment and drugs are rife here.
Personally rudd should fick off because we need adolf fucking hitler. I actually would prefer sharia to this shit. Minus sand niggers of course. A white sharia

I support May and even though shes no Thatcher shes better than Cameron

Normally a British politician mixes god with politics just before declaring war. Then later they talk about there personal struggle they had between their religious belief and the decision to kill thousands of innocent human beings. They are just fucked in the head people as they is basically the qualification for an English MP

in the video that image came from, she basically promised to use UK political and military powers to protect Christian values around the world.

So she essentially used her "Easter message" to declare the UK as at war (with ISIS still at large hating christians). in the name of Christianity... that is not representative of my views.

She painted a target on my back which says Christian.

The BBC are on war narrative. It is going to happen soon unless certain countries back down. I expect at least something new by the end of the year. Big waste of money and war is slavery for everyone accept the elites. We all suffer for fuck all gain.


I know the media is pushing for wars, twisting words up and all that...

But really, if we are at war then I will go camping in Sweden or something until it is over xD

The war will be in Asian and Middle East. Apart from the very random chance you get run down by a truck UK will be a save haven. Just will cost you in the pocket.

Politics without religious morality is communism.

Why the fuck would you want to be governed by someone who believes there will be no judgement for them vs someone who believes they'll be eternally dammed for their greed and wrath.

You literally have a cross on your flag you dumb shit, it's your history and culture

is this platinum or whitegold?

it doesn't have the blueish thint of platinum so I guess just cheap 14k whitegold

lmao at her life

I would think communism (community-ism) would be seen as having more religious morality.

The political views of those who follow conservatism seems to generally be selfishness first!

corbyn too gave an easter message and spoke about people of "all religions and none"... and about Christian values being shown by people of all religions and none.

So are you saying that athiests do not have morals?

even if it is silver, it is worth more than most people's wages show

Did you just make that up. I would love you to prove that out. Communism came from philosophy and all philosophers eventually concede in higher beings existence even Nietzsche.

pro tip it's not massive but hallow

silver alone would weight around 4kg it it would be massive so there is no way its not hollow

>I would think communism (community-ism) would be seen as having more religious morality.
and that's because you're an idiot

so you are trying to say that...

You can have a good sense of what is right and what is wrong...
Having a sense of what is right and what is wrong, usually gets dubbed as "religious morality" by those wanting to promote some religion or another.

You do not have to follow a religion in order to share the same morality and principles as some religious group(s) do.

Semitism means to behave in a community sense, doesn't it? Correct me if this is wrong... but that would be a religious value, shared by communism.

>so you are trying to say that...

Communism is not sharing. Communism is not community, and communism is the opposite of religious morality.

In order to be generous you require something to give, ie property. Communism does not allow you to own property. Under communism you do not get to give, because what ever you have belongs to the state and is not yours, under threat of force. Hence the highest death toll of any ideology in history and the complete disregard for human rights. There is nothing generous or community based about stealing someone's property under threat of violence and claiming it as your own

Christianity gave rise to the idea that all people are equal under God, and therefore have rights that reflect. This is why the west developed into the most free societies and why people have more rights here than anywhere else in the world.

Communists do not give their citizens rights and their leaders have authority not granted to them by the citizens. They act as God's over the masses.

You sound like you get your ideas from fucking occupy Democrat pages, these are so rudimentary and retarded it amazes me there are still people who say these things.

you are talking about extremist use of communist ideas, as shown in use by dictatorship regimes'.

Pointing a finger at someone who may show some support for the ideas of the UK Labour party... Calling them communists and spouting religious stuff...

Did you have newspaper for breakfast?

I originally asked, why people mix religion with politics...

So since you are doing, maybe you can give a good answer to why people do it?

>Degenerates are what make Western civilization great.

Let me introduce you to the enlightenment, religiotard.

religion got us here trudeau eat shit

>Taking Marx's word for it.

Fuck off commie.

>herpy derpy doo

Doesn't even mean anything. Fuck off retard.

I already answered why people mix religion with politics. Because the system of politics we have in the west arose from our particular religion and is deeply routed in how our country is run.

Politics without religion is what spawned communism, and communism is objectively fucking horrible and has murdered more human beings than any other system in history.

That is the answer, whether you choose to stay in denial of it is up to you

The reason why atheism isn't cool anymore is because it goes against Islam

nice circle

Her father was a vicar so.

The JWO are going to be pissed that she fluffed her lines and said Jesus instead of Lucifer


She can fuck off as far as I'm concerned. You get my taxes, that's more than enough.

At least she's better than the previous three prime ministers.

I can't really comment on John Major because I was 7 at the end of his office.

Religion's like a time capsule, it's interesting from a historical point of view, but to try and bring it back and make it fit into the present is ridiculous.

Unless you want to divide people of course.............

We need to get a satanist elected. Constantly preaching about Lucifer. How wonderful.