Why do white people and NAIs kill themselves so much more than the other races?
Why do white people and NAIs kill themselves so much more than the other races?
Because in reality US is a soft socialist country. Sure, it says "federal republic" on the tin, but the people in it work in a different way.
Remember this picture? In reality, it makes a lot of sense. But when people begin take your crates just because of your race (no matter the economical status) , and a supposed "privilege"... really, does it make any sense?
suicide doesn't exist in nature or in human nature. it's always a sign of n-order effect murder. suicide as effect has been weaponized. I'm talking about grateful dead weapons from surveillance log cabin in the woods arsenal.
white people have this period where the brain is still developing and they are pretty vulnerable at about 13-25.
they're literally collapsing under the weight of their own privilege
Compared to Japanese, say? Whites have a tendency to introspection that can turn morbid. It's probably worse in East Asians and almost absent from Africans.
White people have way higher neuroticism. It's linked to intelligence and instrospective thought. Overall, we're far less mentally unstable.
If you're a nig nog whose only thought is ooga booga big asses and weed - you're not likely to be troubled.
If you're white and actually contemplate the nature of consciousness, reasons for being etc - pretty easy to go insane.
Asians are also high IQ, however their capacity for abstract thought and creativity is lower than ours - I can't prove that, but it's what history and I observe.
Holy shit lol, I just posted about introspection. Glad I'm not the only one that thought that.
meant to say LESS mentally stable.
White people are legit more crazy.
>Why do white people and NAIs kill themselves so much more than the other races?
We're surrounded by niggrs
whites tend to think more long-term towards the future and though this obviously has a shit ton of positives, the negative side is that sometimes the future might seem scary.
The graph is going to be skewed because of the difference in numbers. Plus maybe people who feel suicidal move back to their various countries as a last ditch attempt to stay alive. That graph needs to be sourced and data analysed before making any assumptions.
>japan is an expert on suicide
This actually checks out.
is this real?
so many whites dying from a mid-life crisis
Japanese have different views on suicide but statistics are always bollocks. In Japan if you use a train to kill yourself then your family has to pay the clean up costs. Not that the railway companies force that rule. Much better than London Underground where at least person is under a train each day. Not successful either.
A lot of the suicides in Japan are actually murder by poison. But police are reluctant to go that way unless they have a good chance of conviction. It is better for the police to say suicide than lower the crime resolution stats.
As the original post. Unless you see the real data the graphs are skewed for effect rather than fact.
because reservations are 3rd world shitholes
Source: live on rez; am indian
It's harder to kill yourself in prison.
Not true. Prison suicides are pretty regular in all countries. In Japan they force people to sleep face up with the light on to prevent suicide. As a result they also give them diazepam to help them sleep. Its fucked up.
desu my lowest points have always been due to introspection. If you can distract yourself or lack the ability for critical thought you have a much lesser chance to even bother with it. Wouldn't surprise me if that was the case because niggers are all about MUH DIK and spics are too busy partying generally being useless.
Suicide rates are a leading cause of death for 13-25s but rates increase to peak in middle age, then increase again for old men.
Might have to look for Europe race stats.
East asian stereotype is introspective so I'd expect it to be worse in them too but stats don't seem to show it.
Lower abstract thought/neuroticism could be why.
Do Japs actually have a high suicide culture compared to whites? Or is it that Jap suicides get attention for being dramatic samurai seppuku while whites suicide in boring ways?
As above I suspect some suicides are actually murders. I think because Japan does not have a christian background then the stigma of killing yourself is not in moral or case law. It become acceptable. However I think if you could compare country to country the rates would be similar because suicide is not about race or culture but about dealing with your daily life. Therefore anyone who lives in a the modern world has to put up with shit that might lead them to kill themselves.
As for method, Japanese are more likely to use a poison of some sort rather than a blade. There was a problem a few years ago where people would mix washing powder and shampoo together and create a toxic gas to kill themselves. Unfortunately that also meant the rest of the neighbourhood had to evacuate.
I do know of one suicide personally and she hanged herself. No one knew how bad she was feeling but she did have some historical difficulties at work. She asked her husband to join her in a double suicide but he refused which is pretty hard core for him. I remember feeling more sorry for the husband than the lady who killed herself because he basically had to take a long walk and come back to her dead body.
That's exactly what I said in I introspect way too much. It's important to find ways to lessen your inner monologue. Gym/running is very useful for that.
Also doesn't help that the smarter you are the higher you tend to set your goals. Meanwhile Jamal just wants to fuck bitches and get enough money to get wasted